The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Menopause - Menorrhagia
I am a 50 year old female. One year ago I began to have heavy menstrual bleeding (having to get up several times in the night to change my pad). I do not have any pain or discomfort. The blood is bright red with some clotting. The only other "menopausal" symptom I am experiencing is at the same time the heavy periods started, my breasts grew a cup size.Prior to this my periods were light to moderate bleeding, never at night, and lasted for four days only. I have never had dissicult periods. Currently my periods last 5-6 days with several days of very heavy bleeding.
This has now become a bigger issue, because I have anemia from my periods. I am taking iron supplements.
Can you please recommend a remedy that will help to normalize my blood flow? Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 on 2020-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Trillium 30c and Arnica 6c every 3.-4 hours when the period is very heavy.
And Ammonium carbonicum 200c one dose every 10 days.
1 dose is 2 pills.
I also recommend Ferrum phos 6x three times daily instead of taking iron supplement.
Report back if you started to feel any changes. You may need to adjust dosage and potency if the above suggestion does not suites you.
And Ammonium carbonicum 200c one dose every 10 days.
1 dose is 2 pills.
I also recommend Ferrum phos 6x three times daily instead of taking iron supplement.
Report back if you started to feel any changes. You may need to adjust dosage and potency if the above suggestion does not suites you.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Thank you so much for your recommendation. I ordered Trillium and Ammonium, so they won't be here for the remainder of this cycle.
My understanding is that I take Ammonium Carb 200c every 10 days, so I can start taking as soon as I receive it?
With regard to Trillium, do I wait until my next period starts to take it?
I can take the Arnica 6c now, without the Trillium?
I have been taking Arnica 3x and Sabina 6c together for the past two months with no change in the heavy bleeding.
Thank you again.
My understanding is that I take Ammonium Carb 200c every 10 days, so I can start taking as soon as I receive it?
With regard to Trillium, do I wait until my next period starts to take it?
I can take the Arnica 6c now, without the Trillium?
I have been taking Arnica 3x and Sabina 6c together for the past two months with no change in the heavy bleeding.
Thank you again.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Yes, you start with ammonium carb when you receive it.
And take Arnica and Trillium only during a period. I suggested that you take every 3-4 hours but You may need to take it more frequently if it gets very very heavy.
And take Arnica and Trillium only during a period. I suggested that you take every 3-4 hours but You may need to take it more frequently if it gets very very heavy.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
I will take the remedies as instructed and report back during my cycle next month.
Thank you kindly for your help and assistance.
Thank you kindly for your help and assistance.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
I have received the Ammonium Carb 200c and have started it. I will report back when I start my period.
In the meantime, I am having another issue I would like help with. Please let me know if this is appropriate, or if I should start a new thread.
I had an aggravation to Phosphorus 30c which has caused a cough. This happened 10 years ago when I was prescribed Phosphorus 30c - one dose only - by a homeopath. I got a cough that lasted for six weeks, until it went away. Then sixteen months ago a homeopath prescribed Phosphorus 30c for me 2x a day. When I started coughing on day 2, he said to keep taking the Phosphorus 30c so I could clear the cough. My cough got worse and worse and I stopped the remedy after 10 days. The cough has never gone away.
The cough is a dry cough. The biggest issue with the cough is that as soon as I lay flat, I start coughing. I have to sleep sitting up. So, as soon as I go to bed, or anytime I lay flat, I cough. I also have a coughing fit first thing in the morning and I get a very little bit of mucus in the morning. Cough drops help. Sitting up and leaning forward helps. Singing and much talking will make me cough too.
Any help with recommending a remedy to heal this cough would be so very much appreciated. Thank you kindly.
In the meantime, I am having another issue I would like help with. Please let me know if this is appropriate, or if I should start a new thread.
I had an aggravation to Phosphorus 30c which has caused a cough. This happened 10 years ago when I was prescribed Phosphorus 30c - one dose only - by a homeopath. I got a cough that lasted for six weeks, until it went away. Then sixteen months ago a homeopath prescribed Phosphorus 30c for me 2x a day. When I started coughing on day 2, he said to keep taking the Phosphorus 30c so I could clear the cough. My cough got worse and worse and I stopped the remedy after 10 days. The cough has never gone away.
The cough is a dry cough. The biggest issue with the cough is that as soon as I lay flat, I start coughing. I have to sleep sitting up. So, as soon as I go to bed, or anytime I lay flat, I cough. I also have a coughing fit first thing in the morning and I get a very little bit of mucus in the morning. Cough drops help. Sitting up and leaning forward helps. Singing and much talking will make me cough too.
Any help with recommending a remedy to heal this cough would be so very much appreciated. Thank you kindly.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Please stop taking Ammonium carb for now, and take Nux vomica 200c one dose a day for up to 3 days and report back if anything changes.
