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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

regarding Arnica Q-Dr.Joe de Livera plz answer

Hello Joe,
I am writing this to report something after 2 days of using the Arnica Q + coconut oil prescription for hairloss. I have had the best of sleep after just applying this combination on my head.Is this to be expected. I slept for 10 hours yeaterday like a baby,after a long time. Is it OK if i feel a bit sleepy today?
plz reply
  arsenal on 2006-04-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have always maintained that Homeopathy is a life long process of learning.

If as you state the application of Arnica Q on on your scalp on 2 days promoted deep sleep, this is another new discovery on this amazing remedy Arnica for me.

I have personally observed that if I miss the Arnica 6c before sleep which I have taken regularly since 1996, I do not sleep as deeply in one long session when I wake up in the morning as otherwise I seem to not sleep so deeply.

I hope that you are also using Arnica 30c in the wet dose twice daily as per my standard instructions for hair loss.
Joe De Livera last decade

I am not qualified in Homeopathy although I do have many years of experience in its use.

I am not entitled therefore to be addressed as "Doctor'.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Sir,
Thank you very much.So i need not worry about feeling sleepy in the morning?
arsenal last decade
Dear JOe,

I cannot fine Arnica Q anywhere on the net. Is Arnica Montana tincture the same? If you have any website suggestions where I can place my order form, I would appreciate it.

THank you,
zigkaddy last decade
Q = Mother TIncture
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear joe,

I appriciate your truth telling attitude and yes Arnica helps in sound sleep.It will also help in hairloss.A very reputed remedy for hair loss.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Dinesh,

I am happy to note that you have finally discovered that in spite of our disagreements in the past you have accepted that my approach to Homeopathy also works when compared to the classical approach that you as a qualified homeopath would have been taught to believe as the only approach to a homepathic cure.

I have in the past often quoted Hahnemann's first aphorism which I shall quote again below to which I subscribe in toto:
'The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.'

I do not blame you for criticism that you made about me and my therapeutic methods and the time you took to come around to my way of prescribing as I have always been convinced that 'The truth will out' and it is just the fact that I seem to have a certain gift of healing that God has given me that I spend so much time in helping others today as you would no doubt have read on the ABC and other forums.

Arnica has been my favourite remedy which I have used to cure many ailments which are not listed in the MM's both classical and modern and you may like to do a search on the ABC for Arnica the Miracle Remedy for data on my discoveries with this amazing remedy to which I keep adding as I discover a new ailment that it has cured.

I would like to request you to use Arnica 30c in the wet dose that I have now promote, for your next Diabetic patient and you will be amazed to note the response of his blood sugar level the day after he takes this remedy. I must admit that this was a serendipitous discovery on my part as I had given this remedy to a doctor of medicine who was a Type I Diabetic to cure his non healing wound and it was he that alerted me to the fact that his BS level had dropped in an alarming manner. I then gave it to other diabetics both Type I and II and their response too was very significant. I have 2 patients in Sri Lanka, both Type II diabetics who were able to stop their drugs and only use Arnica 30c to control their diabetes. I also added Cinnamon dose 1/4 teaspoonful twice daily and they are now relieved that they do not have to depend on Metformin and other drugs to control their ailment.

I do appreciate your frank acceptance of my discovery of Arnica helping hair loss and I shall be glad to keep in contact with you in the future as I feel that we can both do a lot to help those who post on this forum.

Joe De Livera last decade
Can you give more explanation of cinnamon dose? What potency?
Pat2006 last decade
I have recommended Cinnamon (Cinnamonium Zeylanica) powder which is grown in Sri Lanka so far but I have a patient to whom I have given the Homeopathic remedy Cinnamonium 30 but have not been able to get conclusive results as the BS level has gone down with the Arnica in just 2 days. I believe that the Cinnamon powder also helps eventually when the patient eventually stops using the drugs like Metformin and relies solely on the Homeopathic remedy Arnica and Cinnamon powder.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

I just appriciated your fact accepting attitude in lines said here on this post....

'I am not qualified in Homeopathy although I do have many years of experience in its use.

I am not entitled therefore to be addressed as 'Doctor'.'

Now dont take it otherwise. I am not criticising you here.And about our past issue if you remember I obejected on you just for one line and I never said you do not have experience.Prescribing therapeutically is one of way to prescribe medicine.
And thanks for your suggestions about Use of Arnica.I know Arnica is your favourite medicine.

My friend our masters have already noted down action of Arnica in diabetes if you check repertory of our masters you will come to know.

My friend Arnica is well known for its action on hair loss.Ask any Homeopathic Doctor and go through any Homoeopathic Materia medica and there you will find out its action on hairs.

Well in future if you need my help then just contact me I will do my best to help patients.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Joe,

One more suggestion for you...

Never compare any one.
Either me or yourself or any other person in anyway.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade

I was interested to note that Arnica had been listed for both Hair Loss and Diabetes and that it was recorded by the masters.

