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Ignatia Amara: Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Ignatia and Nux Vomica

Hi, please can anyone tell me if I have given Nux and need to give Ignatia what can I give in betweeen since they are inimical? Thank you so much
  Luckyleo1 on 2020-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Not sure about your question... You took nux and you want to take Ignatia as well? Why you want to take Ignatia if nux worked or nux didn't work so you want to take Ignatia but since they are inimical, you think you need to take another remedy before taking ignatia???
If that's the case, take a dose of Camphor 30 or 200c, then take ignatia next day.
Tui 5 years ago
Thanks. Yes, that's the case that the Nux didn't work. No idea why I din't think of Camphor. Thanks for your response.
Luckyleo1 5 years ago
I thank you Tui for your quuick response and the Camphor suggestion. My problem is that where I am I couldn't find Camphor. I was giving Nux for a stopped nose but then realize that his problem is more emotional. This is why I thought for what I read that Ignatia could be a good choice. I have not given Nux for 2 days. If I give something like Pulsatilla, do you think that I could give Igantia afterwards. I thank you in advance for your response.
Luckyleo1 5 years ago
I don't know the whole case so it's difficult to tell you what to do but you need to know what you are trying to treat in the case.
Stuffed nose? Emotional problems? or do you see a clear connection between physical problems and mental-emotional state?
If you don't know what to give, you need to re-evaluate the case and if you are treating other people, you always ask what they want.
Like this case, you think he has emotional problems, but he may just want you to treat his stuffed nose so you give him what he wants, not what you think it's good for him.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-01-16 04:14:26]
Tui 5 years ago
I understand your point. But this is a cat. He has a virus (feline herpes virus) that can't be cured. I have always treat him with homeopathic remedies according to his symptoms. The problem is that we moved and he had a flare up. He had a stuffed nose and also was vomiting. I had him evaluated more than once and it does not seem to be a physical problem (other then the one he already has). This is why I thought of Ignatia because the stress is the most common trigger and moving is very stressing for a cat. But you are absolutely right. Maybe I should have given the whole picture from the beginning.I just didn't because I thought people could get bored with the whole story.
I thank you again for your kindness and your time and if you feel like you can and want to help me I will be more than happy to listen to what you have to say.
[Edited by Luckyleo1 on 2020-01-16 04:45:04]
Luckyleo1 5 years ago
Luckyleo1 said I understand your point. But this is a cat. He has a virus (feline herpes virus) that can't be cured. I have always treated him with homeopathic remedies according to his symptoms. The problem is that we moved and he had a bad flare up. He had a stuffed nose and also was vomiting. I had him evaluated more than once and it does not seem to be a physical problem (other then the one he already has). This is why I thought of Ignatia because the stress is the most common trigger and moving is very stressing for a cat. But you are absolutely right. Maybe I should have given the whole picture from the beginning.I just didn't because I thought people could get bored with the whole story.
I thank you again for your kindness and your time and if you feel like you can and want to help me I will be more than happy to listen to what you have to say.
Luckyleo1 5 years ago
Ok, so it's about your cat. I do treat animals daily and they respond to homeopathic remedies really well and I have been listening to people’s stories for 20+ years but never bored me.

If you feel he needs Ignatia, you can give him every 3 - 4 hours up to 4 doses a day and see how it goes. I wouldn't worry so much about ’inimical’ as nux didn't work.
You can also try Rescue remedy, a few drops with a little water or put a few drops in his water bowl. Repeat every 10 - 15 minutes if the stress is severe otherwise, just let him drink when he wants it.
All the best.
Tui 5 years ago
Thanks so much for your kind response. I will do exactly as you say. And I will let you know how it goes. I thank you again for your kindness and time.
Luckyleo1 5 years ago

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