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Right Hand Swollen And Painful Causing Illness Page 2 of 3
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I have one question. What potency is the Wyethia? Thanks.
Alimp 6 months ago
I’m have not found Wyethia Q but one company has 6c and 30c. I ordered the 6c and it is coming in two days. Will this work and what dose should I take? Thank you.
Alimp 6 months ago
Here is my report;
Throat and nose I noticed are 20% better this week.
Throat- itchy at roof of mouth and back soft part like must be scratched now. In afternoons and again in late evenings. Rubbing with tongue helps a bit. Drinking or eating helps a lot. A swelling or bump is at middle of soft section on roof of mouth. Feels pain like a canker sore in mouth. Drinking or eating helps a lot.
Nose- running two times per day which is less, and must blow to clear and rub nose from side to side to relieve itch. Must spit out mucus from throat in morning and afternoon.
Cough- hmmm cough to clear throat in the morning and evening. Works 20% better after 3-4 tries. Before it didn’t work.
Headache- back of head 10% better. Worse in left side with sore tendons when turning head. (An old injury on left side whiplash) feels like sore muscles hurts only when move.
Last week Right hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore and hot to touch after injury sliver on thumb. Now 70% better.
This week Left hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore like hot bruise. From insect bite on knuckle of first finger.
Insect Bites- itchy starts in the morning and only better if cold wash and covered with a bandaid. Red raised circles at too of legs and on stomach.
Right foot- too of foot swollen and sore to move foot up while heal is on ground.
Right big toe - fungus is still the same with a bit lighter colour. I have not yet received the Dr Receweg R82.
Old Returning:
Left foot bunion- on big toe is red and a bit swollen but no pain.
Left big toe- skin still swollen and tough like leather.
Both legs - have small bump at the top lymph nodes area.
Shower- too hot and felt exhausted after.
Drank one small cup of coffee- later that evening feet and hands hot and swelled around knuckles. White skin and stiff to move with tightness when try to move. This always happens to right wrist after I eat or drink something high in additives. But this time it was both hands and feet.
Wart on left side of head- usually flat with uneven edge, but is now puffed up slightly during full moon.
Tip of nose- Feels swollen and a bit larger than the rest of my nose.
Outbreaks on skin above eyebrows- small bumps like pimples.
Jaw- pain on right side feels like stiff muscles with swelling in front of ear. Cannot chew food with this.
I am more relaxed this week and not so much in a hurry with everything that I am doing. People around me are helping more and it makes me happy. I find that I have to slow down and talk quieter because they can’t take it when I talk loud and fast. It’s frustrating when my daughter doesn’t want to take advice. But they have to find their own way in life.
Sleep- less insomnia and falling asleep quicker and sleeping for 7 hours instead of six hours plus naps.
Dreams- busy and full of tasks to do and getting the tasks done after delays and detours. Similar to my real life.
If you need more information please let me know. Thank you very much for your help.
Throat and nose I noticed are 20% better this week.
Throat- itchy at roof of mouth and back soft part like must be scratched now. In afternoons and again in late evenings. Rubbing with tongue helps a bit. Drinking or eating helps a lot. A swelling or bump is at middle of soft section on roof of mouth. Feels pain like a canker sore in mouth. Drinking or eating helps a lot.
Nose- running two times per day which is less, and must blow to clear and rub nose from side to side to relieve itch. Must spit out mucus from throat in morning and afternoon.
Cough- hmmm cough to clear throat in the morning and evening. Works 20% better after 3-4 tries. Before it didn’t work.
Headache- back of head 10% better. Worse in left side with sore tendons when turning head. (An old injury on left side whiplash) feels like sore muscles hurts only when move.
Last week Right hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore and hot to touch after injury sliver on thumb. Now 70% better.
This week Left hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore like hot bruise. From insect bite on knuckle of first finger.
Insect Bites- itchy starts in the morning and only better if cold wash and covered with a bandaid. Red raised circles at too of legs and on stomach.
Right foot- too of foot swollen and sore to move foot up while heal is on ground.
