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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression

Hi all!

I was diagnosed with OCD in year 2007, took some medicines ,symptoms started to get healed but unluckily medicines discontinued. and eventually I have not come out of OCD and phobias till date.

My current symptoms are:

1. Hallucinations
2. Preoccupied by thoughts
3. Impulses and fearful obsessions of various kinds
4. Extreme depression with low morale and self esteem . Almost nil motivation to change life style.
5. Uncontrolled imaginations, thoughts , songs and dialogues constantly running in mind .
6. Unable to focus on a task. Fearful of thoughts and imaginations

please help somebody

God Bless
  Rocky1987 on 2024-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Aurum Met 200c, 1 dose daily
Arg Nit 30c, twice a day
Keep taking for 3 days, and report back
drsajid 9 months ago
what is the dosage.
how many drops
Rocky1987 9 months ago
I hv described the dosage, and the dose is 5 drops of a remedy
drsajid 9 months ago
Sajid Sir,

Instead of Arg Nit 30c, will Arg Nit 200c be okay?

Should there be any gap between these medicines or they should be taken together?

Thank you in advance!
Rocky1987 9 months ago
U take Arg Nit 200c, one dose daily at night, and Aurum Met at morning
drsajid 9 months ago
Thanks a lot sir,

I will revert back to you within 3 days .
Rocky1987 9 months ago
Hello Sajid Sir,
First of all thanks for your prescriptions!

I have been taking Aur Met 200 and Arg Nit 200 for last 4-5 days as prescribed and suggested. Following are the improvements I noticed:
(a) Anxiety levels reduced as compared to previous
(b) Interest in common talks increased a little bit
(c) Depression decreased as compared to previous
(d) Clarity of mind increased as compared ; life seems
to be happy as compared.
(e) Previously, there was a constant pressure/tension
in the centre of my forehead (a kind of heaviness).
Presently, that is absent and I am feeling cool and
calm as compared.

BUT,,,,still, there are issues which are as follows:

(a) A feeling of worriness, anxiety and great
unknown fear in the morning while awaking.
(b) Due to this , flow of negative
thoughts/hallucinations and delusions starts in the
early morning itself. That somehow, I get able to
stop/deviate with my intellect/some kinds of
(c) Repeating mentally of some unwanted/painful
words/voices in mind (involuntarily); which causes
immense fear, anxiety suddenly due to which
palpitation starts. Breath stops etc.
At this time I am unable to carry out
even a very simple task easily and calmly, without
worry. I get stuck.

(Presently, I am typing this message, and I am
feeling anxious and worried due to my hidden fears)

(d) Also, I am seeing and hearing mentally
various images/sounds (hallucinations) which are
unwanted and very painful. For example; while doing
a task, I suddenly see certain slang words/obscene
images floating and roaming around me and hears
unwanted slang/obscene sounds/words/voices
(hallucinations) which disturb me a lot and I am
unable to concentrate on my task. Anxiety shoots
up; Palpitation starts.
(e) Apart from this , thoughts related to sex/
incest sex over burden my mind. This has lowered
down my self esteem and self love and pride.

Please advise.....!!!

Thank you.

Rocky1987 9 months ago
Thnx for your feedback, happy to see the improvement in the conditions, now the prescription for the deaired issues,
Anacardium Orientale 200C: Take one dose (5-6 pellets) daily, morning .Argentum Nitricum 200C: Take one dose (5-6 pellets) daily, before bed.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-26 07:20:42]
drsajid 9 months ago
Thank you sir,

I have little doubts...

1. Should I stop the previously suggested medicine
i.e. Aur Met 200
2. What do you mean by pallets. I take medicine in
drops only.
3. Should I take some mind health booster mother
tinctures as well e.g. Ashwagandha Q, Convolvulus
Prostratus Q and Brahmi Q etc. Is there any need to
take these as well?

Thank you.

Rocky1987 9 months ago
Dear you only take what i prescribed, nothing else, and take thedrops as well as you are taking previously
drsajid 9 months ago
Thank you for your kind reply Sir,

Some more symptoms I forgot to tell you is that
1. I have a very strong memory. Even I am haunted by my past negative memories. So memory is not a problem at all.

2. I have a strong latent fear that I may not forget my belongings at any place like:

(a) I may not forget my personal
belongings somewhere I visited so that these may not be misused by someone against me e.g. phone,purse, money, costly items and most importantly, important papers.
(b) While walking I have hallucinations/delusions that I have lost my purse or phone etc. on the way i.e. these have fallen on the way somewhere.
(c) I am always pre occupied by some thoughts, always. So while talking, doing some work, writing etc. I have hallucinations/delusions that I may not write/type thoughts which I am experiencing at that time means in any way.

Hope you understand!!

Thanks for your replies!
Rocky1987 9 months ago
Sajid Sir,

Your kind reply is awaited

Rocky1987 9 months ago
Hello Sir,

Hope you would be all fine !


Here are some updates on my health:

(a) Depression is there as before, along with increased anxiety is also there.

(b) Hallucinations and delusions as previous

(c) Another pathological condition which I did not mention before:

1. I think I am having Urine Incontinence problem also, (It is also around 10 years old, could not look after it because of my mental condition).
I am unable to control my urine, sometimes it passes involuntarily even on the way to urinate.
Pressure suddenly builds up whenever I wake up in morning (as thoughts start to run and anxiety increases). This has now become a very serious problem.
Please advise for this.


2. For my mental well being Can I also take Aur Met along with Argentum Nit in the night?

Please advise!!
Thank you

Rocky1987 8 months ago
Take a single dose of Causticum 30c daily at any specific time,
2nd . Follow the very 1st prescription
All for a week and report
drsajid 8 months ago
Thank you sir
Rocky1987 8 months ago
Good afternoon sir,,

I am taking the medicines as follows:

1. Aur Met and Anacardium Orientale in the morning,, 5 drops each

2. Argentum Nit in the night,5 drops

Is it ok?
Rocky1987 8 months ago
I said for Causticum 30c one dose daily , along with aur met and arg nit.
Skip anacard
drsajid 8 months ago

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