And you need to stop taking any remedies if you started to get any kinds of aggravations. It's unwise ( Not you, the homeopath) to continue with a remedy while going through aggravations.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-16 23:18:25]
And you need to stop taking any remedies if you started to get any kinds of aggravations. It's unwise ( Not you, the homeopath) to continue with a remedy while going through aggravations.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-16 23:18:25]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Just for clarification, the Nux Vomica is for the cough? Will we go back to Ammonium for the heavy periods...?
Thank you. And yes, I have learned my lesson to listen to my body and its symptoms above all else, even if it is a medical professional telling me to keep going despite a symptom.
Thank you. And yes, I have learned my lesson to listen to my body and its symptoms above all else, even if it is a medical professional telling me to keep going despite a symptom.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Yes, Nux-v for the cough, also for aggravation from taking Phosphorus.
And you will go back taking Ammonium carb later, but for now just take nux v and see how it goes.
Taking one dose a day up to 3 days as a test dose so you may need to continue with Nux for a while or change potency based on how you will respond to the remedy.
And you will go back taking Ammonium carb later, but for now just take nux v and see how it goes.
Taking one dose a day up to 3 days as a test dose so you may need to continue with Nux for a while or change potency based on how you will respond to the remedy.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
I have taken Nux Vomica 200c, one dose, for three days in a row. Yesterday was my third dose. So far, I have not noticed a change in my cough symptom, but my bowels are moving better.
I can be sensitive to the 200 potency, but I am doing okay so far. I have self-prescribed Nux 30c in the past for myself when I feel overwhelmed in a very frustrated way and I have done very well with it.
Suggestions on how to proceed? Thank you kindly.
I can be sensitive to the 200 potency, but I am doing okay so far. I have self-prescribed Nux 30c in the past for myself when I feel overwhelmed in a very frustrated way and I have done very well with it.
Suggestions on how to proceed? Thank you kindly.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Please stop Nux -v and Wait for a day or two, then start with Arsenicum album 30c, once a day for 3 days and report back in a week.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
I waited a couple of days after the Nux Vomica and was going to start the Arsenicum, but I started my period, so I took the Trillium/Arnica 4x a day yesterday and twice already today, but my period is not lightening up...I had to get up twice to change my pad in the nighttime...
Should I continue with the Trillium/Arnica...? I am not sure how fast I am supposed to see results.
Thank you kindly.
Should I continue with the Trillium/Arnica...? I am not sure how fast I am supposed to see results.
Thank you kindly.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Yes, continue with arnica & trillium every 3 hours.
And ammonium carb 200c one dose every 10 days so you can take a dose now if you haven't started it yet.
And ammonium carb 200c one dose every 10 days so you can take a dose now if you haven't started it yet.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
I have tried the Arsenicum for two days only. I didn't take it on the third day because I feel so icky. I am very queasy in my tummy, feel drugged-tired and sick, have acid, and generally feel unwell. I assume Arsenicum was for the cough? I haven't noticed a difference in cough.
Thank you.
Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
No cold or flu...definitely an aggravation to Arsenicum. Still very acid, even since stopping. Acid/heartburn is not something I have. Also extremely thirsty and very dry mouth/lips...all since taking Arsenicum. Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 5 years ago
Please stop the remedy and wait and watch and let me know if the symptoms persist for more than a few weeks.
♡ Tui 4 years ago
My symptoms from the Arsenicum aggravation have subsided. I am still overly hungry, which came from the acid, but other than that no symptoms. Is there another remedy for cough? Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 4 years ago
♡ Tui 4 years ago
Thank you. My local store is out of Pulsatilla, so I have ordered it. I will report back after receiving and taking for three days.
magicandmiracles1 4 years ago
Also, since taking the last dose of Amm Carb 200c, I have lost my sexual drive, my vagina area has become extremely dry, and I have started having hot flushes throughout the the point of feeling like I am going to faint if I don't get air. I did not have any of these symptoms prior to two weeks ago. Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 4 years ago
I hope you are well and safe.
I want to report an update. I have taken Pulsatilla 30c three times and it has been a few days since the last dose. Cough is very slightly less and no adverse reactions.
With regard to heavy periods. Most of my symptoms since Amm Carb have subsided, but I still have little sexual desire and my hair has started to fall out. My period should begin in the next 48 there anything to take should it continue to be heavy?
Thank you for your help.
I want to report an update. I have taken Pulsatilla 30c three times and it has been a few days since the last dose. Cough is very slightly less and no adverse reactions.
With regard to heavy periods. Most of my symptoms since Amm Carb have subsided, but I still have little sexual desire and my hair has started to fall out. My period should begin in the next 48 there anything to take should it continue to be heavy?
Thank you for your help.
magicandmiracles1 4 years ago
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