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You will take pulsatilla, between sulphur and lyco, at any time
drsajid 9 months ago
So sir, on the days I dont take sulphur, I dont need to take Pulsatilla. Am I understanding this correctly?
nittin592295 9 months ago
Yes, you will take pulsatilla only when you have to take lyco after sulphur
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay sir, thank you for the clarification!
nittin592295 9 months ago
Sir, no significant changes observed other than some positive effects on the digestive system (such as; lesser bloating and gas) and much better quality of penile erections. The odour issue is still prevalent.

It seemed like I was getting somewhat better results with calcarea sulph 200 as far as the body odour was concerned. Im not being biased or judgemental but I just feel as if I didnt use enough in the right potency or for a longer duration to get satisfactory results.

Please suggest the next course of action. This is becoming really frustrating for me day by day.
nittin592295 8 months ago
Sir, humbly request you to kindly guide me regarding the future course of action. Please dont abandon me. Its a humble request sir!
[Edited by nittin592295 on 2024-06-04 17:21:38]
nittin592295 8 months ago
No no pls dont think so, i was too Much busy, the next prescription for u is below, and stop the previous medicine, now take the cell salts below,

Natrum Muriaticum (Nat. Mur.) 6X:Dosage: 4 tablets,Timing: Twice daily (morning and evening)

Silicea (Silica) 6X:Dosage: 4 tablets,Timing: Twice daily (morning and evening), taken at least an hour apart from Nat. Mur.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-06-04 17:53:31]
drsajid 8 months ago
Thank you so much for your reply sir!

May I take these medicines in the afternoon and evening instead of morning and evening? Because like I mentioned previously, I work in an afternoon shift and I wake up only around 11am or 11.30am?

Also, do I need to antidote the previous medicines taken by consuming Camphora 200 and/or Coffea Cruda 200?
nittin592295 8 months ago
Yes u can take these according to the time u feel easy, and no need to antidote.
drsajid 8 months ago
Okay sir, thank you so much!
nittin592295 8 months ago
Good evening sir! Just wanted to check whether I can consume black coffee and products having mint or menthol while I take the medication (Nat Mur 6X & Silicea 6X)?
nittin592295 8 months ago
No issue
drsajid 8 months ago
Thank you sir!
nittin592295 8 months ago
Sir, I have tried Nat Mur 6X and Silicea 6X for a little under a week. To be honest, Im not really sure if it is working because of the following reasons:

1. At times, I feel the condition is getting better but at other times, I feel that theres still the old familiar sour + acidic/acrid + sweet + onion like pungent kind of combination smell of all the smells/odours which I can smell and people around me also can smell. Whereas, at certain other times, I cant smell these odours but I notice that people around me can because they give weird expressions of bad smell detected when they enter any room that I am already in. At certain times now, when my blocked nostril is open, even I get a different kind of stale sweaty unpleasant smell which is slightly different from the previous smells I have described above.

2. To be honest, because of some sudden changes in my schedule during the last week, I have forgotten to take the dose of Silicea 6X twice.

3. Some people seem to have no problem even when they stand within 2 feet distance of me or even stand really very close to me but those people are very few. Majority of the people still seem to display some discomfort when they enter a room I am in or when I enter a room they are in. Not sure if it is just the sweat smell, the body odour, or because or my alcohol habit and smoking habit OR because of all these factors.

I personally feel that there seems to be slight improvement with the Nat Mur 6X and the Silicea 6X but I cant say for sure as of now.

Do you suggest I continue taking these for few more days or so you think a change of medicines might help?

Please do guide.
nittin592295 8 months ago
You continue the medicine for next week.
drsajid 8 months ago
Okay sir, thank you! I will continue these for another week and update you. Thank you!
nittin592295 8 months ago
Hello sir,

Im still not sure if the Nat Mur 6X and Silicea 6X are really working. Sometimes, I feel it might be working a bit because Im not able to smell the odour mostly due to blocked nose but most people are still able to notice it and subconsciously express discomfort by rubbing or slightly covering their noses; but at other times, I am also able to notice the strange sweet + pungent + sour + acrid smell combination along with other people. In either case, Im noticing now that most people (not all people) are still experiencing discomfort around me. Maybe the few people who are not able to smell the odour also have blocked noses. Also, my easy sweating problem is still there. Even the slightest exertion whether physically due to movement or mental due to stress makes me sweat more easily. The only slight improvement I feel I have found is reduced sweating in the occiput region (previously, my pillow used to be somewhat wet because of sweating but now its slightly less but that might be because of slightly lower temperatures now during the rainy season).

Im really very confused now sir and still desperate to get these issues cured.

