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Right Hand Swollen And Painful Causing Illness

I am a 69 year old woman feeling very sick yesterday and today. My right hand is swollen at the back and towards the thumb joint. Bending it feels tight. It feels like it was punched type of pain. Bruised feeling. I may have been bitten by a black fly or mosquito because the season has just started. This illness happens to me every year at this time.
The glands in my neck under my chin are swollen more on the right side.
I have a headache feeling mostly at the back of head near my neck. I have vertigo and feel a bit dizzy when sitting and walking.
My ears are ringing mostly in the right ear.
I wake up in the morning unrested.
My heart feels slow and pounding. Rate at 70 beats per minute.
I feel an urgency to get up and move around which makes me feel a bit better. I feel an urgency like I’m very sick.
I don’t have a fever.
I get diarrhea in morning a few times with some pain around opening.
I feel hungry for food and feel better after eating or drinking.
Mouth feels dry and thirsty.
Inside mouth is swollen in right cheek from biting myself.
My throat is raspy and small coughs do not help to clear it.
I have many remedies at home and would appreciate if you could tell me which is the best for me right now.
My history is under my other previous post.
Thank you for your help.
  Alimp on 2024-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I feel hungry for food and feel better after eating or drinking.SPECIFY TIME WHEN YOU FEEL HUNGRY.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
I get hungry from 10-11 am, then hungry again at 2:30 or 3 pm, then hungry again at 6:30-7 pm and again hungry at 11:00 pm. Thanks for your reply.
Alimp 9 months ago


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.


Check out these under-mentioned threads for describing your symptoms.



While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Ok I will do everything. Thank you for your reply.
Alimp 9 months ago
Hello here is my report. I have studied the sensation method and also watched a helpful video Dr Rajan Sankaran.
On day two and three I took Sulphur 30c and nothing happened. Every symptom was the same. I would sit alone at a table and hold my head with one hand with my elbow on the table. One of my aunt’s had passed away a week ago and I had been to the funeral two days before with all of my cousins so I felt the grief and sadness. Least touch on affected parts painful. I was better after breakfast, warmth, and rest at night. So I went in the site and found another remedy and after checking all the symptoms in my Pocketbook by William Boericke I took staphysagria 30c for 3 doses. I got instant relief from almost all the symptoms.
I am 80-90% better.
On day 6,7, and 8 I had back pain in lower back feeling like I had done too much work bent over. Bruised feeling on right side. I couldn’t straighten up and walked bent forward. I waited and on day 9 it disappeared and I have had good days for 5 days since then.
I am now just taking the two tissue salts and have many symptoms that are ongoing.
During this time I also noticed a skin eruption that occurs annually on my left breast about 1 cm from the centre bone of my chest. It is red itchy and like a pimple which has cleared up now.
Headache is 90 percent better.
Swelling hand 60 percent better on both hands.
Knuckles on both hands are large painful and embarrassing to show.
Warts on fingers near joints are circular swellings that form a blood spot on top as they develop. They are similar to warts that I had when young.
Ears noises like hissing 80 percent better.
Eyes burning with dry feeling. Close right eye to get relief.
Mouth sores gone.
Nose gets sores along edge which are sore once a week which peak off.
Skin itchy bites bumps with red patches. 50 percent better.
Nails ridges on all nails vertically. Toe nails brown colour with thickness.
Desire sweet things. Chocolate and caramel and cheesecake which can’t ever have.
Cannot decide what to do about anything and want attention from others so I tell them and then don’t take their advice. When I’m sick I moan a lot alone and don’t yell at anyone because too sick.
I like to eat raw carrots, kale, oatmeal, and do this religiously never missing a day. But I want to enjoy food some day.
Sleep on front with legs straight with one arm down and the other arm up near my face.
Better in damp weather or holding hands under hot water.
Hate draft. Like to be outside on a swing.
Like crowds and like being touched and hugged.
Fear thunderstorms and must be inside with others and away from windows. Also fear bees, snakes.
Fear new adventures and always check what can go wrong before I go on big trips. I can’t run fast or jump or swim so I take precautions for these.
Restless right foot when sitting with legs crossed so foot is off the floor and it goes back and forth. When going downstairs right leg cracks near ankle with pain inside bone.
Dreams are busy doing things and going places.
Sleep is restful these days with a nap in the evening after dinner in a chair and sleep for 6-7 hours in bed.
Veins show blue on back of hands and are raised above skin. Like see through skin.
Teeth are chipped and have multiple cavities along the lower part near the gums.
Even though it is summer is still wear layers of clothing. Skin on stomach and chest feels cold to touch.
I feel like I am making some progress which is great. 5 good days is very good for me.
It will be nice to break the cycle that is going on. If there are any questions please let me know. Thank you.
Alimp 9 months ago



