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Adenoids in 8 year old active girl causing snoring and sleep issues
Problem: Snores when sleeping, sleeps with mouth open and moves a lot, mainly back sleeper, ENT said adenoids have been large and needs surgery1. Age: 8
2. Sex: Female
3. Built up: slim
4. Complexion: Dark Brown
5. Country: USA
8. List out all your PROBLEMS with its since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc:in an order(which came first then which came? Specify the year of onset
- enlarged adenoids (diagnosed)
-Snoring and sleeps with open mouth on the back, moves all night in sleep not a sound sleeper.
- She is biting teeth in sleep
a)Worsening factors for each complaint: - Winters stuffy nose, India visits stuffy and running nose.
b)When Its Better – Summer in USA
c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem? Cold foods and winters and dust may be
9. Mind. - sensitive, happy, desire friends but plays well alone. Loves to dance and very active thruout the day
10. Thermal: which weather do you prefer hot or cold? Cold. Complaints that stomach is hot during summers nights to sleep.
11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,, sneezing,gas trouble - Stuffy nose so assuming allergy. Give Claritin as needed.
12. Stool: Irregular and sometime regular 1 in 2 days. No smell, soft.
13. Urine: regular
15. Sweat - normal no odor
16. Sleep: Loud snoring sleeps with open mouth. Constantly moves in sleep, not a sound sleeper.Wakes up and sits 2-3 times in sleep
17. Appetite: Regular kid eats normal all veggies and chicken and junk food for snack once a day, no cheese food.
18. Thirst: how many glasses - normal with food and extra depending on weather
19. Cravings: Chocolate and Chicken
20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc. - No
21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not - tolerant
24. Do you have any skin complaints- Dry skin
25.Your skin type: oily or dry - Dry
Tui had prescribed medicines originally but got busy and suggested to re-post and reach out to one of you: Maheeru, Anuj, Dr. Jitesh, freehomeo.
Tui recommended: calc card 30c (3 pills in 200ml water 1 spoon every 3 days) and Tubuerculium 1M (3 drops in 200 ml water 1 spoon per week).
Original thread link:
Current issue after using med: She did well and snoring reduced, but suddenly she is back to her original sleep habit of snoring loudly constantly moving and waking up 3-4 times. Also biting teeth in sleep a lot. She had ear,throat pain,fever and pink eye and had to give antibiotics (amoxicillin) last week. Don't know if that triggered snoring again.
ariesboy on 2020-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Agraphis Nutans 3x- Pill Form
2. Baryta Carb 200- Pill Form
Just give a dose of Agraphis Nutans 3x.
Dissolve 3pills in half cup of distilled water by a spoon gently. Then give her only 1 spoon from it.
When: In the morning in empty stomach.
Don't repeat it without my suggestion. Keep updating.
I will tell you when should apply 2nd dose of No:1 and 1st dose of No:2
Best of luck
1. Agraphis Nutans 3x- Pill Form
2. Baryta Carb 200- Pill Form
Just give a dose of Agraphis Nutans 3x.
Dissolve 3pills in half cup of distilled water by a spoon gently. Then give her only 1 spoon from it.
When: In the morning in empty stomach.
Don't repeat it without my suggestion. Keep updating.
I will tell you when should apply 2nd dose of No:1 and 1st dose of No:2
Best of luck
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Thanks for the recommendation. Agraphis Nutans 3x is not available anywhere. Found dosage options example 5c (delivered within 1 week) other dosages like 6x and 4x doses shipping is min 2 weeks. Please advise.
ariesboy 4 years ago
You may take: Agraphis Nutans Q. If not available take 5c.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Freehomeoforall, gave 1st dose of Agraphis Nutans 5c as instructed. Please advice for further steps when you can.
ariesboy 4 years ago
1. Agraphis Nutans 5c
3drops direct on mouth
In the morning in empty stomach
3days only
2. Kali Sulph 6x (Biochemic Cell Salt)
3tablets 3times a day after meal.
