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Stomach and cough Page 2 of 3
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Sir,my daughter 13.6 years old is suffering from nausea, diarrhea and fever 100.2. My suspicion is old rice. I have given her 3 doses of nux vomica 30 so far. Her nausea is better but her stomach ache is better too but still there.
mominisb 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Sir, my 8 years old is sneezing, flu like symptoms..what should I give him? He sleeps with his mouth slightly open because his nose is blocked..
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-26 10:41:24]
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-26 10:41:24]
mominisb 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
He is coughing little bit..should I give him ferrum phos6x as well?
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-26 14:59:04]
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-26 14:59:04]
mominisb 4 months ago
Yes and Mag Phos 6x also.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Have not given him mag phos yet he is complaining of stomach ache and head ache now..he passed stool yesterday and it was fine..
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-27 14:50:14]
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-27 14:50:14]
mominisb 4 months ago
Sir now there are two things:
1. The 8 years allergy type symptoms has converted into cough which scratches his throat and is slightly green / yellow.Now what should I give him?
2. My daughter whom you have given arsenicum30 and salicia 6x goes to toilet with stomach ache. Today in the morning at breakfast she left her breakfast in the middle because of sudden stomach ache.
Very thankful for your guidance!
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-28 04:35:25]
1. The 8 years allergy type symptoms has converted into cough which scratches his throat and is slightly green / yellow.Now what should I give him?
2. My daughter whom you have given arsenicum30 and salicia 6x goes to toilet with stomach ache. Today in the morning at breakfast she left her breakfast in the middle because of sudden stomach ache.
Very thankful for your guidance!
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-10-28 04:35:25]
mominisb 4 months ago
Today in the morning at breakfast she left her breakfast in the middle because of sudden stomach ache.NUX VOM 30 2 DROPS and MAG PHOS 6X ,3 TABS THREE TIMES A DAY.
WYETHIA 30 TWO DROPS THREE TIMES A DAY and KALI SULPH 6X 3 TABS THREE TIMES A DAY-is throat and is slightly green / yellow.Now what should I give.
WYETHIA 30 TWO DROPS THREE TIMES A DAY and KALI SULPH 6X 3 TABS THREE TIMES A DAY-is throat and is slightly green / yellow.Now what should I give.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
After two days this is the situation:
Daughter is saying whenever she starts eating stomach ache she left her breakfast as well..
Son had a loose stool last night but his cough and over all situation is better not fully cured. He did not go to toilet everyday but now he does from the last 4 days..
Both the children look pale to me...
Daughter is saying whenever she starts eating stomach ache she left her breakfast as well..
Son had a loose stool last night but his cough and over all situation is better not fully cured. He did not go to toilet everyday but now he does from the last 4 days..
Both the children look pale to me...
mominisb 4 months ago
Daughter is saying whenever she starts eating stomach ache she left her breakfast as well..CINA 30 THREE TIMES AND MAG PHOS 6X THREE TIMES.
Both the children look pale to me...FERRUM PHOS 6X THREE TIMES A DAY.
Both the children look pale to me...FERRUM PHOS 6X THREE TIMES A DAY.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Sir should I continue with my sons medicines...WYETHIA 30 and Kali sulph 6x as his nose is still blocked but a lot I need to him anything for the loose motion which he had last night?
mominisb 4 months ago
Respected Sir, now my daughter 13 years old is complaining of throat ache and her voice is changing too..her stomach ache is fine...
My son 8 years old complained of throat ache in the morning when he woke up..he breathes with his mouth open...
My son 8 years old complained of throat ache in the morning when he woke up..he breathes with his mouth open...
mominisb 4 months ago
Hepar Sulph 6x one tab three times a day.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Hepar sulphur 6x to both?
I have hepar sulphur 3x right now
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-11-01 16:03:51]
I have hepar sulphur 3x right now
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-11-01 16:03:51]
mominisb 4 months ago
Sir after 4 doses of hepar sulphur 3x daughters was fine all day but before sleeping she started having flu...runny nose and in the moddlemof night she woke up and complained of severe throat pain...gave her strepculs and now she is sleeping...any change in med?
mominisb 3 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Hello, I have light cough in week one and now the second week has started and it has turned into real problem for me..dryness in throat and violent cough starts and ends in vomit with urine leakage...a sip of water can not stop it either. Mostly it happens after having food. My stomach is ok but I can hear sounds from my stomach. Cough, burping and gas has increased. Cough is slightly mucousy..clear and frothy..Strong smells also trigger stomach and back muscles are soar too after coughing so many days..Urine leakage is a big nuisance...I am 47...
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-11-09 06:11:57]
[Edited by mominisb on 2024-11-09 06:11:57]
mominisb 3 months ago
Bryonia 30 five drops three times a day,
In addition Mag Phos 6x and Nat Mur 6x five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
In addition Mag Phos 6x and Nat Mur 6x five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
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