Can you please let me have the reference with chapter and verse ?

Joe De Livera last decade
dear joe,

for diabetes...
boericke - urinary system
diabetes, sugar (74)
3 acet-ac, 3 arg-m, 2 arg-n, 2 arn, 3 ars, 2 ars-i, 3 aur, 2 aur-m, 2 bell, 3 bor-ac, 2 bov, 3 bry, 2 carb-ac, 2 cean, 3 cham, 2 chel, 3 chim-m, 3 chion, 3 coca, 3 cod, 2 colch, 3 crot-c, 2 cupr-ar, 3 cur, 2 eup-pur, 2 ferr-i, 2 ferr-m, 2 fl-ac, 2 glon, 2 grin, 3 hell, 3 helon, 3 iod, 3 iris, 2 Kali-acet, 2 kali-br, 3 kreos, 2 lach, 3 lac-ac, 2 lec, 2 lyc, 2 lycpr, 2 lyss, 2 morph, 3 mosch, 2 murx, 2 nat-m, 3 nat-s, 2 nit-ac, 2 nux-v, 3 op, 2 phase, 3 ph-ac, 2 phos, 2 pic-ac, 2 plb, 2 podo, 3 rhus-a, 2 sec, 3 sil, 2 sulph, 2 tarax, 2 tarent, 2 ter, 3 uran, 2 caps, 2 arist-cl, 2 fel, 3 pancreat, 2 urea, 2 vanad, 2 glyc, 3 adren, 3 ars-br

murphy - diseases
diabetes mellitus (115)
2 acet-ac, 2 adren, 1 alf, 1 all-s, 1 alumn, 1 am-c, 1 aml-n, 1 ant-t, 2 arg-m, 1 arg-n, 1 arist-m, 1 arn, 2 ars, 2 ars-br, 1 ars-i, 2 aur, 1 aur-m, 1 bar-c, 1 bell, 2 benz-ac, 2 bor-ac, 3 bov, 2 bry, 2 calc, 2 calc-p, 1 camph, 1 caps, 2 carb-ac, 2 carb-v, 3 carc, 1 cean, 2 cham, 2 chel, 2 chim, 2 chin, 1 chin-ar, 2 chion, 2 coca, 2 cod, 1 coff, 2 colch, 1 con, 1 conv, 2 crot-h, 1 cupr, 1 cupr-ar, 2 cur, 2 elaps, 1 eup-pur, 1 fel, 1 ferr-i, 2 ferr-m, 1 fl-ac, 1 glon, 1 glyc, 1 grin, 2 hell, 3 helon, 2 hep, 1 iod, 2 iris, 1 kali-ar, 1 kali-br, 2 kali-chl, 1 kali-n, 2 kali-p, 2 kreos, 2 lac-d, 2 lach, 2 lac-ac, 2 lec, 1 lith, 3 lyc, 2 lycps, 1 lyss, 1 mag-s, 2 med, 1 mosch, 1 morph, 1 mur-ac, 1 murx, 1 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 2 nat-s, 2 nit-ac, 1 nux-v, 1 op, 1 petr, 3 ph-ac, 1 phase, 3 phos, 2 pic-ac, 3 plb, 2 podo, 2 rat, 2 rhus-a, 1 sal-ac, 1 sec, 1 sep, 2 sil, 1 squil, 2 sulph, 2 sul-ac, 2 syzyg, 1 tarax, 3 tarent, 3 ter, 2 thuj, 1 thyr, 1 tub, 3 uran-n, 1 urea, 1 vanad, 1 zinc, 1 ziz