1. Agraphis Nutans 5c
3drops direct on mouth
In the morning in empty stomach
3days only
2. Kali Sulph 6x (Biochemic Cell Salt)
3tablets 3times a day after meal.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Snoring is reduced again not loud anymore but very mild.
I don't have Kali Sulph 6x salt readily available. Only other medications you had suggested were Baryta Carb, but also have Calcerea carb and Bio Combination of all 12 salts at home.
But not a problem, can order KALI SULPH 6X and update then will provide an update. Thanks for your advice.
I don't have Kali Sulph 6x salt readily available. Only other medications you had suggested were Baryta Carb, but also have Calcerea carb and Bio Combination of all 12 salts at home.
But not a problem, can order KALI SULPH 6X and update then will provide an update. Thanks for your advice.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Completed 3 days of agraphis nutans 5c and Kali sulp. 6x as instructed. Snoring is still mild with small periods of louder snoring in between. Please let me know next steps.
Understand it takes months to cure but know homeo will work.
Understand it takes months to cure but know homeo will work.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Give Agraphis Nutans 5c
3pills direct on tongue in the morning
Single dose only. Don't repeat it.
Continue Kali Sulph 6x accordingly.
3pills direct on tongue in the morning
Single dose only. Don't repeat it.
Continue Kali Sulph 6x accordingly.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Stopped Agraphis Nutans after single dose. Did you mean to only continue kali sulph every day 3 times a day and for how long before I provide an update or stop it?
ariesboy 4 years ago
He was sleeping with open mouth. How is that now?
Continue Kali Sulph accordingly. Give feedback after 5 days or if any change.
Continue Kali Sulph accordingly. Give feedback after 5 days or if any change.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Sleeping with mouth closed for the most part. Snoring is mild with short periods of slightly mouth open. Breathes heavily. Will continue Kali Sulph.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Snoring is mild, mouth is still open. Will Kali Sulph continue until further advised.
ariesboy 4 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Due to COVID lockdown non urgent appointments are not being encouraged for kids. Will update you as soon as I get one.
Agraphis Nutans med is going to get over by next week. If we need to continue can definitely order more. Am happy to inform you she is doing much better than 2 weeks ago. Mouth is still open slightly but very minimal snoring sound. Please advice.
[Edited by ariesboy on 2020-05-28 19:56:32]
Agraphis Nutans med is going to get over by next week. If we need to continue can definitely order more. Am happy to inform you she is doing much better than 2 weeks ago. Mouth is still open slightly but very minimal snoring sound. Please advice.
[Edited by ariesboy on 2020-05-28 19:56:32]
ariesboy 4 years ago
Dr she is doing well and am continuing same medicine.
NEW ISSUE: She has gotten eye glasses to wear due to COVID online school 8am-3pm on computer. I can post a new thread if you prefer. Is there any medication to help eyes for kids?
PS: Have cineraria maritima drops at home.
NEW ISSUE: She has gotten eye glasses to wear due to COVID online school 8am-3pm on computer. I can post a new thread if you prefer. Is there any medication to help eyes for kids?
PS: Have cineraria maritima drops at home.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Need full description.
Can she see nearer object and can not see distant object?
Can she see distant object and can not see nearer object?
Do her eye become blurry when reads something?
Does she suffer from headache?
Add more information as you can.
Can she see nearer object and can not see distant object?
Can she see distant object and can not see nearer object?
Do her eye become blurry when reads something?
Does she suffer from headache?
Add more information as you can.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
+0.5 on both eyes. No blurring vision no head aches. Last year she had no issues. Its minimal but the Dr said it may increase if she does not wear glasses hence the concern.Thanks.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Can she see nearer object and can not see distant object? No
Can she see distant object and can not see nearer object? Yes
Do her eye become blurry when reads something? No
Does she suffer from headache? No
Can she see distant object and can not see nearer object? Yes
Do her eye become blurry when reads something? No
Does she suffer from headache? No
ariesboy 4 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
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