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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation

I need help with pe .

Age 36 .

PE ( within 1,2 seconds ) I had it from the beginning

ED , I get erection very quickly . even thinking about a girl or touching a girl gives me erection , after few moments erection is lost and I have semi erection.

High blood pressure , diastolic is bit higher compared to systolic.

Digestion problems , I don't get enery from what I eat . I have to go for stool 3,4 times a day. It feels like incomplete evacuation and often I have to go again in 5 minutes.

Thinning of hairs and now whitening of hairs.

Lack of energy , even a little physical work of climbing few stairs is difficult . I breath heavily after physical work.


Stress , feeling depressed.

I have hepatitis b

I have tried many medicines , homeopathy , ayurvedic , Chinese but nothing has worked.

I don't smoke or drink.

Thyroid test came as normal.

Cholestrol level was high last year and then improved little bit.

I easily gain weight but it is difficult to lose weight.

BMI is higher , height is 5.8 and weight is 101 kg.
  speed123 on 2019-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words. ++ answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation history. B) headache if any. C) must select one option only, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) is it a reoccurring problem ?
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
I was late to puberty. And at that time these problems started .

Constipation : sometimes I have to go to toilet multiple times . Where only little amount is passed. Sometimes stool is pencil thin . Stool dissolves in water and sit in bottom in powder form. Sometimes it is in form of soft blobs floating on water. I don’t get energy from what I eat .

Most of the time I don’t have any headache.


Routine keeps changing , these problems are always there
speed123 6 years ago
Are you married ? How many children you have ? Do you have any gass problem ?

Kali.mur 30c .. 4 drops before sleep at night. In a separate disposable glass with some water in it. This is for 3-4 days only. No more no repeat.

Nat.mur 200c .. 4 drops 30 minutes after breakfast ((10-11am)) in a separate disposable glass with some water. One dose only. No more no repeat.

Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking the medicine. Don't use oven, contaminated water, broiler chicken, spicy, or junk food. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Premature ejaculation is really embarrassing health disorder in men. A simple way to last longer in bed is to just relax your muscles more. Normally you will find that your muscles get more and more tense as you approach orgasm. When you notice this happening just allow your muscles to relax again. By consciously relaxing your muscles you can delay orgasm by several minutes.
georgewhittington 6 years ago

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