The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Ear Infection After Ear Infection - Infant
My 9 months old baby boy has been batteling ear infection after infection since Christmas when he got his first cold in daycare. Since then he has one infection after another and unless he is on antibiotics he has symptoms. He wakes up screaming but semms ok but cranky during the day. While on an antibiotic he feels better and sleeps through the night without fail. He had tubes put into his ears in March but the prblem seems worse than ever. Both ears are constantly draining (his right one more than the other). I have started giving him eccenechia without any improvement so far. Please help.zanesmom on 2006-05-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what illness child have before x-mas?when excatly?how treated?please explain
any skin condition AT ALL in child's health history?when?how treated?
what vaccinations/immunizatins child have?when?
what is child's source of nourishment?please explain
any skin condition AT ALL in child's health history?when?how treated?
what vaccinations/immunizatins child have?when?
what is child's source of nourishment?please explain
♡ John Stanton last decade
Thank you for your reply. my child had a bad cold right before christmas (green mucous from the nose) that turned into an ear infection. the first ear infection was treated with amoxicillon oral antibiotic. the only thing i have noticed about his skin are one or two small (dime size) dry patches on his upper arms and a similar patch on his cheek. this typically goes away when i apply baby lotion and started in the cold months. my child has had the typical immunizations for a child his age (i cannot remember the dates right now but can check. (he just had his polio and hepatitis shot on monday). my ent suggested a week and a half ago that we stop all cow milk products. he gets soy formula, baby cereals, fruits and vegetables (baby food jars), fruit juice.
zanesmom last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
26 dec - cold/ear infection - given amoxicillon antibiotic
middel of jan - cold/ ear infection - omnicef antibiotic
2feb - cold/ear infection - augmentin
mid feb cold/ear infection - three shots (one per day for three days) - i think it was zi...something antibiotic
end of feb- seen by ENT -still ear infection
7 mar - ear tubes - floxin antibiotic drops
23 mar - cold/ear infection - tubes clogged, some other antibiotic drops and oral antibiotic
april - two more ear infections - omnicef and augmentin ES600 antibiotic
may - cashpowder (dry-powder 'sprayed' into ear) - contained steroid, antibiotic, antifungal
culture of ear showed nothing (ENT mentioned it is compromised by all the meds he's been on)
present - just took zithromax (or something like that) for 5 days - felt good for the first time in 4 weeks and slept through the night!!!! the entire course the ears were draining. as soon as anitiotic stopped he started waking at night again (next night) and is cranky during the day, ears not draining anymore
9may - seen by ENT - new tubes of different material to be placed into both ears end of the month (he said he had one case like this in ten years were it seemed child was allergic to the tubes themselves - they contain some silver? they are antibiotic material...)
thank you for your quick replies.
middel of jan - cold/ ear infection - omnicef antibiotic
2feb - cold/ear infection - augmentin
mid feb cold/ear infection - three shots (one per day for three days) - i think it was zi...something antibiotic
end of feb- seen by ENT -still ear infection
7 mar - ear tubes - floxin antibiotic drops
23 mar - cold/ear infection - tubes clogged, some other antibiotic drops and oral antibiotic
april - two more ear infections - omnicef and augmentin ES600 antibiotic
may - cashpowder (dry-powder 'sprayed' into ear) - contained steroid, antibiotic, antifungal
culture of ear showed nothing (ENT mentioned it is compromised by all the meds he's been on)
present - just took zithromax (or something like that) for 5 days - felt good for the first time in 4 weeks and slept through the night!!!! the entire course the ears were draining. as soon as anitiotic stopped he started waking at night again (next night) and is cranky during the day, ears not draining anymore
9may - seen by ENT - new tubes of different material to be placed into both ears end of the month (he said he had one case like this in ten years were it seemed child was allergic to the tubes themselves - they contain some silver? they are antibiotic material...)
thank you for your quick replies.
zanesmom last decade
no illnesses before dec 26/2005? please explain
when exactly (check records) vaccinations/immunizations given?
was child ever breastfed?for how long?please explain
when exactly (check records) vaccinations/immunizations given?
was child ever breastfed?for how long?please explain
♡ John Stanton last decade
I will check the immunization schedule when i get home. he had no illnesses prior to december at which poijnt he had been in daycare for 4 weeks. he was breastfed exclusively until feb 2006 (stopped when he was 6 months old)
zanesmom last decade
one more thing - he has had stridor and stertor which got worse when excited or feeding. the high pitched sounds he made have been gone since he was about 4 months old, he still makes the raspy sounds and snores. this was evaluated during ear surgery and all looks fine - immature vocal cords and throat muscles...
zanesmom last decade
what was done about the stridor?take to docs look?please expaln
what were exact symptoms concerning stridor?
what were exact symptoms concerning stridor?
