The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression
In 11 nov, my partner and I went for a day out where i had a sexual intercourse where I was panicking to penetrate her, somehow i managed to do that but everytime I did my anxiety level rose and eventually could not orgasm and finally erection problem occured. Later in that day same thing happened over and over again. So quarrel happened though she understood my situation. After we returned everytime i met her i used to get panic attacks thinking i have erection problem but it subsided within few days. But anxiety didnt go away. So I had to go to local doctor and he prescribed Sulphur 30 and then onwards i suddenly happen to have inappropriate sexual thoughts whenever i met my partner or cuddled or kissed ugly looking private part of her..which I'm fantasizing and gave me irry feeling or disgusted feeling which is preventing me from meeting her and i remain preoccupied with those disturbing images in my mind, but It's not that Im not attracted to her but I dont know why this is happening!? Later on when I consulted the doctor he suggested for counselling. But i was hopeful with homeopathic medicine so i came to this forum. Doctor help!pabitra on 2021-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pabitra saidIn 11 nov, my partner and I went for a day out where i had a sexual intercourse where I was panicking to penetrate her, somehow i managed to do that but everytime I did my anxiety level rose and eventually could not orgasm and finally erection problem occured. Later in that day same thing happened over and over again. So quarrel happened though she understood my situation. After we returned everytime i met her i used to get panic attacks thinking i have erection problem but it subsided within few days. But anxiety didnt go away. So I had to go to local doctor and he prescribed Sulphur 30 and then onwards i suddenly happen to have inappropriate sexual thoughts whenever i met my partner or cuddled or kissed ugly looking private part of her..which I'm fantasizing and gave me irry feeling or disgusted feeling which is preventing me from meeting her and i remain preoccupied with those disturbing images in my mind, but It's not that Im not attracted to her but I dont know why this is happening!? Later on when I consulted the doctor he suggested for counselling. But i was hopeful with homeopathic medicine so i came to this forum. Doctor help!
Please Anuj Srivastava Sir kindly reply to my Post
pabitra 3 years ago
First of everything you should try to understand that the sexual attraction is common in adults, that's the work of hormones and mind.
So please don't think that it is an offensive thing to look her in that manner.
The more you try to suppress, the more it gets worse
Let the thoughts flow free, everyone has their own dirty side, but it ain't wrong until it hurts someone.
You should develop a feeling that it is common during love making.
Never hesitate to perform such actions and panic is due to your hesitation to perform.
Don't let your mind swing on its own.
Be energetic.
So please don't think that it is an offensive thing to look her in that manner.
The more you try to suppress, the more it gets worse
Let the thoughts flow free, everyone has their own dirty side, but it ain't wrong until it hurts someone.
You should develop a feeling that it is common during love making.
Never hesitate to perform such actions and panic is due to your hesitation to perform.
Don't let your mind swing on its own.
Be energetic.
Sugan veera 3 years ago
Im having a strange feeling that vaginas are dirty and these kind of thoughts come throughout the day and remains all day until i convince myself my thoughts are false and its preventing me from going intimate from my gf. Whenever i think of going intimate with my gf i become anxious due to these thoughts. And these thoughts are engrossing my mind. Ive been prescribed with Hyoscyamus 1M for more than a month. But these thoughts are not leaving me. Last Dr Anuj Sir helped me a lot with his remedies. Kindly help. So that I can have a healthy relationship
pabitra 3 years ago
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time .
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time .
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Repeat third day means one dose in every third day of a week?
And those biochemics have to be taken everyday?
And those biochemics have to be taken everyday?
pabitra 3 years ago
Repeat third day means one dose in every third day of a week?YES
And those biochemics have to be taken everyday?FROM DAY 1 THREE TIMES A DAY 5 TABS OF EACH.
