The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Adenoids in 8 year old active girl causing snoring and sleep issues Page 2 of 2
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RE: Adenoids Test Update.
Got her checked and doctor said its still the same size (80% enlarged). She has been sleeping with mouth open few days ago and started snoring from yesterday. Was giving only agraphis nutans daily. Will add kali sulph again. Please let me know if I need to change anything. Thanks.
Got her checked and doctor said its still the same size (80% enlarged). She has been sleeping with mouth open few days ago and started snoring from yesterday. Was giving only agraphis nutans daily. Will add kali sulph again. Please let me know if I need to change anything. Thanks.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Just lapse on my part for not giving kali sulph. Assumed she is all well and cured which is my HUGE mistake for which she has to pay.
ariesboy 4 years ago
Dr am still giving her same medicine for snoring and she is doing well. She has suddenly put on 16 pounds in 1 year due to covid eating regularly at home. She is showing signs of puberty beginning breast development (9 years 3 months). Is it possible and safe to slow down puberty via homeopathy medicine for 1 year or so?
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-04-29 19:18:55]
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-04-29 19:18:55]
ariesboy 3 years ago
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