Was away with no computer access. Havent taken Merc Sol - Just getting message now.
Most of my regular symptoms are back in full. Right ear blocked, stuffy nose on waking, coughing at 3am and on waking, pressure in face around eyes, molars hurt, grinding teeth at night, mouth pains from those webs as if a thread is being pulled through the gums. Feeling of something stuck in right side of throat at base of tongue with some soreness as well. Eyes were intolerable yesterday, more left than right, thick gel on white of eye, bloodshot, feeling of something foreign in eye. Acne breakouts in clusters on face - lower cheeks by mouth and cheekbones a few on forehead. All over feeling tired, back injury aches, new lipoma in arm, constipated and stomach prefers bland foods. Having more cravings for tobacco and feeling depressed. [Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-17 09:38:09]
ASmith2 6 months ago
No single remedy covers all symptoms, so try Merc 30c for now. Keep updating.
Although theyre prepared differently, one can be used for the other. Merc sol and Merc viv can be used interchangeably where Merc is indicated. It is better to have both, as sometimes one responds to certain conditions while the other does not.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
After taking merc vic - Everything seems improved but not better - back, mouth, teeth, eye, ear... But Im having a lot of gas and a feeling of something stuck in lower left side mild cramps, no appetite. [Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-18 10:57:05]
ASmith2 6 months ago
Try Sulphur 30c. [Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-18 12:57:16]
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Appetite improved and pain/gas is now mild. Still take sulphur or wait?
Thank you, everything improved throughout the day and most symptoms are mild or tolerable now. The only symptom thats bad is my top left molars are paining a lot as if decayed (these are the ones I had drilled a few months ago) the oral lichen planus feels as if my gums are burned with thread pulling through them and my upper left canine is weeping some pus again and the gums around it are red and irritated.
Didnt take ars alb yet woke up with foreign object feeling in left eye again.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Where in the left eye?
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Both eyes are bad now, left eye is worse mostly along the white of the eye that follows the lash line to the outer corner theres a thick gel, inner corners on both eyes are bloodshot as well. Molars dont pain as much but bad taste of decay/infection coming from left top eye tooth. [Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-08-19 13:01:39]
abut 30 minutes after taking sulph Im feeling small popping sensations like air bubbles in my eye - no worse, no better - just different.
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ASmith2 6 months ago
Eye is still the same all other symptoms have improved to be tolerable.
ASmith2 6 months ago
That bubble sensation there too?
Can you describe your symptoms again when you wake up?
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Left eye has lumpy thick film on white from iris to outer corner, bloodshot, feeling of hairs in eye with random sharp sensations as if a pin or acid in eye. Cool water rinses give relief for a few minutes.
An hour or so after causticum it appeared my eye was improving but within 2 hours its bad again. Feeling sticky as well as the sensation of hairs in the eye with random sharp sensation.
ASmith2 6 months ago
No more bloodshot eyes?
If symptoms stays the same then try Puls 30c. [Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-21 19:17:05]
JustSayin2 6 months ago
They are improved a bit again yes still bloodshot but not as bright.
ASmith2 6 months ago
Its morning, eye seems to continue to slowly improve.
One odd thing - I had several old insect bites on my arms that were almost better that started itching again - Im okay with that if my eye continues to improve.
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