Please guide regarding the next course of action sir!
nittin592295 8 months ago
Remedy 1: Silicea: 30C
Dosage: Take 3 pellets of Silicea 30C twice daily (morning and evening) for 4 weeks.Administration:Place the pellets under the tongue and allow them to dissolve. Avoid eating or drinking 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy.
Remedy 2: Calcarea Carbonica 30C
Dosage: Take 3 pellets of Calcarea Carbonica 30C once daily (preferably in the evening) for 4 weeks.
drsajid 8 months ago
Sir, do these have to be in pellet form only? Because I have already have with me, 30c liquid dilution of Silicea. If dilution is okay, how many drops should I take on the morning and evening? Also sir, calcarea carb had made my symptoms & the odour worse in 200c potency. So should I still take calc carb in 30c now? Also sir, from the very little reading I have done, I understand that both, Silicea and calc carb are primarily for cold patients whereas, I am a hot patient, so would these medicines work for a hot patient like me? Please dont misunderstand me or take this in any wrong way, Im just trying to understand things. Of all the medicines I have taken so far, calc sulph 200c seemed to work better although not completely. Im just very confused and frustrated with this situation sir. Please dont misunderstand me. I need your help and Im just trying to provide you whatever information I can that might help you cure my problem.
[Edited by nittin592295 on 2024-06-16 20:36:39]
nittin592295 8 months ago
Ok, pls write each and every symptom of u including thirst, appetite, food cravings and aversions, mind symptoms mean mood swings etc
drsajid 8 months ago
Primary issues: Sweating easily with even the slightest movement and weird odour from body even despite maintaining good hygiene. Even slight exertion leads to sweating over whole body including sweat running down from the head easily. The occiput almost always is damp with sweat. Offensive odour of stool.

Medical parameters: Blood sugar: EAG 139.9 mg/dl. HBA1C 6.5. FBS 106. PPBS 162.
LFT: GGT 111. Rest all liver enzymes within the range.
Lipid: Cholesterol Total 315. Triglycerides 272. HDL 34. LDL Direct 144. Non HDL cholesterol 181. VLDL 54. CHOL/HDL ratio 6.3. LDL/HDL ratio 4.2.

Body: Unable to stand even slightest heat. Prefer cool temperature and but more cold temperatures sometimes cause problems like cold, cough and fever. Also tend to fall ill (fever, cold, cough) during change of seasons/weather. Sensitive stomach, IBS, itching on scalp, sexual weakness.

Body structure: Short-medium height, thinner arms, pot belly, balding head.

Appetite: Usually normal but sometimes, I feel extremely hungry whereas at other times, I have no problem even skipping a meal or two. Most of the time, appetite is normal.
I usually dont feel very thirsty and my water intake is less but there are certain times I feel very thirsty and that is when I have ice water. I have a bottle half filled with frozen water, I add normal or cold water to that ice and keep having that really cold water during such times.

Likes: Sweets, eggs, rice, cold water/ice cold water, alcohol, smoking, warm food (not hot food), loose/comfortable clothes, spacious rooms.

Dislikes: Hot weather, hot food (I dont like waiting for food to cool down), extremely spicy food, tight clothes.

Nature: Impatient, Quick to anger, especially when anyone argues back, questions or tries to restrict me. Can go from really good mood to really angry mood if someone provokes me. Tend to use harsh words in such cases. Prefer to be alone in my own space but not in life (like to be alone in the house but not for long periods, I would prefer someone to be there in the house but not enter my space and disturb me repeatedly. Do not like to be ordered. Prefer to live by my own rules. Many a times, have problems with people in authority (bosses/superiors). Feeling of self importance. Fear of heights, failure, poverty and slight worry about future. Worry about finances.

Habits: Smoking, drinking (daily), sedentary lifestyle (dont like to exercise because slightest movement makes me sweat a lot).
nittin592295 8 months ago
Take a single dose of thuja 1M, and wait for a week
drsajid 8 months ago
One dose meaning 5 drops of Thuja 1M liquid form, right?

Do I need to antidote the Silicea with camphor and/or Coffea Cruda?
nittin592295 8 months ago
No need to antidote
drsajid 8 months ago
Sir, I took one dose (5 drops) of Thuja 1M on Saturday, 22nd June. There seems to be very slight improvement in the odour at times but at other times, Im able to smell a very sour, acidic kind of odour. The sweet + pungent odour is somewhat less now but not fully gone. Also. I have noticed that few people are now somewhat comfortable coming close to me and talking to me but many others are still experiencing some discomfort around me. Also the sweating is very less now when there is good rain and temperature is cool, as compared to similar situations in the past but when there is no rain or when the humidity is high even when there is slight rain, I now feel that the sweat is more and now rolling off in bigger beads of sweat from the sides and back of my head. On the top of the head, it seems somewhat lesser sweat now, thats what it feels like as of now. But sweating from the rest of the whole body is still there.

So in short, even though I feel like Thuja 1M is working to some extent, Im not sure if it is working completely. Maybe 1 week is a small timeframe to actually judge whether it is working.

Please guide whether I should continue this for another week or so, or whether you would suggest some other medicine instead.
nittin592295 8 months ago
Do not repeat the dose and wait for 7 more days
drsajid 8 months ago

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