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Dog with seizure please help

9 years old dog has had seizures (grand mal) for 2 years. First, it was 2x a year but now it is weekly. I had used DIAZEPAM but now it stops without medications after (at least I hope) after 30 - 40 seconds. The seizure starts usually when he is sleeping or lying. Loss of consciousness, urinating, staring, salivating, foaming. The big effect is the strong wind and changing weather. Usually has seizures one day before the temperature drops down and one day after the temperature goes up. The blood test after the seizure indicates some problems with the liver and the kidney. He eats normally.

Thank you very much.
  Marc1 on 2024-08-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr. Reckeweg R33 Epilepsy Drop ten drops three times a day.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Thank you very much. I will try to buy these drops and I will report to you.

Best Regards

Marc1 6 months ago

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