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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

optic nerve damage

Sudden loss of vision occurred in left eye and after 3 months in the right eye when i got up in the morning one day. My BP is under control and i am diabetic. Both my optic nerves are damaged and now i can only see hand movements from a close range only. Can you please suggest some medicine for opening of the optic nerve that comes from the brain. Thanking You.
  Pinky3 on 2018-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following remedies;

Take Cichorium intybus in mother tincture, 10 - 20 drops in 500 ml mineral / spring water and sip all day. do this every day for at least 6 months.

Also take Phosphorus 30c and Hamamelis 30c, twice daily and report back any changes.

1 dose is 2 pills / drops for Phosphorus and Hamammelis.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-07-17 05:17:51]
Tui 6 years ago
Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will start it soon and get back to you soon. Thanks again.
Pinky3 6 years ago

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