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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Weight loss

I need to lose weight for my wedding later this year.

Cannot shift weight or the belly. My belly is big

Was thinking nat phos 6x before linch and dinner as seen good reviews

Or what else can i use. Just need to lose the belly
  Ideal56 on 2021-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Anyone. Nat phos 6x seems to get results. How do i take
Ideal56 4 years ago

Your calorie intake must be reduced first, exercise daily, have fiber rich food, psyllium husk 1 tablespoon twice a day, avoid sugar bread.
There's no miracle cure for weight loss.
syria 4 years ago
I exercise every day walk four miles avoid sugar wheat sweets cakes biscuits eat veg still no loss still lo loss so why not losing puzzles. Weight is tummy. It is big bloated
Ideal56 4 years ago
Would nat phos help me seen good results n here
Ideal56 4 years ago
thank you nat phos did nothing blew me up like a balloon

10 tablets calc carb at once
kohler 4 years ago

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