Right big toe - fungus is still the same with a bit lighter colour. I have not yet received the Dr Receweg R82.
Old Returning:
Left foot bunion- on big toe is red and a bit swollen but no pain.
Left big toe- skin still swollen and tough like leather.
Both legs - have small bump at the top lymph nodes area.
Shower- too hot and felt exhausted after.
Drank one small cup of coffee- later that evening feet and hands hot and swelled around knuckles. White skin and stiff to move with tightness when try to move. This always happens to right wrist after I eat or drink something high in additives. But this time it was both hands and feet.
Wart on left side of head- usually flat with uneven edge, but is now puffed up slightly during full moon.
Tip of nose- Feels swollen and a bit larger than the rest of my nose.
Outbreaks on skin above eyebrows- small bumps like pimples.
Jaw- pain on right side feels like stiff muscles with swelling in front of ear. Cannot chew food with this.
I am more relaxed this week and not so much in a hurry with everything that I am doing. People around me are helping more and it makes me happy. I find that I have to slow down and talk quieter because they can’t take it when I talk loud and fast. It’s frustrating when my daughter doesn’t want to take advice. But they have to find their own way in life.
Sleep- less insomnia and falling asleep quicker and sleeping for 7 hours instead of six hours plus naps.
Dreams- busy and full of tasks to do and getting the tasks done after delays and detours. Similar to my real life.
If you need more information please let me know. Thank you very much for your help.
Alimp 5 months ago
Here is my report;
First symptoms are most prominent.
All are Old Returning symptoms.
Day 1-4- Stomach upset with soreness and no hunger because I ate a meat too high in fat at dinner so I could not eat a late night snack and had only three meals for the next three days. This day I am still not hungry for meals.
Mouth inside lips and cheeks puffy skin which can be pulled away with tongue against teeth.
Tongue feels too big and is swollen at edges with teeth indents at sides.
Day 4- Left shoulder cutting pain so bad that I couldn’t move arm in any direction. Kept arm down relaxed to ease pain a bit. Started after 8 pm in the evening and was gone the next morning.
Noticed that I am gaining weight. Now at 101 lbs. I have been 94 lbs for 3 years and unable to gain weight after a gall bladder attack can formed by my doctor. I changed my diet to fix it and this recent flair up was a surprise.
Headache at back of head a bit better. One day there was slight dizziness and left hand was tingling like last two fingers were asleep while I was concentrating on driving my car.
Bone in nose sore like punched. Started in the morning.
Nose runny one too me per day after day 5 also with sneezing and tingling in nose left nostril.
Throat itchy- day 5 onwards once per day.
Mouth sores and bumps gone.
Cough hmmm cough when talking to strangers once per day.
Must clear throat if phlegm in morning.
Both legs - small bumps lymph nodes at top same.
Left wrist and back of hand swelling going down.
Tall middle fingers on both hands swollen and sore.
Right foot - top of foot swollen.
Left big toe- swollen same and bunion same.
Right big toe nail fungus same.
Right knee still swollen.
Insect bites - less red dots and less itching.
I feel tired but don’t go to bed earlier but sleep on a chair and feel that I must stay awake to eat late snack. Only a bit hungry for it.
Have good energy to get lots of tasks done during the day.
Everything is more sore after 8pm in the evening.
Thinking about everything or watching a movie makes me cry which feels better and I feel stronger to keep going with my always smiling and positive ways when I am with family and friends. When you am with people I talk fast and smile a lot. My family has been getting along with me because we are working together to clean our house and look for sales on food because prices are high right now.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much for all of your help.
First symptoms are most prominent.
All are Old Returning symptoms.
Day 1-4- Stomach upset with soreness and no hunger because I ate a meat too high in fat at dinner so I could not eat a late night snack and had only three meals for the next three days. This day I am still not hungry for meals.
Mouth inside lips and cheeks puffy skin which can be pulled away with tongue against teeth.
Tongue feels too big and is swollen at edges with teeth indents at sides.