[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-03 05:27:01]
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Ok that sounds great. I will do everything and get back in a week.
Many thanks.
Alimp 9 months ago
Here is my report;
Teeth feel better with less pain. Went to the dentist to get fillings.
Headache at back of head and neck feels like all the muscles are pulled. Feel a bit dizzy with it. Starts in the morning after rising.
Bug bites with raised red bumps and patches on skin on leg. It’s very itchy like tickles all over area. Can’t sleep at night. Scratching helps at first then makes it worse with raw skin and open sores. Worse when undress at night. Better when covered up tightly so no air gets in and pressure is applied. Better from cold application.
Eyes sore like they were punched and itchy in the inner points near nose. So itchy it tickles constantly. Better from cold application and being fanned cold wet applied. Worse at night and from scratching. They get very red.
Throat sore and itchy in the back upper part of mouth just past the hard area. Rub with tongue to get relief. Cold drinks help. Worse late at night.
Sweat at night with hit feeling all over. Sweat everywhere except head. Wake up refreshed with wet/damp feeling in clothes. Not cold.
Nose itchy tickles and must rub from side to side which doesn’t help. Starts in the morning.
Skin on nose has small pimples on tip. Feels swollen slightly. Scratching breaks the head off the pimples.
Nose running during day clear watery not burning. Tickles and feels stuffy and full not blocked. Sneeze by also. All started in the morning.
Skin on both elbows has swelling like a pimple or boil which doesn’t have a head. It hurts to out elbow on table. These have gone down and moved onto knuckles of baby fingers in both hands.
Fearful and anxious of thunderstorms coming at night. Happened twice this week. I get very scared and heart races and breathing high and running around the house if I am home alone during a storm. I won’t go out in the car during a storm. Too afraid. People were home so I was watchful and couldn’t sleep during the storm.
Ears ringing has stopped.
Eyes feel burning in eyes during evening. I close one eye or both eyes to get relief. It feels as if eyes were dry but they are not.
Vision is double if watching tv and must close one eye to enjoy a show much of the time. It’s very frustrating to have to do this.
Jaw left side was sore for two days and had trouble chewing food. Keep mouth open for relief. Painful to close jaw. Like jaw feels bruised or punched.
Annal bleeding started at midnight and lasted 10 minutes. Usually after a bright sunny day with lots of activity. Bright red blood after urinate and pass wind. Have flatulence not painful. When pass wind it makes a very loud noise.
Tongue sore on right side. White bump raised and painful when rubs on teeth.
Swelling inside lower lip where bite self. Painful when touched.
Bumps on skin at back of neck raised and red patches that get a scab on top. If scratch off scab it bleeds and feels good like relief.
I am always thorough when doing any work or projects. If I need to give any more information that is ok for me. I find that I learn more each day.
Other bothersome symptoms are my hands which get sore on bright sunny days. The knuckles are pressing together and pushing towards the small baby fingers on each hand. The first finger is now crossing over the second finger. Feels bruised and pressing like a handshake that’s too tight. Thank you for all of your help.
Kindest regards.
Alimp 8 months ago
Ledum palustre 30 three times a day.

CF,SIL and NM to continue.