♡ John Stanton last decade
the docs took a look into his airway and say that his tissue was immature which caused the loud breathing. nothing else was done .
zanesmom last decade
how long exactly after this examination did first cold occur?
absolutely no illness of any sort was experienced by child (besides stridor and cold)? even if in just passing?
no skin conditions at all?not even cradle cap? or little spot here or there?when was ''dime sized spots first noticed exactly'?
absolutely no illness of any sort was experienced by child (besides stridor and cold)? even if in just passing?
no skin conditions at all?not even cradle cap? or little spot here or there?when was ''dime sized spots first noticed exactly'?
♡ John Stanton last decade
examination of throat occurred during ear tube surgery so that was in early march after several colds and ear infections had already happened
the only other illness he had was during an ear infection/cold in april when he spiked a fever of 104 for one night which stayed elevated (1020 for a couple of days after that) - we went to doctor - they did blood count and suggested it was a viral infection - nothing was done and it resolved
the dry spots started during the cold months so in nov/dec
no, he had no cradle cap or anything like that at 6 weeks he had baby acne on his face for about 4 weeks
no other illnesses
thanks again
the only other illness he had was during an ear infection/cold in april when he spiked a fever of 104 for one night which stayed elevated (1020 for a couple of days after that) - we went to doctor - they did blood count and suggested it was a viral infection - nothing was done and it resolved
the dry spots started during the cold months so in nov/dec
no, he had no cradle cap or anything like that at 6 weeks he had baby acne on his face for about 4 weeks
no other illnesses
thanks again
zanesmom last decade
review---please read carefully and answer to depth that is possible...
birth date?
current weight?birth weight?
current length/height?birth length?
breast fed (til 6 months)
face-baby acne (6 weeks)
day care started
stridor --existed from birth?as son as started breast milk/fed?
stridor ceased (4 months)
whn exactly does he make the raspy sounds?snores only when asleep?snoring always occur?pease explain..
please explain the noises made and emotin attitude of child -concerning stridor before changed at age 4 months...
first cold (dec 05 )(4 weeks after starting daycare)
need to know exact dates of all vaccinations/immunizations
birth date?
current weight?birth weight?
current length/height?birth length?
breast fed (til 6 months)
face-baby acne (6 weeks)
day care started
stridor --existed from birth?as son as started breast milk/fed?
stridor ceased (4 months)
whn exactly does he make the raspy sounds?snores only when asleep?snoring always occur?pease explain..
please explain the noises made and emotin attitude of child -concerning stridor before changed at age 4 months...
first cold (dec 05 )(4 weeks after starting daycare)
need to know exact dates of all vaccinations/immunizations
♡ John Stanton last decade
birthdate: 03aug2005
birthweight: 10lbs 4oz
birthlength: 22.5 in
current weight 22lbs 7oz
current length 29in
exclusively breastfed until 6 months (6 feb 2006 last day)
baby acne 4weeks-8weeks
day care started 27 nov2005
stridor started a few weeks after birth (2weeks) ceased at 4 months
raspy sounds when excited, drinking fast
snores on and off at night on back, side or belly (only when asleep)
noises sound like an old man breathing heavily and raspy, sometimes stuttering quality to it
child is very mellow, has been since birth, easily bored but as long as stimulated visually or physically (loves his jumper, hates walker)
slept a lot since birth, two two hour naps still common during the day
loves to be silly and screams out in joy a lot - attitude has not changed since stridor or birth
DTaP#1 10/3/2005
DTaP #2 12/9/2005
DTaP#3 2/8/2006
HIB#1 10/3/2005
HIB #2 12/9/2005
HIB#3 2/8/2006
HEPB 8/5/2005
HEP B 9/6/2005
HEPB B 5/8/2006
IPV 10/3/2005
IPV 12/9/2005
IPV 2/8/2006
PCV 10/3/2005
PCV 12/9/2005
PCV/ 2/8/2006
Polio 5/8/2006
birthweight: 10lbs 4oz
birthlength: 22.5 in
current weight 22lbs 7oz
current length 29in
exclusively breastfed until 6 months (6 feb 2006 last day)
baby acne 4weeks-8weeks
day care started 27 nov2005
stridor started a few weeks after birth (2weeks) ceased at 4 months
raspy sounds when excited, drinking fast
snores on and off at night on back, side or belly (only when asleep)
noises sound like an old man breathing heavily and raspy, sometimes stuttering quality to it
child is very mellow, has been since birth, easily bored but as long as stimulated visually or physically (loves his jumper, hates walker)
slept a lot since birth, two two hour naps still common during the day
loves to be silly and screams out in joy a lot - attitude has not changed since stridor or birth
DTaP#1 10/3/2005
DTaP #2 12/9/2005
DTaP#3 2/8/2006
HIB#1 10/3/2005
HIB #2 12/9/2005
HIB#3 2/8/2006
HEPB 8/5/2005
HEP B 9/6/2005
HEPB B 5/8/2006
IPV 10/3/2005