Day 4- Left shoulder cutting pain so bad that I couldn’t move arm in any direction. Kept arm down relaxed to ease pain a bit. Started after 8 pm in the evening and was gone the next morning.
Noticed that I am gaining weight. Now at 101 lbs. I have been 94 lbs for 3 years and unable to gain weight after a gall bladder attack can formed by my doctor. I changed my diet to fix it and this recent flair up was a surprise.
Headache at back of head a bit better. One day there was slight dizziness and left hand was tingling like last two fingers were asleep while I was concentrating on driving my car.
Bone in nose sore like punched. Started in the morning.
Nose runny one too me per day after day 5 also with sneezing and tingling in nose left nostril.
Throat itchy- day 5 onwards once per day.
Mouth sores and bumps gone.
Cough hmmm cough when talking to strangers once per day.
Must clear throat if phlegm in morning.
Both legs - small bumps lymph nodes at top same.
Left wrist and back of hand swelling going down.
Tall middle fingers on both hands swollen and sore.
Right foot - top of foot swollen.
Left big toe- swollen same and bunion same.
Right big toe nail fungus same.
Right knee still swollen.
Insect bites - less red dots and less itching.
I feel tired but don’t go to bed earlier but sleep on a chair and feel that I must stay awake to eat late snack. Only a bit hungry for it.
Have good energy to get lots of tasks done during the day.
Everything is more sore after 8pm in the evening.
Thinking about everything or watching a movie makes me cry which feels better and I feel stronger to keep going with my always smiling and positive ways when I am with family and friends. When you am with people I talk fast and smile a lot. My family has been getting along with me because we are working together to clean our house and look for sales on food because prices are high right now.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much for all of your help.
Alimp 5 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
All of the symptoms are Old Returning symptoms
Inside of mouth skin feels less puffy and can pull skin away from only the upper lip with tongue against teeth. Tongue feels a bit smaller. I have taken this remedy Mercurius Solubilis before with good results.
Eyes- are itchy again during the day in corners nearest nose. Must scratch or rub immediately for short relief. Cold water gives longer relief.
Stomach - much better and feel hungry for meals except the late evening snack.
Nose- Runny and must blow to clear once a day. Sneezing 7-8 times 3 times per day (morning afternoon and night).
Nose- itchy during the day and must rub it. Bone is less sore only 5%.
Throat- itchy only one time per day and scratch with tongue.
Throat has phlegm in morning and 6 times per day which is cleared easily. Worse in morning and after eating or drinking.
Cough- hmmm cough is better and comes 2 times per day.
Both legs- small bumps lymph nodes at top same.
Left wrist and back of hand -swollen a bit 20%.
Tall middle fingers- swollen stiff and sore on both hands. Able to hold straight handles like broom, paint brush, steering wheel of car, pencil. But not lid of jar or wide container with one hand.
Right foot- top of foot swollen and sore only 20% after 8 pm.
Left big toe - swollen same and bunion same.
Right big toe- nail fungus same skin not red in morning.
Right knee- still swollen and painful in evening after 8 pm.
Headache- in back of head and neck same. I wear a baseball cap during day which helps until evening then take it off.
Cry- during the day if sad or frustrated if I have to spend my money needlessly get very hurt angry and sad feeling. Also cry during sad story at horse show that I went to on day 3. Both horse shows and parades make me cry. Big dogs that I do t know make me scared.
Day 4- people in my family answered back to me after I voiced a comment and I didn’t get very mad only 40%. I did walk away because I was nervous 80% and to let people cool down, instead of trying to argue.
Bath- had bath with water 5 degrees cooler and was able to go walking and had energy for the second half of the day.
- I write the symptoms down on paper first to organize them and then type my report. Once I start a remedy I will follow the instructions religiously until it is successful.
If you have any questions please let me know and Thank You very much for your help.
All of the symptoms are Old Returning symptoms
Inside of mouth skin feels less puffy and can pull skin away from only the upper lip with tongue against teeth. Tongue feels a bit smaller. I have taken this remedy Mercurius Solubilis before with good results.
