The ABC Homeopathy Forum
No periods
Hi,I gave birth to my child in 2020 at the age of 39, while i have not got my periods since then, except only once 5 months back. I tried a ipill pregnancy test at home which came out negative. My periods have been irregular or faint lasting only for 3 days or so.
Please advise
Navin007 on 2021-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi doc,
I came to know through an ultrasound of abdomen & pelvis that I have got a 4.4 mm gall bladder stone.
Please advise if this the cause of no periods & medicines for both periods & stone dissolving.
I came to know through an ultrasound of abdomen & pelvis that I have got a 4.4 mm gall bladder stone.
Please advise if this the cause of no periods & medicines for both periods & stone dissolving.
Navin007 3 years ago
Cardus marinus:Q , Berberis vulgaris Q AND MAG PHOS 6X, 10 DROPS/5 TABLETS three times a day.Feedback every 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hello i am just a student not a practicing docter
General remedy for absent menses is pulsatilla 200 thrice a day
Its very effective
General remedy for absent menses is pulsatilla 200 thrice a day
Its very effective
♡ Hameedjan 3 years ago
I also forgot to mention another point that I'm very insensitive to homeopathy medicines. The power of 200 is something that starts working on me since I'm Type 1 diabetic since childhood.
My sugar's are generally in the range of 150 -250 at an average with Hba1c around 9.3
I'm seriously facing low libido as well along with a lot of shyness. This causes a lot of friction with my husband
Please advise again for gall stones, periods & low libido/desire, fatigue, disinterest in household chores.
Though i have consumed Sepia 200 before on a doctor's advise, it didn't really help.
Please help for all above situations
My sugar's are generally in the range of 150 -250 at an average with Hba1c around 9.3
I'm seriously facing low libido as well along with a lot of shyness. This causes a lot of friction with my husband
Please advise again for gall stones, periods & low libido/desire, fatigue, disinterest in household chores.
Though i have consumed Sepia 200 before on a doctor's advise, it didn't really help.
Please help for all above situations
Navin007 3 years ago
AS OF NOW HAVE WHAT I HAVE SUGGESTED.In addition have 2 tablets three times a day of Cholesterinum Trituration Tablet 3X.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-11-16 12:49:49]
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-11-16 12:49:49]
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
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