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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis) For 5 Years Is Been Brutal

I have been suffering from onychomycosis or Nail Fungus for about 5 years. Took Anti Fungal for 3 years but got little benefit only till you take the medicine, then it comes back again. Liver had become weak so the treatment cause of Allopathy. Its been 5 years now and it still hasnt happened. One finger and then the other. please help

Age : 30 Years

I was helpless then I move on to see if homeopath got some medicine to cure me from this diseases. As I asked a homeopath doctor here in India. He insisted me to take Antim Crud 30C Dilution : 2 Drops Three Times In A Tongue For 2 Weeks. Its my 4th day and I just wanna make it sure that if he prescribed me right medication and should I go with a repetion or something need to change?
  Dev1 on 2024-04-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This photo I clicked it today.
[Edited by Dev1 on 2024-04-01 02:13:40]

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Dev1 11 months ago
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
I think u should take SILICEA 30C 3 drops in a spoon of water thrice a day for atleast one week. And report back if u feel some change.

drsajid 10 months ago
Thanks For the help, I took Antim Crud 30C 2 drops thrice daily for 7 days. Should I stop taking it and start taking Silicea 30 C?
Dev1 10 months ago
If u feelbetter from 1st prescribed med. Continue them. But if there is no change then try SILICEA.
drsajid 10 months ago
Sir Im taking medicines and had attached old pictures of mine nail in the beginning of the thread and now again after taking it for 7 days. Please kindly take a look into it.

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Dev1 10 months ago
The prescribed med is very effective for finger nail fungus. Anytime u start this. U can freely update.
drsajid 10 months ago
You mean Silicea? I took Antim Crud 30C for one week. I just wanna know if I keep continue this medicine or start taking Silicea as per prescribed by you. Please Tell Dr. Sajid. Please reply me back.
Dev1 10 months ago
I told u that if u feel better by using ant crude then continue. and if you feel no changes then you can try silicea.
drsajid 10 months ago
And one more thing you please define that what is the real colour of this fungal infected nails. are this brown Blueish etc. does the nails splitted or cracked?
drsajid 10 months ago
The original color of my affected is brownish with the yellowish at the top and sometimes white spots appear from the base line of the nail that eventually turns into yellow with streaks and thick and enlarged nails.
Dev1 10 months ago
Ok. If u feel no change from taking Ant crud. Then take Silicea.
drsajid 10 months ago
Dr Sajid Sir, I took my blood test as well where I found some really weird report. Im not obese but Ive seen significant changes in Lipid Profile Test. I just dunno what happened as Im health conscious and do weekly exercise.

My Blood Test Report Is Below :

1. RBC Count : 5.9

1. TOTAL Cholesterol : 220
2. Triglycerides : 238.7
3. VLDL : 47.74

1. RDW-CV : 15.6
2. MCH : 23.7
3. MCV : 74.3
Dev1 10 months ago
Dev ur lipids are bit increased. U can manage ur diet. Stop taking any type of oily food. It is better to avoid meat for atleast 7 days . exercise regularly. And take Silicea as prescribed.
drsajid 10 months ago
Sir, Im a pure vegetarian. I dont eat meat at all. This is why I dont why my lipid profile shows high. I took blood test along with my mother and bro that I mentioned their sickness too and trying to follow you. My mom is overweight and obese. She takes short breathe in sleeping and I thought her lipid profile would be high so we took a blood test today all together. Though her lipid shows normal but mine really shocked me. We choosen Redcliffe Labs for the test.
Dev1 10 months ago
Dev if u have worried about increased cholesterol the i prescribe 2 med.
Phosphorus 30C
Lycopodium 30C.
Take 3 drops of each in little water thrice a day for atleast 15 days.
And take silicea 6x. 2 tablets twicea day.
Take 1st combination 1/2 hr before meal and Silicea 6x after meals.
drsajid 10 months ago
This that means I dont need to take Silicea 30? Im asking sir as I didnt started it yet but intended to get it by tomorrow.
Dev1 10 months ago
Sir, I do have Silicea 12x at home. Can I took that instead of Silicea 6x and if so? Then what would be its dose for how many days? Im really sorry to bother you Dr. Sajid.
Dev1 10 months ago
U can take Silicea in 12x. And dose will be the same as for 6x.
drsajid 10 months ago
Its my fourth day taking Silicea 12x twice a day but Im seeing white spots to be increasing and spreading from other side in the nail. Kindly take a look in the photo I attached. Yellowish color seems to be unchanged. Let me know what to do Dr. Sajid.

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Dev1 10 months ago
Dear dev. As i prescribed initially Silicea 30. But u said u hv not the advised potency. But dont worry. As fungul infection take some time to be cured. U pls get these medicine in the advised potency. And take them as i said.
1- Ant Crud 200c. ( not in anyother potency) . thrice a day for atleast 10 days

2- Silicea 30c. Thrice a day for 10 days.

You can take 1st remedy 1/2 hr before meals and the 2nd 1/2 hr after meals.

InshaAllah you will get well soon.
drsajid 10 months ago
Sir I do have Silicea 30C right now but have to buy Antimonium Crudum 200. I will try to get it by tomorrow. I just wanna know should I take my todays Silicea 12x night dose or skip it and start all medicines by tomorrow? Also day before yesterday I had a sudden high fever with joints pain all over my shoulder, elbow, ankle with fever over 102. I had to take dolo 650 once daily. Thereafter next day new symptoms of dry mouth, tongue, lips with little thirst of water and some creaking feeling with little pain in my throat on swallowing right side ofmy throat with some times little tension under my ear. My palate is also very dry. What should I do Dr. Sajid
Dev1 10 months ago
Sir dolo 650 means paracetamol.
Dev1 10 months ago
Ok for now you pls take Nux Vomica 200. A single dose.
Then from the next day start the 2 prescribed medicine. And do not take silicea 12x.
drsajid 10 months ago
What about this? I ordered this medicines Phosphorus 30 and Lycopodium 30 as per prescribed by you for my high cholestrol. Should I take it alongwith the new prescribed medicines Antimonium Crudum 200 and Silicea 30?
Dev1 10 months ago

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