Eyes- are itchy again during the day in corners nearest nose. Must scratch or rub immediately for short relief. Cold water gives longer relief.
Stomach - much better and feel hungry for meals except the late evening snack.
Nose- Runny and must blow to clear once a day. Sneezing 7-8 times 3 times per day (morning afternoon and night).
Nose- itchy during the day and must rub it. Bone is less sore only 5%.
Throat- itchy only one time per day and scratch with tongue.
Throat has phlegm in morning and 6 times per day which is cleared easily. Worse in morning and after eating or drinking.
Cough- hmmm cough is better and comes 2 times per day.
Both legs- small bumps lymph nodes at top same.
Left wrist and back of hand -swollen a bit 20%.
Tall middle fingers- swollen stiff and sore on both hands. Able to hold straight handles like broom, paint brush, steering wheel of car, pencil. But not lid of jar or wide container with one hand.
Right foot- top of foot swollen and sore only 20% after 8 pm.
Left big toe - swollen same and bunion same.
Right big toe- nail fungus same skin not red in morning.
Right knee- still swollen and painful in evening after 8 pm.
Headache- in back of head and neck same. I wear a baseball cap during day which helps until evening then take it off.
Cry- during the day if sad or frustrated if I have to spend my money needlessly get very hurt angry and sad feeling. Also cry during sad story at horse show that I went to on day 3. Both horse shows and parades make me cry. Big dogs that I do t know make me scared.
Day 4- people in my family answered back to me after I voiced a comment and I didn’t get very mad only 40%. I did walk away because I was nervous 80% and to let people cool down, instead of trying to argue.
Bath- had bath with water 5 degrees cooler and was able to go walking and had energy for the second half of the day.
- I write the symptoms down on paper first to organize them and then type my report. Once I start a remedy I will follow the instructions religiously until it is successful.
If you have any questions please let me know and Thank You very much for your help.
Alimp 5 months ago
Same remedies.Stop KM,start SILICEA 6X three times feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Hello here is my report;
Mouth - Inside upper lip feels swollen still the same, soft and can pull with tongue and teeth.
Tongue- Enlarged and soft with some food pieces going down throat and choking once a day. Coughing to get it out is hard and doesn’t clear.
Last two days- Muscle aches in back near chest making chest feel tight like I’m catching a cold.
Throat- Feels slight pain when swallowing with swelling of glands on right side of neck.
Phlegm- In back of throat in the morning which is cleared easily. Also phlegm during the day which is cleared without coughing.
Headache- Back of head and neck feel pain all day with relief after eating or drinking. Worse in evening.
Ears- Noises in both ears during the evening.
Eyes- seam to burn and feel better if closed. I close the right eye mostly and use my left eye to do close work. I keep both eyes open for normal activities.
Face - looks pale with the cheeks sinking in near sides of mouth.
All of the other symptoms are secondary right now and are not bothering me.
If you have any questions or need more information let me know. Thank you very much for your help.
Mouth - Inside upper lip feels swollen still the same, soft and can pull with tongue and teeth.
Tongue- Enlarged and soft with some food pieces going down throat and choking once a day. Coughing to get it out is hard and doesn’t clear.
Last two days- Muscle aches in back near chest making chest feel tight like I’m catching a cold.
Throat- Feels slight pain when swallowing with swelling of glands on right side of neck.
Phlegm- In back of throat in the morning which is cleared easily. Also phlegm during the day which is cleared without coughing.
Headache- Back of head and neck feel pain all day with relief after eating or drinking. Worse in evening.
Ears- Noises in both ears during the evening.
Eyes- seam to burn and feel better if closed. I close the right eye mostly and use my left eye to do close work. I keep both eyes open for normal activities.
Face - looks pale with the cheeks sinking in near sides of mouth.
All of the other symptoms are secondary right now and are not bothering me.
If you have any questions or need more information let me know. Thank you very much for your help.
Alimp 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
Day 1-2 Weak exhausted feeling that gradually got better. Feeling like I had no energy with weak legs.
Headache gradually got better and now is normal intensity each day.
