The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Excessive Sweating
Hello, everyone. I'm here because I have hyperhidrosis and I would like an homeopathic remedy for it, for I heard it can be effective.
My hyperhidrosis:
- Hands, feet and if I'm very anxious/nervous for example if I have an awkward social interaction my lower legs also sweat. But my sweating doesn't get to the point that it drips.
- It's not hereditary afaik.
- It started around 12yo, I think.
- Barely sweat from other regions. On the head even doing exercise I don't sweat.
- Cold hands, feet unless it's 30º plus degrees Celsius.
- Hands and also nose and lips, get reddish/purple (without colour) in Winter.
- In the night, I get lots of blood circulation on my hands, generally. Like they get reddish. If I raise my arm they start losing it's redness, If I lower it again they get red again, so yeah, blood.
- In my house I don't sweat unless I get anxious/nervous for some reason. Outside I do, regardless most of the times.
- Humid climate is great for me. When it rains, I don't sweat unless I get anxious/nervous.
- About hot/cold temperatures, I don't know, if it's really cold, I don't sweat, but my hands are icy cold. In the summer, it's the opposite, warm hands, and I do sweat, but not as much as you would think. Medium temperatures cold hands, and also sweat like in the summer or even slightly more, not sure.
Other things worth mentioning:
- Runny nose in the morning, when I leave the house it stops.
- Light psoriasis (hereditary from my grandfather)
BFD88 on 2018-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Silicea 200C (or 30C) in evening for 15 days and report back.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
BFD88 6 years ago
Should arrive this week. I ordered Silicea 200C.
BFD88 6 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 15 days.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
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