IPV 12/9/2005
IPV 2/8/2006
PCV 10/3/2005
PCV 12/9/2005
PCV/ 2/8/2006
Polio 5/8/2006
zanesmom last decade
what was mother's exact state of health during pregnancy?please explain--meds used ;illnesses;tramas;accidents;....etc
♡ John Stanton last decade
healthy during pregnancy
used tylenol for headaches
one bad cold during 3rd month
took tylenol, baby vapor rub on nose no more
no smoking drinking etc
no other illnesses
very very active during pregnancy - worked out on eliptical almost daily, did garden work, delivered without any pain medication at all ( 4 days late)
used tylenol for headaches
one bad cold during 3rd month
took tylenol, baby vapor rub on nose no more
no smoking drinking etc
no other illnesses
very very active during pregnancy - worked out on eliptical almost daily, did garden work, delivered without any pain medication at all ( 4 days late)
zanesmom last decade
how much antibiotic use in mother's health hitory?please explain
what dis-eases and such in family genetic history?please explain
what dis-eases and such in family genetic history?please explain
♡ John Stanton last decade
was given amoxicillan in 2001 (aug) for terrible ear infection myself (ear canal swelled shut, outer ear swollen and side of face also)that was after antibiotic drops and amoxicillan were perscribed. wick had to be inserted and additional antibiotic drops and steroid given - cleared up within 2 days.
given antibiotic sometime in 1998 for horrible cough that had lasted for weeks. other than that no antibiotics in adulthood.
had numerous ear infections as a child, ear drum had a hole in it from age 5-10 - then finally surgically repaired. not much antibiotic use at all during this time (from germany originally - antibiotics given very rarely for ear infections)
my mother had bad ear infections also (first one at 4 weeks of age) and so did her father's side of the family (so ear problems are typical)
other than that family reasonably healthy. child's father has had no health problems at all...
given antibiotic sometime in 1998 for horrible cough that had lasted for weeks. other than that no antibiotics in adulthood.
had numerous ear infections as a child, ear drum had a hole in it from age 5-10 - then finally surgically repaired. not much antibiotic use at all during this time (from germany originally - antibiotics given very rarely for ear infections)
my mother had bad ear infections also (first one at 4 weeks of age) and so did her father's side of the family (so ear problems are typical)
other than that family reasonably healthy. child's father has had no health problems at all...
zanesmom last decade
concerning headache during pregnancy---did mother have such before pregnancy?please explain..where exact location of headache?part(s) of head envolved?describe the characteristics?
mother been to chiropractic treatment?when?
please explain he exact symptoms envolved with 'bad cos' 3rd month of pregnancy...
mother been to chiropractic treatment?when?
please explain he exact symptoms envolved with 'bad cos' 3rd month of pregnancy...
♡ John Stanton last decade
no headaches like that before pregnancy. mostly in first trimester. constant numb pain all over head - would try and ignore and go to bed and drink water but headaches still there when woke in the morning
currently pregnant again (14th week) and headaches occurred again but are subsiding now
frequency only about two to three times a week - tylenol helps
no chiropractic treatment but had bad shoulder/neck pains (aggrevated by repetetive motion at work) - right side - feels muscles get tighter and tighter and ball up in a big know - worse when shoulder used or tense/stressed - subsided during both preganacies but came back between them. saw physical therapist for it - (about one year before first pregnancy started) - given slectric stimulation and steroid patch for a while - temporarily relieved symptoms but nothing worked long time except using shoulder as little as possible
bad cold in 3rd month of pregancy : very fatigued, missed two days work, nasal congestions severe - constantly blowing nose - almost fluelike but no fever or as severe as cold
currently pregnant again (14th week) and headaches occurred again but are subsiding now
frequency only about two to three times a week - tylenol helps
no chiropractic treatment but had bad shoulder/neck pains (aggrevated by repetetive motion at work) - right side - feels muscles get tighter and tighter and ball up in a big know - worse when shoulder used or tense/stressed - subsided during both preganacies but came back between them. saw physical therapist for it - (about one year before first pregnancy started) - given slectric stimulation and steroid patch for a while - temporarily relieved symptoms but nothing worked long time except using shoulder as little as possible
bad cold in 3rd month of pregancy : very fatigued, missed two days work, nasal congestions severe - constantly blowing nose - almost fluelike but no fever or as severe as cold
zanesmom last decade
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