Phlegm in throat easy to get out during the day gradually was less and now only in the morning.
Glands in neck less swollen and back to normal.
Feeling cold so wore more clothing and felt hot during day but now feeling normal.
Day 4-4 Able to go out more and talk to family. They think that I am insulting them again and want me to be quiet. I feel that I am talking normally to them.
Old Returning:
Eyes - Itchy upper and lower lids near nose. Better by cold cloth.
Jaw - Left side pain like bruised.
Cough - Slight cough to clear throat to talk clearly.
Bug bites - On chest very itchy. Better with cold cloth. Worse scratching.
Skin rash - On centre of chest red swollen. Skin raised slightly. Very itchy. Better with cold cloth or press cold hand on it. Worse from touch of clothing.
All of the symptoms for my hands and feet have returned to the same intensity.
Feeling excited about a new opportunity and I could not get to sleep one night until 6am. I went out to explore the options by myself that day. Feeling happy excited and sad while listening to music during my outing. It felt great to do something that I enjoy.
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you very much for your great help.
Day 1-2 Weak exhausted feeling that gradually got better. Feeling like I had no energy with weak legs.
Headache gradually got better and now is normal intensity each day.
Phlegm in throat easy to get out during the day gradually was less and now only in the morning.
Glands in neck less swollen and back to normal.
Feeling cold so wore more clothing and felt hot during day but now feeling normal.
Day 4-4 Able to go out more and talk to family. They think that I am insulting them again and want me to be quiet. I feel that I am talking normally to them.
Old Returning:
Eyes - Itchy upper and lower lids near nose. Better by cold cloth.
Jaw - Left side pain like bruised.
Cough - Slight cough to clear throat to talk clearly.
Bug bites - On chest very itchy. Better with cold cloth. Worse scratching.
Skin rash - On centre of chest red swollen. Skin raised slightly. Very itchy. Better with cold cloth or press cold hand on it. Worse from touch of clothing.
All of the symptoms for my hands and feet have returned to the same intensity.
Feeling excited about a new opportunity and I could not get to sleep one night until 6am. I went out to explore the options by myself that day. Feeling happy excited and sad while listening to music during my outing. It felt great to do something that I enjoy.
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you very much for your great help.
Alimp 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Hello this is my report;
Small toe beside big toe on right foot - pain tingling like electric feeling or pins and needles inside toe for 7 seconds every 5 minutes for three hours in the evening and then stopping. This toe sticks up enough to hit my shoe while walking and has a larger knuckle joint on it which is not sore like a bruise.
Old Returning:
Right leg - pain at top of leg at hip and the front and inside the leg like a bruise. Started in evening. Worse climbing stairs and walking. This happened before a few years ago.
Right chest- pain in back at level of armpit. Started in evening and feels like a bruise. Cannot take a deep breath.
Voice hoarse - cannot hit high notes just low while talking. Throat not sore. Started suddenly in the morning of a warmer day than usual.
Jaw pain - every day on left side and could not chew on the third day. Inside mouth both upper and lower gums are swollen on left side and hit together when I try to chew on day 3.
Headache - in back of head and neck with slight dizziness. Starts in the morning. Better after eating or drinking.
Right and left calf - sore and a bit swollen. Like a bruise and can’t bend foot up easily. Better resting and elevating leg.
Right knee pain - like a bruise and a bit swollen. Started in evening and better sitting at rest.
Itching from last report is better and outbreak on chest is gone.
Most other complaints are secondary right now.
I have been quite active in the last two days walking on trails and climbing small hills carrying wood for our fireplace and working together happily with my family members. I did have to stop a few times because it was tiring. I may have hit my toe and slipped on the hill with my shoes turning sideways to hurt my toe and straining my calfs. My family has been including me in activities and when I tell them things to do they just answer yes or joke about how I tell them everything.
If you need more information please let me know and thank you very much for all of your help and support.
Small toe beside big toe on right foot - pain tingling like electric feeling or pins and needles inside toe for 7 seconds every 5 minutes for three hours in the evening and then stopping. This toe sticks up enough to hit my shoe while walking and has a larger knuckle joint on it which is not sore like a bruise.
