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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I went into menopause about 6 months ago. I have started having hot flashes when the rainy season started, which are preventing me from getting much sleep. Humidity affects me negatively, but once the rains stopped, the hot flashes have continued. They happen all day, but mostly in the evening and night. They seem to radiate from the core, anything covered gets hot and sweaty, and my hands and feet are burning hot to where I need to wash them in cold water sometimes. I have to throw the blankets off, and keep the fan on me. After a few minutes, I am cold and have to get the blankets back on. I go back and forth....hot and cold. They start any time it gets stuffy or when I wake up even the slightest to turn over or something. Ice cold drinks and a cool breeze from the fan is the only thing that makes it better. Hot food, drinks, or getting warm makes it worse. Also I have gained 40 pounds during this last 6 months in spite of the same healthy diet. Plant based, gluten free, low fat, no processed foods at all, no caffeine/tea/coffee/ sodas. I have been craving sweets, but I just eat some fresh or dried fruit. I have been under more stress due to being overworked and little sleep, but my work load has decreased the last few weeks. Yet the menopause symptoms are not decreasing. I have tried Lachesis 6C and Sepia 30C. Neither have helped. Any other suggestions?
  CChari on 2024-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.




Dose five (5) drops/pellets , early morning empty stomach

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 5 months ago
The Sulphur 200 starting on day 4 is just once per day?
CChari 5 months ago
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
I have completed 7days. I noticed an improvement in the hot flashes. By Day6, they only happened when I woke up, but they were much milder. I actually got to sleep! I stopped gulping down the ice cold water, and my appetite decreased a little. The sweets craving also disappeared. My feet still get really hot and really cold at night, but it was manageable with the fan. However the 6th night I seemed to have an agravation. I had many hot flashes all night and didnt sleep well. They were not as intense as they were before, but more in number. During the 7th day, I had many hot flashes throughout the day...more in number, but not as strong as the beginning. The 7th night was slightly better than 6th night. Also, this is the first week in months that I did not gain 2-3 pounds. I didnt lose any, but I didnt gain.
CChari 5 months ago
Have only SIL and KP.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
It has been 4 days. The first two days were basically back to square one. But starting the 2nd night, things eased. After the 4 days of the two cell salts, I would say the hot flashes are 80% better. They are not as intense, and the heat is not radiating all over. There is mild heat, and the sweating is less. They mostly happen in evenings or when I wake up. The fan breeze makes it better. Feet and hands are warm, but not as hot. My appetite has decreased by half. I still only want ice cold water to drink, but not as often. I am sleeping better. Also, I am falling asleep at 6:30pm for about an hour nap. (Not sure if that relates to the problem or not, but I thought I would mention just in case.)
CChari 4 months ago
Have Sulphur again for three days empty stomach for three days.Cell salts to continue.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
It has been 7 days. There has been no other changes during that 7 days. Not better, not worse.
CChari 4 months ago
Single dose of Lachesis 200 and a feedback after 4 days.Stop Sulphur.Cell Salts to continue.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
The hot flashes were 80% better, but after taking Lachesis, it dropped back to 0% better. We are back to them being as bad or worse. They are random throughout day and night with no apparent trigger that I can discern. They dont radiate heat, just a slow burn. Only my face and chest get sweaty. Cool breeze still makes it better. However, new symptoms popped up after taking Lachesis within a few mins to hours and have persisted the 4 days.

1. All of my joints are stiff and achey. They are better with movement, but even 5 mins of sitting makes them stiff again.

2. Dry eyes and soreness that feels like eye strain, even after sleeping the soreness is there. Blurred vision. There is a headache behind my eyes. Very little sleep.

3. Sinuses are blocked at times and then just really dry the rest of the time.

4. Craving salty snacks and craving cold fruit juices. Hungry at 11am and 10pm.

5. My feet are burning hot at night. I have to keep the fan on my feet all night. No sweat, just a lot of heat. Cold breeze makes it better.
CChari 4 months ago
Restart Sulphur and give a feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago

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