The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss and Hair Falling Issue. Dr Maheeru Only
Hi,Can you help me cure the problem of hair falling handfull daily.
Please need your kind help.
ahmedtahir on 2020-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may have to wait for days to get my response. If that's Ok you can post your case in detail.
You may expand upon these questions for example.
1) What are your complaints.
2) List out locations for each complaint
3) Write down sensations associated with complaints.
4) Write down worsening and bettering factors of these complaints.
5) Any associated symptoms with these complaints.
6) Other details relevant to these complaints.
7) Details about your emotional state, personality, and any other relevant details.
You may expand upon these questions for example.
1) What are your complaints.
2) List out locations for each complaint
3) Write down sensations associated with complaints.
4) Write down worsening and bettering factors of these complaints.
5) Any associated symptoms with these complaints.
6) Other details relevant to these complaints.
7) Details about your emotional state, personality, and any other relevant details.
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
You may have to wait for days to get my response. If that's Ok you can post your case in detail.
You may expand upon these questions for example.
1) What are your complaints. My main complaint is hair loss and dandruff in head hair and facial hair like beard and moustaches. Hair fall is massive that 45% hair have thinned out
2) List out locations for each complaint. Head and Face Only
3) Write down sensations associated with complaints. Itching dryness and bald patches in hair
4) Write down worsening and bettering factors of these complaints. Worsens with hot drinks, tensions and weather change
5) Any associated symptoms with these complaints. Nothing
6) Other details relevant to these complaints. Nothing
7) Details about your emotional state, personality, and any other relevant details.
I am aggressive and lose tempered and can get angered quickly
Always wants to do things in a rush
When I do something I want to finish it before ending my day
I am overweight and my eyes are always sleepy
You may expand upon these questions for example.
1) What are your complaints. My main complaint is hair loss and dandruff in head hair and facial hair like beard and moustaches. Hair fall is massive that 45% hair have thinned out
2) List out locations for each complaint. Head and Face Only
3) Write down sensations associated with complaints. Itching dryness and bald patches in hair
4) Write down worsening and bettering factors of these complaints. Worsens with hot drinks, tensions and weather change
5) Any associated symptoms with these complaints. Nothing
6) Other details relevant to these complaints. Nothing
7) Details about your emotional state, personality, and any other relevant details.
I am aggressive and lose tempered and can get angered quickly
Always wants to do things in a rush
When I do something I want to finish it before ending my day
I am overweight and my eyes are always sleepy
ahmedtahir 4 years ago
Please edit the thread to leave out the dr title.
Now coming to the details you could try taking Phosphorus remedy in 30c. Dosage will be one pill/drop early in the morning in empty stomach ---doses would be separated by four to five days gap. Unless there is remarkable worsening or improvement, you can continue to take the doses till 8-10 doses or if you notice a little bit change positively, you can continue as long as you notice such change. You can post changes after watching over a couple of weeks.
Please edit the thread to leave out the dr title.
Now coming to the details you could try taking Phosphorus remedy in 30c. Dosage will be one pill/drop early in the morning in empty stomach ---doses would be separated by four to five days gap. Unless there is remarkable worsening or improvement, you can continue to take the doses till 8-10 doses or if you notice a little bit change positively, you can continue as long as you notice such change. You can post changes after watching over a couple of weeks.
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
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