The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hypothyroidism, pain lumbar to front to left leg front tights then calves down, periodic globus hystericus, periodic change of voice, low blood pressure, itchy back Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Firstly keep a check (Very strict) on your diet
Do not proud of your lazy life style start doing some physical activity
Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture it is also called q
10 drops thrice a day half an hour before meals
Belladonna 200 liquid whenever you feel there is pain due to the gall bladder stone have 05 drops directly on your tongue
Get some medical tests done for spine pain and post those here
Do not proud of your lazy life style start doing some physical activity
Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture it is also called q
10 drops thrice a day half an hour before meals
Belladonna 200 liquid whenever you feel there is pain due to the gall bladder stone have 05 drops directly on your tongue
Get some medical tests done for spine pain and post those here
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Thank you for the help, i don't feel pride it's just i became lazy slowly and not motivated to exercise probably due to weight gain and also probably my mindset shifted, i've been keeping very strict diet and been loosing weight, i try to do more and more activity now. I will try to schedule medical tests and will write back.
homeopathyLover1 3 years ago
Did not want to hurt you just wanted to shake you up
Good keep it up
The way you have described it appears Sciatica or spinal disc issue
Have you ever hurt your back
Good keep it up
The way you have described it appears Sciatica or spinal disc issue
Have you ever hurt your back
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Not as far as i can remember. I think it might be due to sitting in very weird posture when i was working in previous jobs few years ago
homeopathyLover1 3 years ago
Hypericum P200 05 drops in water OR 04 pills half an hour before breakfast and half an hour before dinner for one day
Next day
Arnica Montana 200 same doses for one day post symptoms about backache and pains on third day
The other remedies as prescribed will also continue
Next day
Arnica Montana 200 same doses for one day post symptoms about backache and pains on third day
The other remedies as prescribed will also continue
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hello also related to the sons case, results came his thyroid Anti-tpo is 640 and should be less than 60 and his TSH is 6.41 H and should be between 0.4 to 4. They initially said it's full hashimoto and it's genetic but we weren't sure until this results
homeopathyLover1 3 years ago
Is he obese constipated hunger thirst fatigue while exercising some more metabolic symptoms for further advise
I feel you start a new topic
I feel you start a new topic
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hello it's the son, i'm 198 or 199 cm tall and weight 149kg bmi calculator says 37.6 so i'm obese, my feces are according to what i eat, if i eat meat the day before the next day it might be harder to go to the bathroom if i eat more fruits and vegetables it will be better. For thirst i feel it's pretty normal, also it depends of how much salt or sugar i eat i feel. Hunger i don't feel it often i am able to fast long periods like a whole day without any side effects i think i mostly have eaten by habit and overeating from greed( the thinking being someone else will eat it and i will miss out on the delicious meal). About fatigue i haven't noticed anything strange, i am able to walk long distances on a horizontal surface, when it comes to go up i feel my quadriceps have not worked out enough and they start to get tired and burn like when you lift weights after multiple sets. I don't feel cold too often even when everyone was dressed and was cold outside i was outside in shorts and summer shirt i don't mind it at all and i love summer.
If there is anything more i can provide please let me know.
Should i first try to address the problem of gall stones, liver and then go to thyroid at later stage?
I appreciate your advice sir.
If there is anything more i can provide please let me know.
Should i first try to address the problem of gall stones, liver and then go to thyroid at later stage?
I appreciate your advice sir.
homeopathyLover1 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
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