The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bleeding piles
Doctor I am 20 year old female from uttar pradesh IndiaI am suffering from bleeding piles since 2 years I have taken homeopathic medicine
Peonia collinsonia aesculus and hamamelis....
It gives some relief but now it is not working...
Since last 4 days I am having extremely hard stool ...its as much hard as I used to pull stool from my hands...
And something sticky muscles like object is coming in stool fully coated with blood...
Please help me
Blood is coming regularity since years
Anjali4 on 2019-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Sulpher-30 6 pills morning
2. Nux vomica-30 6 pills evening
pl take above treatment for one week adn then give feedback
home helper
1. Sulpher-30 6 pills morning
2. Nux vomica-30 6 pills evening
pl take above treatment for one week adn then give feedback
home helper
♡ homeo_helper 6 years ago
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