Stop other remedies and a feedback after a week.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Ok I will do everything and get back after a week. Thank you.
Alimp 8 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
Feeling tired yesterday with 30% energy level.
Feeling tired today with 50% energy level.
Today headache in back of head and back of neck pain level 60% with pain feeling like sore muscles.
Bug bite on back of head on Wednesday feels better with less swelling today.
Bug bite on ankle yesterday swollen red and painful stinging pain started at 12 midnight last night. Felt very anxious like this is not good and I want to do something every ten minutes to get better. Face pale cheeks hollow indent circles in them and eyes sunken.
Diarrhea last night with painful hemorrhoids at 60% with pain for ten minutes after stool.
Insomnia it took 4 hours to fall asleep last night and every night this week. Got to sleep at 5 am. Bed feels too hot and too cold if take the blankets off. Last night I cried from frustration of ankle pain and no sleep.
Today in the evening feeling better with energy up level rising to 60% and face looking a bit better with dents in cheeks gone.
Feeling like I want to sabotage my progress and stay unhealthy forever. So I try to postpone reports and push symptoms aside like they are not important but they are all still there and getting worse. I feel very alone in my journey towards a cure. I don’t tell anyone about my seeking a cure for rheumatoid arthritis because they will laugh and say rude comments which hurt me the most.
Thank you for your help.
Alimp 8 months ago



[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-30 04:29:17]
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
For Adamas 200 is that one dose each day for three days?
Alimp 8 months ago
For Adamas 200 is that one dose each day for three days?YES
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Ok Thank you. I will order it and report back after 7 days.
Alimp 8 months ago
Hello I have now received Adamas 200c. I will take and report back after seven days. Thank you.
Alimp 7 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
Days 1-4 had diarrhea in morning and evening with the feeling that there was more to come out. After day 4 I had more faith eked stool and still have hemorrhoids after going with some pain for 3 minutes.
Day 3 was feeling anxious, sad, with urgency to tell my family members about all the things that they were doing wrong. It felt good to scream and cry at them. I apologized to them while I cried and yelled at them so we are on good terms still.
I think that I am a perfectionist. I am strict with everything, my diet, my part time job, and I want my home to run smoothly and economically. I allow my daughter and her family to live with me in my house. I have set rules like clean up after yourself, turn off lights and fans when you leave, and close the doors at night. I constantly have to remind them and they just complain and turn it into an argument with threatening comments towards me.
I also become so focused on a project or topic of interest that you would think that it is my whole life work. After I learn everything about one topic I will finish and out it aside and start doing the same thing with another topic.
I often forget important words while talking and can’t express my point fully until much later when I find the word.
I would say that now I feel lonely in life and am looking for a partner my own age that I can share life with and love too.
I lost love years ago with great sadness and now feel hesitant or undeserving so I keep busy so that I will not think about it. I’m trying to break this habit of being busy.
Headache in back of head and neck mostly on the left side. Worse at night causing insomnia from 2-6am better after eating or drinking green tea.
Dreams of being busy and living in a different house and having to take care of lots of things which I like. My cat is lost this week so first I dreamt of her dead and us finding her. The next night I dreamt of us finding her alive and well.
Right leg is sore like a bruise and swollen around my knee. Better in the morning worse as the day goes on or if sitting and first move to get up. By evening it’s hard to walk.
Right leg also has pain like sore muscle or Charlie horse swelling in the calf above ankle. Slightly better in the morning and worse as the day goes on. By evening I can’t flex foot up or down.
Left foot pain like ache. Worse when pressed. Lasted for one day at base of big toe. Big toe has circular swelling on bottom that is tough calloused skin and shows rings on skin. Big toes on both feet push towards other toes so I wear wraps at night to hold the toes straight.
Old-Both shoulders are sore when reach up. Right is worse with cutting pain when move. Better in damp weather.
When flossing teeth and rub the string along gums there is a squeaking noise.
Get cold easily even in summer and shiver and must cover up with warm clothing every evening around 8pm.
Veins in back of hand and up arms stand out a blue colour and are visible through my skin.
I am afraid of thunderstorms, needles, snakes, and large flying insects give me a sudden fright.
Old-Fingers hurt like pimple at sides of nails top and sides and sometimes bottom of nails.
Old-Toe fungus is still the same.
Body odour from armpits smells like garlic. Left arm is worse than right.
I you have any questions please let me know. I greatly appreciate your help.
Alimp 7 months ago
No remedies for four days.And a feedback.Apparently the old symptoms have resurfaced it seems.

Based on this-cover up with warm clothing every evening around 8pm.

