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Arnica Q Mother Tincture where do I get this?
Hello,I would like to try the hairloss rememdy, but my natural health store only has arnica in the pills, and warned me of the mother tincture and had no idea where to get it. I have found arnica massage oil, but I have not found how to make or get this tincture. Can you please help?
lululovesu on 2006-10-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you can buy it from a local homeopathic store. Ask for Arnica Mother tincture. Q is most known in Asian countries.
♡ maheeru last decade
Could you please tell me what it is listed as? I searched for it, but did not find it in a mother tincture just as arnica montana and arnica montana radix. Are these products in a state where I am able to make this tincture? I was thinking it was in the state like where I buy it from my health store (in little balls/pills). I have researched a little more on this site, and I have another lady with symptoms more similar to mine, and it was a totally different rememdy, but I have not gotten a response of what rememedy I should be following!
lululovesu last decade
lulu, proceed as though you were going to buy Arnica. There appear to be two possible screens that will come up. One lists 4 potential suppliers, for which USA-East and UK both list tincture. The other screen goes straight to an order form. The 'format' box gives you a choice of tincture. I'm not sure why I ended up in one screen rather than the other, but either one should work for you.
Daisy43 last decade
Also, you don't make the tincture, you buy it as tincture. The tincture is the starting substance, in an alcohol base, from which the dilutions and little balls are eventually made. You can't reverse that process. You could only make tincture if you had the raw arnica plant.
Daisy43 last decade
Thank You. That was what I was concerned about. The lady at my store was concerned about that. She said, I don't know how you are going to get a plant to make that, I can't even get that, but when I couldn't find anything on the internet, I was getting confused. Now if I could just get my other questions answered on this site. Guess I will have to start ANOTHER post with some catchy title.
lululovesu last decade
Hello (again)
I am going to assume it is the Radix one to buy since it was the one that said tincture???? I looked under plain Arnica Montana, and it said pellet, gel, or liquid dilution, and the Radix one said pellet, (?) and tincture.
I am going to assume it is the Radix one to buy since it was the one that said tincture???? I looked under plain Arnica Montana, and it said pellet, gel, or liquid dilution, and the Radix one said pellet, (?) and tincture.
lululovesu last decade
Please don't assume that unless someone else can verify. I think Radix is something else, but I don't remember. The one listed as only Arnica Montana brings up tincture for me. What country are you located? There are other suppliers.
Daisy43 last decade
I cannot find the page (I seen it the other day) of where you choose your country. I am USA. When I click on Homeremedies Store it connects me right to where I can choose what to buy. So I stick in Arnica, and it gives me the 2 choices.
lululovesu last decade
I don't know why we're seeing something else. I'm not coming up with a separate supplier. If you have a health food store near you, they might carry it.
Daisy43 last decade
Nope...when I click on USA, it brings me to a search, I find Arnica Montana, and click on it and it tells me pellet, gel and liquid dilutions. The reason I was here was because my store did not have it and I was wondering where to find it. So I guess I am still at a loss.
lululovesu last decade
We can't sell Arnica Montana in mother tincture as it is prescription only. Yes, Radix is something else (same plant, different part).
However, there seems to be a difference in notation, and I don't know is anyone form India can verify this, - it seems that Indian homeopaths often call lowest available safe potency the Q potency / mother tincture.
However, there seems to be a difference in notation, and I don't know is anyone form India can verify this, - it seems that Indian homeopaths often call lowest available safe potency the Q potency / mother tincture.
♡ moderator last decade
You are right Simon.
And it is always only in liquid form.Plat derivatives only are available in mother tincture form.
you won't get ars.alb,or Nat.mur mother tincture anywhere on this earth.
And it is always only in liquid form.Plat derivatives only are available in mother tincture form.
you won't get ars.alb,or Nat.mur mother tincture anywhere on this earth.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
loree last decade
lululovesu last decade
If this site doesn't carry Arnica Montana tincture, you can buy it directly from Washington Homeopathics, which is one of the vendors used here by ABC.
If this site doesn't carry Arnica Montana tincture, you can buy it directly from Washington Homeopathics, which is one of the vendors used here by ABC.
Will88 last decade
After looking further, it is available from this site, the USA - East vendor which is Washington Homeopathy:
After looking further, it is available from this site, the USA - East vendor which is Washington Homeopathy:
Will88 last decade
Having trouble finding the Mother Tincture (aka) Arnica Q
as well. Please advise
Sorraia last decade
I don't see the tincture at the ABC purchase options, or at the WHP site. There is something called 'Standard Ointment', but I'm not sure what that is. I've ordered the WHP tinctures here:
Remedy Source sells WHP products and appears to be something like a manufacturer's rep. They show the tinctures available today.
Remedy Source sells WHP products and appears to be something like a manufacturer's rep. They show the tinctures available today.
Will88 last decade
You can easily order Q's or mother tinctures from asian countries like India/Pakistan. If you're unable to get hold of arnica Q, you can even use 1X or 2X or 3X upto 6X in liquid form in place of Q.
You can easily order Q's or mother tinctures from asian countries like India/Pakistan. If you're unable to get hold of arnica Q, you can even use 1X or 2X or 3X upto 6X in liquid form in place of Q.
♡ maheeru last decade
Thank you both for getting back with me.
I learned you can't get the tincture due to regulation.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I learned you can't get the tincture due to regulation.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Sorraia last decade
cmac3 last decade
Since I last posted here I've learned what the story is in the USA. The FDA no longer allows unregulated sale of Arnica tincture, saying the 'For External Use Only' warning was not sufficient. Now, one must find an MD who would order it, and the homepathic supplier ship it to the MD, and the patient get it with his MDs okay.
But you can make your own. Arnica flowers are available in the US, so with the herb and vodka (or some other form of ethanol), you can make it. I made some and used it, but it is a little harhser than what I once got from Washington Homeopathics. A person would just have to experiment and come up with a satisfactory homemade tincture.
But you can make your own. Arnica flowers are available in the US, so with the herb and vodka (or some other form of ethanol), you can make it. I made some and used it, but it is a little harhser than what I once got from Washington Homeopathics. A person would just have to experiment and come up with a satisfactory homemade tincture.
Will88 last decade
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