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Desperate for antidepressant/ anxiety remedy plse!!!

I'm Yvonne.
Okay my life, strict upbringing,
Bullied, physically,metally and emotionally from primary school until I'll health retired ages 33, extreme depression,anxious nature. Horrible experiences etc.
Anxiety attacks. IBS and severe depression off meds.
Tried every SSRIs and most SNRIs as well as atypical and off label antidepressants.
Been on citalopram 24 yrs which with coming on and off, trying to find a med without severe sedation and weight gain, have ended up with brachycardia side effect. Doc ran out of plans, referred me to psychiatrist..
Knowing i have trouble with weight and palpatations when something disagrees with me, was prescribed Quetiapine.
So far on small amount. Very sedating pulse rising and gaining weight. All well know side effects.
Have dabbled in homeopathy before with Rhodiola rosea.
Was looking at, if my last resort doesn't work. Arcumium metallicum, which I was getting excited about until I've just read a post where someone was experiencing pulse issues.
Please advise.
A homeopath is very expensive and I'm at my wit's end.
Please please advise.
Thank you.
  yvonnea178 on 2020-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arcumium metallicum? Do you mean Aurum metallicum?
Aurum metallicum is a great remedy for acute suicidal depression. And people experience different things while they are taking homeopathic remedy so whatever you read, it's specific to the person’s experience. It doesn't meant that you will also end up with having the same issue. It all depends on your health history and many other factors.

If you can tell more about what you are experiencing and about your depression, I can suggest a remedy for you.
Tui 5 years ago
Yes sorry. That is the one I meant. I worried that if I went back off the post to double check the name that I might have lost everything I have written.
Currently while on Quetiapine I am very low mood. Crying at times, insomnia at night but sleeping during the day.
I typically self torture at night over past mistakes.
I have severe irritable bowel system where I get stomach cramps and diahorrea after every food.
I am experiencing severe mood swings. Especially between sadness and irritability.
I have not begun anxiety attacks again for now but these present in a sinking feeling, a feeling of suffocation, lack of ability to breathe, cold and shivering, then panic.
My pulse is going between normal and roughly 110bpm.
Citalopram has controlled all of this to a good extent over the years, however the highest dose meant I slept years of my life away and gained much weight.
Thank you
yvonnea178 5 years ago
I just need to ask you a few more questions.

Have you checked your thyroid? One of the common side effects of Quetiapine is;
increases the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone = Hypothyroidism = weight gain and fatigue, insomnia, etc....

And how your periods? Is it regular and no pain?

And how did it all start ( depression )? Was there any significant event or trauma that you remembered?

Self-torture at night? What did you exactly do to yourself?

Do you have suicidal thoughts or have you ever attempted suicide?
Tui 5 years ago
My thyroid was checked a few weeks ago during a hospital visit with palpatations.

My periods are regular but always heavy and extremely painful. Clot filled.

Can't be sure when my depression actually really started. Dad was quite strict my whole life. Failure wasn't an option. Bullied age 8 until ill health retired 33. Walked over by everyone.
I started having severe IBS and tachycardia age about 18. Put on Antidepressants.
Was told was fat age 11 when was actually very slim then was anorexic from 11 until 18!and a half.
Suffered severe oesophagitis. reflux.
On Esomeprazole.

Found my religion after a bad experience in life concerning bullying at work.
Without it, and my physical family. Yes suicide would be a consideration.
Anxiety attacks when present are terrifying.

Need help. Pleasr
Thank you
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Start with Pulsatilla 6c three times daily for up to 8 weeks, but please update every 3-4 weeks.
1 dose is 2 pills.

You need to report back if/when;
- you started to have a new symptom that you have never had before or
- you started to have aggravations ( usually the chief complaint )
- or any other changes in both physical and mental-emotional

Also, you will probably need another remedy or change the potency or frequency of pulsatilla if 6c does not suite you.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you.
Much appreciated.
This is ok and safe with Quetiapine and diazepam?
yvonnea178 5 years ago
How many grams of 6c please?
Won't let me ship it to UK from here.
The other sites have 6c but want to know 7 grams? Etc
Please advise.
Thank you so much.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
It's ok to take it while you are on meds.

And if you live in the UK, you can order it from Helios UK or Ainsworth.
8 grams would be enough.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you.
Much appreciated x
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Thank you so much.
Can I ask your name please?
Appreciate your help and advice.
I know you've helped so much in advance.
Can I ask what you would prescribe in addition to the remedy you have prescribed already if I was to stop my Quetiapine please?
Don't think I'm going to stay on it. Putting on weight and sleeping non stop.
Really need settled into a proper routine and reasonable degree of health before visit parents in law in 6 months.
Thank you
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Do you think there are homeopathic remedies that could control my anxiety, depression and IBS and reflux as well as pharmaceutical medication did for many years please?
I really need fixed to a point.
I am getting close to giving up on Quetiapine.
I am already a size 20. My junior psychiatrist knows weight is an issues as is self esteem, low elf worth etc, and chose to put me on a medication known to cause significant weight gain.
I am close to giving up!!!