Old Returning:
Right leg - pain at top of leg at hip and the front and inside the leg like a bruise. Started in evening. Worse climbing stairs and walking. This happened before a few years ago.
Right chest- pain in back at level of armpit. Started in evening and feels like a bruise. Cannot take a deep breath.
Voice hoarse - cannot hit high notes just low while talking. Throat not sore. Started suddenly in the morning of a warmer day than usual.
Jaw pain - every day on left side and could not chew on the third day. Inside mouth both upper and lower gums are swollen on left side and hit together when I try to chew on day 3.
Headache - in back of head and neck with slight dizziness. Starts in the morning. Better after eating or drinking.
Right and left calf - sore and a bit swollen. Like a bruise and can’t bend foot up easily. Better resting and elevating leg.
Right knee pain - like a bruise and a bit swollen. Started in evening and better sitting at rest.
Itching from last report is better and outbreak on chest is gone.
Most other complaints are secondary right now.
I have been quite active in the last two days walking on trails and climbing small hills carrying wood for our fireplace and working together happily with my family members. I did have to stop a few times because it was tiring. I may have hit my toe and slipped on the hill with my shoes turning sideways to hurt my toe and straining my calfs. My family has been including me in activities and when I tell them things to do they just answer yes or joke about how I tell them everything.
If you need more information please let me know and thank you very much for all of your help and support.
Alimp 3 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Hello, here is my report;
Headache - back of head and neck pain like muscle ache. Starts in the morning and is worse in afternoon and evening. Take Tylenol in evening and night.
Right leg pain- top of leg at hip feels like bruising. Cannot use to go up stairs. Worse in evening. Slightly better today.
Voice hoarse- cannot hit high notes. Worse after lots of talking. Feel heat slightly in throat.
Jaw pain - every day on left side. Cannot chew on day 1 and gradually got better as the days went by. I went to the dentist today to get a tooth refilled because a piece fell off so jaw is sore today.
Right chest - pain like bruise in back muscles gradually got better. Now only 10%.
Right and left calf - pain like a bruise at back of both legs. Gradually gets worse in the evening after 7 pm.
Right and left wrist - pain in base of thumb and wrist is in the skin and wrist. Gradually worse in the evening like bruising.
Sweating in the morning when I wake up - feel warm with clothing wet a bit. Not on head.
Right side of nose- stuffed in morning when wake up for 20 minutes.
Lower back pain - each morning feels like bruise for one hour and I cannot stand up straight for 1 hour.
Feel sad when I check my money situation and find out that all is ok and feel happy again. I was surprised how sad this made me feel.
I seem to feel a bit better on the full moon.
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for all of your help.
Headache - back of head and neck pain like muscle ache. Starts in the morning and is worse in afternoon and evening. Take Tylenol in evening and night.
Right leg pain- top of leg at hip feels like bruising. Cannot use to go up stairs. Worse in evening. Slightly better today.
Voice hoarse- cannot hit high notes. Worse after lots of talking. Feel heat slightly in throat.
Jaw pain - every day on left side. Cannot chew on day 1 and gradually got better as the days went by. I went to the dentist today to get a tooth refilled because a piece fell off so jaw is sore today.
Right chest - pain like bruise in back muscles gradually got better. Now only 10%.
Right and left calf - pain like a bruise at back of both legs. Gradually gets worse in the evening after 7 pm.
Right and left wrist - pain in base of thumb and wrist is in the skin and wrist. Gradually worse in the evening like bruising.
Sweating in the morning when I wake up - feel warm with clothing wet a bit. Not on head.
Right side of nose- stuffed in morning when wake up for 20 minutes.
Lower back pain - each morning feels like bruise for one hour and I cannot stand up straight for 1 hour.
Feel sad when I check my money situation and find out that all is ok and feel happy again. I was surprised how sad this made me feel.
I seem to feel a bit better on the full moon.
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for all of your help.
Alimp 3 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
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