The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Desperate for antidepressant/ anxiety remedy plse!!! Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also if you get a panic attack, take Aconite 1 M and Adrenaline 1 M, as needed.
That's all the remedies I want to suggest to you for now.
And no one will know exactly how long will it take you to get better but just think about how long you have been suffering from depression and the number of meds you have taken. It's natural to think that will take some months.
You may not feel anything until you are totally off from all the meds, but please work with your doctors, if you decided to stop the medications.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-01-19 22:00:48]
That's all the remedies I want to suggest to you for now.
And no one will know exactly how long will it take you to get better but just think about how long you have been suffering from depression and the number of meds you have taken. It's natural to think that will take some months.
You may not feel anything until you are totally off from all the meds, but please work with your doctors, if you decided to stop the medications.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-01-19 22:00:48]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
It's asking for a potency for the Arena sativa.
Ok so I've to order
Pulsatilla 6c 3 x daily.
Arena Sativa 10-20 drops 3x a day ( sold as 22 percent alcohol. Potency 3x? ).
Aurum metallicum - 7 gram pillules, 200c once every 3 days.
Aconite 7 gram pillules 1m as required
Adrenaline drops 1m as required ( 22 percent alcohol).
Is this ok?
It's from in Edinburgh Scotland.
Thank you
It's asking for a potency for the Arena sativa.
Ok so I've to order
Pulsatilla 6c 3 x daily.
Arena Sativa 10-20 drops 3x a day ( sold as 22 percent alcohol. Potency 3x? ).
Aurum metallicum - 7 gram pillules, 200c once every 3 days.
Aconite 7 gram pillules 1m as required
Adrenaline drops 1m as required ( 22 percent alcohol).
Is this ok?
It's from in Edinburgh Scotland.
Thank you
yvonnea178 5 years ago
Are these ok with my Esomeprazole and diazepam ?
I will not be stopping those immediately.
I will be stopping all other meds apart from cocodamol now and again and ibuprofen and paracetamol during my periods though.
I will not be stopping those immediately.
I will be stopping all other meds apart from cocodamol now and again and ibuprofen and paracetamol during my periods though.
yvonnea178 5 years ago
I'm suggesting Avena sativa in mother tincture form. Please ask the pharmacy for ”mother tincture”. They would know what you want.
And you can take the remedies either in pill form or liquid form And just follow the label of the bottle for dosage.
Homeopathic remedies are generally safe while you are taking medications.
And you can take the remedies either in pill form or liquid form And just follow the label of the bottle for dosage.
Homeopathic remedies are generally safe while you are taking medications.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
I am not a position to tell you which medications you should stop or continue.
This, you have to work with your doctors.
And please read a post in the very beginning of the forum page; Introduction to Homeopathic Medicines” written by the moderator if you haven't read it yet. And please be aware this is just a forum where we give advice but not a clinic.
This, you have to work with your doctors.
And please read a post in the very beginning of the forum page; Introduction to Homeopathic Medicines” written by the moderator if you haven't read it yet. And please be aware this is just a forum where we give advice but not a clinic.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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