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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

receding gums - please help

i am 18 years old. my periodontist said that i have acute recession of the gums on two of my teeth. she said that i needed to have painful and pricy surgery (gum implants) on both teeth. i do not want to have this surgery. i have been looking for alternative ways to regrow the gums and treat this problem. please help!
  Breathmints on 2006-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are advise to take Merc Sol 30C daily one dose for a month for gum repair.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Alongwith merc sol,take plenty of vitamins especially vitamin c.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Massage your gums with mustard oil at least once a day, preferably twice. It never fails.
kuldeep last decade
where do i get homeopathic products such as merc sol 30c? i have never seen such things in stores.
Breathmints last decade
what is the best place to get homeopathic supplements?
Breathmints last decade
Where do I get Merc Sol 30 and Mustard oil? how do I massage the mustard oil on my teeth? Any other remedies?
Breathmints last decade
Mustard oil is not much important but massage is. You can use extra virgin olive oil.

Anyway mustard oil is available on all Indian/Pakistani/chineese stores.
kuldeep last decade
ALWAYS question anyone who wants to charge you a lot of money!!

If you are in the UK try

Galen Homeopathics
Lewell mill .
West Stafford .
Dorset DT2 8AN.
Phone outside UK – 0044 1305 265759 or 263996
walkin last decade
Dip your finger in oil and massage your gums.
kuldeep last decade
In Usa and Canada..you will get homeopathic meds upto 30 C potency in health food stores. Sometimes they also stock 200 potency meds...however it is seldom.

You can also order meds on-line...better to order a full kit consisting of number of meds that come in handy. Normally homeopathic meds donot have an expiry date.

Musturd oil you will get in large stores (Like Canadian Super Store) at the East Indian/Asian/Oriental foods section.

Or find an East Indian food store in your town.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I have receding gums also, but what is bothering me right now is that I got a small blister on my gums after eating something hard.

The blister flares up if I eat something hard or something too warm.

Right now, it is just a little piece of loose flesh . How do I get rid of the little piece of loose flesh?
allergic last decade
I have receding gums on one tooth after I had a canker sore first. My dentist told me that it's a virus like cold sores are. Unfortunately I found the perfect remedy too late. It's licorice root! It also helps to regrow (gum) tissue. I put the licorice root tonic on a cotton ball and keep it in my mouth as long and as often as possible. It has helped me in 1-2 day!!! I hope you like licorice...
Violet_flame last decade
Hello violet

Can you please write down the brand name of the company who makes the licorice root tonic. I would like to get it myself.

Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in sharing this very valuable info with us.
allergic last decade
Also read the last two pages of:

kuldeep last decade
I bought my licorice root fluid extract online from Nature's Answers. But you can buy it at any vitamin or health supplement store without the shipping cost! I didn't think it was so easy to find...
Violet_flame last decade
You can but the root from any East Indian store. It is called Mulathi and is an enexpensive.
kuldeep last decade
Sorry, you can buy the root from East Indian stores. Called Mulathi.
kuldeep last decade
I haven't gotton around to buying the licorice root yet.

For now I'm trying the mustard oil which I purchased at an Indian store.

Previously, I had tried olive oil and it is awful because it is so thick, but the mustard oil is much thinner and more pleasant to handle. But I suggest you put it in a small plastic bottle with a spout. otherwise, it is messy too handle.

Now with the blister recovering I am able to massage my entire gums unlike earlier where I hurt the blister by putting the slightest amount of pressure on it.
Pat2006 last decade
Deficiency of vitamin C causes gum inflammation and bleeding. Foods rich in vitamin C are dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, bell peppers, berries, tomatoes, sprouts, and citrus fruits.
shashank1235 6 years ago
You can also use clov oil as it numbs the soft tissue, and this is why it is used for toothache relief. The oil is also used to maintain oral hygiene. It is a potent antibacterial, and the effect is long-lasting. Add five drops of clove oil in a cup of water and use it as a mouthwash.
shashank1235 6 years ago

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