During the course of analysis I came across a very interesting symptom in HEPAR SULPH-The patient is CHILLY; even wears overcoat in hot weather.I could not find it in any other remedy.


I suggest start HEPAR SULPH 30 three times a day.Ignore my no remedy comment.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-07-25 12:53:26]
anuj srivastava 7 months ago
Thank you for your suggestion of Hepar Sulf 30c. This remedy will be much easier to get. I will report back in 7 days.
Alimp 7 months ago
Hello here is my report;
I took the Hepar Sulf until 4 days ago and ran out and was not able to get to the store yet to get more. I go away camping in the summer and will be near the store tomorrow.
Day 1 - Took remedy and felt better right away.
Diarrhea was better and more formed and last 4 days has been diarrhea and have to go quickly or soil clothes.
Coldness - Better and not so cold in the evenings.
Swellings from bites - All have healed quickly and disappeared.
Insect Bites - Got bitten on the left ankle and it lasted 5 days and went down. Now have more insect bites which are swollen and itchy. I cover with a bandaid which helps.
Right knee - swelling went down by 50% and stayed the same but in last 4 days it is back.
Right leg calf - got a bit better 40% and still stiff with less pain.
Headache and neck pain - headache is still the same and neck pain mostly I left side feels like stiff muscles.
Tongue pain - With swelling on right side at top centre from biting self five days in a row.
I am seeing old symptoms returning;
Exhaustion - After taking a bath I felt exhausted like I did 3 years ago. It just happened the one time.
Old - Left big toe now also has a bunion acting up and getting red and swollen. Also the large circle on bottom of toe is still swollen a bit.
Old - Ear canal if both ears is pealing a bit of skin inside like it did many years ago.
Old - Throat itchy at back of roof of mouth in soft area every evening.
You are right - The slightest cause irritates me. Bites from bugs, bumping into someone now neck pain and swollen lip, taking a bath, eating a different food and wrist swells up, getting cold.
I went on a 4 kilometre hike yesterday at a fairly fast pace. Felt sweaty during and had good energy. I thought I would be exhausted in the evening but I was just normally tired so it turned out good.
If you have any questions or need more explanation let me know. I am glad to move forward and thank you for your help.
Alimp 6 months ago
Same protocol to be followed.Give a dose or two of Ledum Pal 30 for insect bites.

Weekly feedback.
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Ok I will do exactly the same and one or two doses of Ledum for insect bites. I will get back in a week. Thank You very much.
Alimp 6 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
I continue to see old symptoms coming up.
For two of the days I had allergies type symptoms return including runny nose which tickles and itches all day. I rub it frequently m side to side. Must blow nose to clear it. Get warm clear liquid mixed with flem from nose and back of throat which I spit out easily. I cough to clear throat which only helps a bit.
Throat is itchy at roof of mouth in back soft area which I scratch by rubbing my tongue on it.
Eyes itchy at inner corners and along edges of lids. Scratching makes it worse. Cold water makes it better if fanned.
When i coughed during those two days i had pain in my chest on the lower right side under the lowest rib. Like scraping dry paper along inner skin. The same pain that I had 10 years ago during a bad chest infection. I remember getting sick because my job was firing everyone and I knew that I was next. A very stressful time for me.
The pain went away gradually after 2 days.
Most of my symptoms are getting a bit better.
Diarrhea 20% better.
Coldness not so bad 20% better.
Insect bites 80% better with few new bites.
Right knee 20% better with less swelling.
Right calf 20% better.
Left calf now painful when raise front of foot.
Headache and neck pain 20% better. Better while eating and drinking.
Tongue pain 100% better.
Old symptoms;
Old left big toe swollen with pain like bruise.
Old right big toe fungus still the same - bad with toe still brown and ridges on all nails. Vertical.
Old symptom causing concern in between all toes the skin peals off and remains moist. I put on powder to dry it and now it is too dry and a bit of pain. I have now put on cream to soften it and prevent fungal infection too. After one application it is a bit better.
My toes are soo tightly pressed together that they never seem to dry and is creating the problem.
If you have any questions let me know. Thank you for all of your help.
Alimp 6 months ago


PROCURE Dr. Reckeweg R82

anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Ok I will do these things and get back after 7 days. Thank You very much.
Alimp 6 months ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.