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Sir, Im still not sure if Thuja 1M is working or not. Sometimes, it feels as if its working to a small extent, but most of the time, it seems as if it is not working. Im really not able to tell now whether its working or not. As per your advice, I have waited for another week without repeating the dose. Pls guide me sir!
nittin592295 7 months ago
♡ drsajid 7 months ago
Okay sir, thank you! Can I consume coffee or caffeinated energy drinks during the time I take Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X?
nittin592295 7 months ago
Okay sir. Do I need to antidote the Thuja 1M or can I directly start taking the Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X?
nittin592295 7 months ago
Doctor sahab, today I felt that the Thuja 1M might be working to some extent but I still cant say for sure because there was not heavy sweating; possibly due to less humidity, less physical exertion and therefore less sweating. Again I cant say this for sure but I feel that today when I went out and sat in an AC compartment/room, just few people seemed to experience uneasiness. Again, Im not 100% sure about this but this is what I felt today, it could be because of lesser humidity, lesser sweating and sitting in an AC environment. Should I start taking the Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X (I only hope that it wont cancel out any of the possible good effects of the Thuja 1M)? Or should I start taking the Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X immediately? Im very confused sir, hence asking. Please do guide me.
nittin592295 7 months ago
You start taking cell salts
♡ drsajid 7 months ago
Okay sir, will start with the cell salts.
nittin592295 7 months ago
nittin592295 7 months ago
Sir, may I also take Dr. Reckewegs R32 drops for hyperhidrosis along with or in alternation with the Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X?
nittin592295 7 months ago
Sir Nat Mur 6X and Calc Phos 6X not working at all. May I please start taking the R32 drops by Dr. Reckeweg? Im tired of trying so many medicines over the last 5-6 yrs for this issue that has been troubling me for over 12 yrs now. Im frustrated to the core! If I gather all the homeopathic medicines and click a picture and send to you, you will certainly be able to imagine my frustration!
May I please, with your permission, start taking Dr reckeweg R32 drops? This is my last shot at trying to solve this problem once and for all. Please dont say no sir. If even that doesnt work, I will again seek & request your guidance. But for now, I request you to please allow me to attend least try the R32 drops for at least a month. ð
May I please, with your permission, start taking Dr reckeweg R32 drops? This is my last shot at trying to solve this problem once and for all. Please dont say no sir. If even that doesnt work, I will again seek & request your guidance. But for now, I request you to please allow me to attend least try the R32 drops for at least a month. ð
nittin592295 7 months ago
Thank you sir. Do I need to take any antidote before I take the R32 combination?
nittin592295 7 months ago
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