And those biochemics have to be taken everyday?FROM DAY 1 THREE TIMES A DAY 5 TABS OF EACH.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Today's experience I want to It's peculiar and becoming pretty hopeless about this mental ritual. After a long time, I was feeling calm and met my gf and saw her in gym outfit. Naturally I can get attracted and can easily sexualise her. Since I remain depressed, anxious about future if i fail in sex and feeling failure due to such thoughts. When I started to sexualise in mind I started becoming nervous and again a thought pop up about vagina it should not look like this or it must be wet...and the fantastic feeling i was having and even can feel my penis erection all went in vain and the thought made me depressed once again. I can clearly understand my psychology is not making me enjoy sex. When i returned home i have to watch porn, watch some vaginas and masturbate just to satisfy my thought or make it correct. Even few days back whenever I went to kiss i used to be nauseous and this thought used to disturb me until i manage to kiss my gf oneday anxiously. Had many medicines but no help except Ars Alb 30 once i had for some cold issues. But I'm very much eager to be cured. Please help
pabitra 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Sir I am having immense burning like sensation from yesterday I was ignoring it maybe it was hot that's why. But today morning its cold out in kolkata but still having that burning sensation sometimes in hand, everywhere mostly in back. I had to bath in tap water in morning just to stop it. Even when I woke up today in the morning I can feel some kind of buzzing sound inside my head. And last time i texted u sir those thoughts come up in mind i unconsiously pluck my hair on head which my mother has noticed. I have ordered Platina 200 I will get it today. Will u please prescribe anything for this burning feeling.
pabitra 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Shall I have platina 200 along with this?
pabitra 3 years ago
I had sulphur 30 today and kali phos 6x for last few days. I can feel Kali phos is keeping me calm but after I had sulphur today I am having a feeling there’s a problem in me and its irritating maybe the thoughts. But i had a good nap in afternoon and I had a quarrel with gf and when i again she said she will call me..i am nervous and having a feeling that Im a failure and stuff and i cant do sex and stuff. Last time i had sulphur i said, after this medicine my all sort of inappropriate thoughts has started. Please help
pabitra 3 years ago
Stop Sulphur,continue KP.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
And Platina?
pabitra 3 years ago
pabitra 3 years ago
I had platina 200 for a week. Three times. But i can still feel every time I masturbated i get imagery or disturbing thought about vagina. And even sometimes the thought persist throughout the day. Until i can convince myself with the correct thought. I dont know when this kind of obsessive thought will wither. I stay busy not to get this thought. But sometimes when i get to talk with friends or jokingly say sexual stuff i feel inferior that i have some obsessive thought in my head. Maybe all these thought preventing me from sexual act. All these stuffs happened after i failed during the first time i had sex. I want to be free from all my mental thing. And another thing happened. Which i felt peculiar when I slept yesterday and suddenly my body got jerked and i woke and sat up as if somebody heavily pushed me. Even Im having some relationship quarrels which making me more depressed. Please help
pabitra 2 years ago
For few days I'm not having enough sleep for a week or two. Even if I have enough sleep I dont feel like it. Not refreshed. My obsessive thought about vagina is not leaving me. Even if I have desire to have sex but those obsessive thought making me feel I cant do it. Though I make me convince that i did it before. And i can do. Even Im having some family quarrels. Even in my relationship. For so much of stress im having dark circles and losing weight though having good diet. And I personally feel if i get rid of this obsessive thought i will be much better. Even my hair plucking habit is still there. Im having platina 200 but little or no change. Please help. I have uploaded ny pic. Kindly help
pabitra 2 years ago
Stop Sulphur.Have PLATINA 3 TIMES a WEEK.
In addition NAT PHOS 6X and KALI MUR 6X five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-03-09 07:28:21]
In addition NAT PHOS 6X and KALI MUR 6X five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-03-09 07:28:21]
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Im suffering from cold, cough, cant breath at night, running nose, very tired. I didnt have any medicine for last 2 days since Im having Platina 200. But today i had to have ars alb 30 today since now It's unbearable. Will it have any effect?! And for few days im having counter thoughts against those disturbing thoughts about vagina. But again after few hours its coming very vigorously. Yesterday i had a panic attack while having lunch. Feeling will happen!? And quarrel at home and with my gf is now no more. She is talking to me nicely and she wants to meet me and spend some time. And she wants to have sex and i was confident enough to say yes to her... But after some moment i had a panic attack what if i can't perform what if i dont get erect, what if those thoughts disgusts me. And it became an obsession. Will i dont heal from this ritual? Please help
pabitra 2 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Much better after having carcinosin. Though cough is coming out but feeling much better. I met my gf many days after my sickness. Went for a walk at a riverbank, there had a nice time. Kissed her there spontaneously. I was anxious, pulse was high. But no such thought. My pulse was high until i came home. It was at home, i remembered i had some thought about vagina. And then those visual popped up in mind. I can feel a little progress but still need to get more healthy about thoughts. Please help.
pabitra 2 years ago
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