complete - generals
diabetes (152)
1 acet-ac, 1 acon, 1 alf, 1 all-c, 1 all-s, 1 allox, 1 aln, 1 am-acet, 1 anthro, 1 apoc, 1 arg, 1 arg-m, 1 arist-m, 1 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-br, 1 aspar, 1 aur, 1 bell, 1 bor-ac, 1 bov, 1 bry, 1 cac, 1 cahin, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 1 cann-i, 1 carb-ac, 1 carb-v, 1 carc, 1 carl, 1 caust, 1 chim, 1 chin-s, 1 chion, 1 cina, 1 cod, 1 colch, 1 coloc, 1 conv, 1 cortiso, 1 crat, 1 cur, 1 dulc, 1 equis, 1 eup-pur, 1 ferr, 1 ferr-i, 1 ferr-m, 1 ferr-p, 1 gad, 1 gels, 1 glon, 1 glyc, 1 gnaph, 1 gua, 1 hell, 1 helon, 1 hydrang, 1 ign, 1 indol, 1 inul, 1 iod, 1 iris, 1 jab, 1 kali-acet, 1 kali-br, 1 kali-c, 1 kali-chl, 1 kali-i, 1 kali-n, 1 kiss, 1 kreos, 1 lac-ac, 1 lac-c, 1 lac-d, 1 lac-v, 1 led, 1 lil-t, 1 lith-c, 1 lyc, 1 lycpr, 1 lycps, 1 mag-p, 1 mag-s, 1 med, 1 meny, 1 merc-c, 1 mosch, 1 murx, 1 nat-ch, 1 nat-l, 1 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 1 nat-s, 1 nicc-s, 1 nit-ac, 1 nux-v, 1 ol-an, 1 op, 1 oxyg, 1 oxyt, 1 pancreat, 1 ph-ac, 1 phase, 1 phlor, 1 phos, 1 physal, 1 pic-ac, 1 plan, 1 plat-m-n, 1 plb, 1 puls, 1 quas, 1 ran-b, 1 rat, 1 rhus-a, 1 sac-alb, 1 sac-l, 1 sal-ac, 1 samb, 1 sang, 1 sant, 1 saroth, 1 sars, 1 sec, 1 senec, 1 sep, 1 sil, 1 sin-n, 1 squil, 1 staph, 1 stict, 1 stigm, 1 stroph, 1 sul-ac, 1 sulph, 1 syzyg, 1 tarax, 1 tarent, 1 ter, 1 ther, 1 thuj, 1 thymol, 1 thyr, 1 tril, 1 uran-n, 1 urea, 1 verat-v, 1 verb, 1 vichy-g, 1 vince

complete - generals
diabetes mellitus (91)
1 acet-ac, 1 all-s, 1 allox, 1 aln, 1 am-acet, 1 anthro, 1 arg, 1 arist-m, 2 arn, 1 ars, 1 aspar, 1 bov, 1 cac, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 1 carb-ac, 1 carb-v, 2 carc, 1 carl, 1 chim, 1 chion, 1 cod, 1 colch, 1 coloc, 1 cortiso, 1 crat, 1 cur, 1 eup-pur, 1 ferr-i, 1 ferr-p, 1 helon, 1 hydrang, 1 inul, 1 iod, 2 iris, 1 jab, 1 kali-acet, 1 kali-br, 1 kali-chl, 1 kiss, 1 kreos, 1 lac-ac, 1 lac-d, 1 lac-v, 3 lyc, 1 lycpr, 1 lycps, 1 mag-s, 1 med, 1 meny, 1 mosch, 2 murx, 1 nat-ch, 1 nat-l, 1 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 2 nat-s, 1 op, 1 oxyg, 1 ph-ac, 1 phase, 1 phlor, 3 phos, 1 pic-ac, 1 plan, 3 plb, 1 ran-b, 1 rat, 1 rhus-a, 1 sac-alb, 1 sac-l, 1 sal-ac, 1 sec, 1 senec, 1 sep, 2 sil, 1 squil, 1 stict, 1 stigm, 1 sul-ac, 1 sulph, 3 syzyg, 1 tarax, 3 tarent, 3 ther, 1 thuj, 1 tril, 3 uran-n, 1 urea, 1 vichy-g, 1 vince

for hair affections... read clarke- dictionary of practical materia medica.

lotus materia medica (murphy)

many more.hope this will help you.

dr.dinesh sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Joe,
I've been inspired by these postings about the positive effects of using Arnica Q for curing hair loss. So i started using 3 weeks ago after consulting a doctor. The doctor suggested me to apply the mixture of Arnica Q and coconut oil to scalp before going to sleep, and wash my head while taking bath on the following day morning. Could you please tell me if this procedure is fine? Iam mixing coconut oil and Arnica Q in the ratio of 5:1. Please reply.

PS: Iam 26 years old. I am suffering from hair loss from past 2 years, may be because of work pressure and other reasons. Iam healthy otherwise. I tried Allopathy medicines and Ayurvedic medicines. Nothing worked. So now i wanted to try Arnica Q. I have enough hair in the front, but iam losing at the centre of my head and back side. Hair loss has become severe only from past 6-8 months.
pramod_nc last decade
If you are serious about restoring your hair you are advised to use Arnica 30c in the wet dose and also the therapy that I have indicated which you can access by typing Hair Loss into the Search Forums window to read the information that I have given.

You should have the Arnica emulsion always on your hair and you should not wash your hair every day as the natural oil in the hair follicle which is also important for hair growth will also be washed out. Wash your hair with Johnsons baby shampoo every other day.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Pramod,

Would you please tell me where you find Arnica mother tincture? I am looking to order it for a while now, but have no luck finding it anywhere.

Thanks a lot,
zigkaddy last decade
Hi Zigkaddy,
I bought Arnica mother tincture in 'Homeoworld',Malleswaram, Bangalore(INDIA). I didn't order for it online.
pramod_nc last decade
I cannot find the 'recipe' for the Arnica wet dose in the forum. Could you please post it again, Joe? My hair is falling out, and I don't want to get this wrong. : ) Thanks!
jennyhrh last decade

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