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8 year old with weight and anxiety issues
I have an 8-year-old daughter who is in third grade this year. She started to gain weight when she was in the middle of Kindergarten grade. She is a rule follower a good student but a lazy doesn't push her self at school and sticks to one or two friends to play with. Every school year at the start of school she suffers from anxiety. For example, shes been in the same school building since Kindergarten but every year she cries when I drop her off the first day of school for at least a week. This building is familiar to her and I have her siblings walk her to her class. When the school has it's monthly procedures with fire alarm or lockdown drill with loud noises scares her as well. As well as if I yell at her. In Kindergarten when this began for the first time she didn't want to return. It panicked her and this is when I saw her weight slightly go up. I had her in sports on the weekend with the girls at school and going to sports she would cry and cling on to me saying don't leave me. I would never leave her once I sit on the field but the first 10 minutes it was emotionally upsetting for her to participate and have a good time. The large group or small group sport made her react the same way. She was unable to go to friends' house fas she would cry to get picked up. So we stopped the playdates. Friends would come over to our home but as the kids became older they would be in groups and she was not part of a group of girls and is alone with one or two friends. My two other kids my 12-year-old son is thin and so is my 10-year-old daughter. They eat and live in the same home.At home, she is a different child with siblings however she is unable to sleep alone in her room. So she's either slept with a sibling or with me and my husband. Now that she is 8 years old I sleep with her in my bed. She is fearful of being alone in her room at the night. She spends a lot of her time with her sister and spends very little alone time. Unless shes on a computer. She is outgoing talkative to those that know her. She challenges me and can be aggressive (By pinching or hitting) with her siblings when she doesn't get her way to stop her from her they call her fat to the level they are frustrated. She cries loses herself self it breaks my heart. She helps out once in a while with home chores but at times asks everyone to get her water or pass her something that is not close to here. She is always looking for me or my husband is the home is quiet. She can be demanding what she wants something but is a sweet child with a big heart. She eats three meals a day and has a snack of fruit or something we have in the house. She prefers salty snacks. I have to monitor to make sure she eats her fruit and vegetables unless it's broccoli or string beans she has no problem eating. She drinks water only but doesn’t thirst. I realize when she doesn't blow dry her hair from swimming in the pool or taking a shower if her hair is wet her nose becomes congested and runny nose with clear mucus. She is typically healthy all year round. With COVID shes is not as active when she walks or goes up the stairs its a heavy walk you can hear her. She is 100lbs and Typically her body is normal temperature doesn't feel cold or hot. Has no sensitivity to the sun.
She tends to sleep without a blanket. She starts with one and end s with nothing unless I cover her.
she is shy and sensitive as well.
She is on no mediation and takes a multivitamin. Her weight is 110 lbs and height is 54 inches
[Edited by momofx on 2020-09-13 17:35:43]
momofx on 2020-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi momofox,
Remedies can be prescribed , but important here to know when this began. Whether this separation anxiety came from a trauma.
Was there a separation after birth? Or in early years? Moving, death of a loved one, a scary experience , an illness earlier ?
Remedies can be prescribed , but important here to know when this began. Whether this separation anxiety came from a trauma.
Was there a separation after birth? Or in early years? Moving, death of a loved one, a scary experience , an illness earlier ?
♡ simone717 4 years ago
She was a full-term baby born at 9lbs 12 oz via c-section. She is my third child ( all c-sections). We have been living in the same home. Anxiety began when she started school at age 3 years old when I enrolled her in class for two hours a day. This was her first separation from me as I have been a stay at home mom for all my children. Would only leave them with my mom or mother in law on occasion. There has been no trauma, scary experience, or illnesses, death.However once she gets use to a routine after a couple of weeks she is fine. Anything new or not a routine I recognize she becomes worried or cries. I ask her to express her feeling ands she tells me she doesnt' know. My heart as a mom breaks for her. Thank you for your help. I am truly grateful.
She was a full-term baby born at 9lbs 12 oz via c-section. She is my third child ( all c-sections). We have been living in the same home. Anxiety began when she started school at age 3 years old when I enrolled her in class for two hours a day. This was her first separation from me as I have been a stay at home mom for all my children. Would only leave them with my mom or mother in law on occasion. There has been no trauma, scary experience, or illnesses, death.However once she gets use to a routine after a couple of weeks she is fine. Anything new or not a routine I recognize she becomes worried or cries. I ask her to express her feeling ands she tells me she doesnt' know. My heart as a mom breaks for her. Thank you for your help. I am truly grateful.
momofx 4 years ago
Try a dose of pulsatilla 30c. Observe for 24 hours and report what you notice. She can have 2 drops in a tablespoon of water or two pills dissolve under tongue.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
Thank you I will purchase and report back. When should she take it in the morning on an empty stomach or after eating and how long after she has eaten.
momofx 4 years ago
I would give it 15 minutes before or after any food or drink.
And I would suggest give after school day is over , but before dinner.
And I would suggest give after school day is over , but before dinner.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
My daughter has taken the suggested dosage in the afternoon on Friday, September 18 in the afternoon. I observed the following: She stayed in her room to play with dolls for some time, last night she wanted to sleep in her room instead of mine but she had me promise her that I wouldn’t leave in the middle of the night. . I noticed she has dreams and is speaking in her sleep and wakes up checking if I am still in her bed. She is in constant motion tossing and turning in the bed and mentioned she was cold. I did get her another blanket. When I woke up to go downstairs to start the day, she left her room and went to mine to sleep with her dad. She sleeps with a night light on. I found she was a bit hungrier than usual. Please let me know if there is anything, in particular, I missed that is needed. Thank you for all your help I am looking to hear back.
[Edited by momofx on 2020-09-21 10:20:23]
[Edited by momofx on 2020-09-21 10:20:23]
momofx 4 years ago
Good evening, after observing my daughter for three more days. I noticed that she still wont' sleep alone. Depending on the night she tosses and turns. Othewise she loves her sleep if one of us is sleeping next to her. My husband and I ask her if she would like to sleep in her room and she refuses and cries. She seeks food and tends to never feel full. If I step out of the room ask me where I am going. Kindly advise
momofx 4 years ago
Changes do not happen quickly with long standing problems.
The process is first find out by careful observation whether the remedy is a good match. Give her another dose and see if you notice any uptick in old symptoms or any improvement. Dosing is based on reactions
And children are not able to communicate subtle changes. One has to go slowly.
Changes do not happen quickly with long standing problems.
The process is first find out by careful observation whether the remedy is a good match. Give her another dose and see if you notice any uptick in old symptoms or any improvement. Dosing is based on reactions
And children are not able to communicate subtle changes. One has to go slowly.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
momofx 4 years ago
momofx 4 years ago
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