Thanks for your continued support.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
I have a few unopened containers of Rhodiola root. Would it be beneficial with the prescription I have already ordered?
They were purchased from a company called Piping rock.
yvonnea178 5 years ago

The self torture at night is replaying events in my head like a record player, over and over again. That I should've handled differently, not gotten myself into or the way I stupidly allowed people to treat me.

The aurum metallicum. I wasn't disagreeing with its benefits, it is just when tachycardia or palpatations are side effects of anything. I commonly get them.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
This made me cry.
What do you think??

Cimicifuga: Cimicifuga for depression

by Deborah Frances, ND

Medical Herbalism 7(1-2):1,10-11

A few years ago while doing some research for a homeopathic case, I came across the following symptoms for Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh) in Beoricke’s Materia Medica: “Sensation of a cloud enveloping her. Great depression, with dream of impending evil.”

I began to wonder, could this be another medicine to add to our herbal pharmacy for the treatment of depression? Many of its other homeopathic indications parallel its herbal use in pelvic disease and musculoskeletal spasm. Perhaps it could be used in crude doses for depression as well. Another homeopath, Phatek, writes this about Cimicifuga: “Melancholy,...irritable...gloomy. Indifferent. Despondent, seems to feel under a heavy black cloud...sits and mopes in great sadness.”

Herbalist and homeopath Matthew Wood writes in his book Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers, “Black cohosh is a remedy for those who are caught in a state of brooding, dark hopelessness.” “The mental state is one of the darkest found in any remedy.” “The dark mood of Cimicifuga is usually worse before the period.” “Stimes the Black Cohosh patient has been through so much, has seen such a dark side of life so dearly, that he or she will not speak freely...not thinking anyone will believe how devastating is the extent of abuse they have been subjected to
yvonnea178 5 years ago
I was between pulsatilla and cimicifuga but I chose pulsatilla because it seems to cover many of your symptoms. And they are from the same plant family, called Ranunculaceae, so they share many similar symptoms.

If you feel cimicifuga might be a better match, you can try that first. People who need
Cimicifuga is just very irritable, and nothing cheerful about them.

And I understand that you want to get well as soon as possible but it will take many months or years to restore your health because you have been depressed for many many years and you are also taking the medications so it will take a long time to restore your health.
Even just getting off from all the medications would be difficult and you will need a a lot of support.
Tui 5 years ago
In addition to the remedy (pulsatilla or cimicifuga), you can start taking. Avena sativa tincture which has a calming effect. Take 10 - 20 drops three times daily.

If you want to start with cimicifuga you can start from 6 c, take it 3 times daily.
Tui 5 years ago
Aurum metallicum is really a good remedy for depression. You may take 200c, one dose every 3 days.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you.
I have already ordered the pulsatilla though.
The Avena sativa tincture and Aurum metallicum, along with the pulsatilla. I can take all of these supplements at the same time?

I am coming off my Quetiapine. I have decided. It is making me eat and sleep far too much. I am already heavy enough!

I will then only be on Esomeprazole, diazepam if required and Mebeverine hydrochloride ( which I'm meant to take for my Irritable bowel syndrome), however only the antidepressants seem to remedy that.

Will these products help my anxiety, depression and IBS please?

They may disagree with me if known to have cardio side effects. Otherwise I'm hoping they will be fine.

How quickly will I feel a difference please? I won't cope if my anxiety attacks flare up.

Please advise.
Thank you.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
The homeopathic shop I am using is asking for a potency of the Avena Sativa tincture please?
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Hi are these ok?
yvonnea178 5 years ago
The shop is asking how many gram pillules of the aurum metallicum please and the potency of the Avena sativa tincture?
Thank you
yvonnea178 5 years ago
I can't thank you enough for your help. I'm really at the end of my rope here.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Avena sativa mother tincture not in the potency form.
Tui 5 years ago
Aurum metallicum 200c, 4 or 5 grams would be enough.
Tui 5 years ago
Also if you get a panic attack, take Aconite 1 M and Adrenaline 1 M, as needed.

That's all the remedies I want to suggest to you for now.

And no one will know exactly how long will it take you to get better but just think about how long you have been suffering from depression and the number of meds you have taken. It's natural to think that will take some months.

You may not feel anything until you are totally off from all the meds, but please work with your doctors, if you decided to stop the medications.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-01-19 22:00:48]
Tui 5 years ago

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