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Excessive pain above stomach and in abdomen while taking deep breaths/sneezing, coughing. 3chronic stomach ache with hiccoughs 8


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Sir, I m reporting you coz my cough is still violent...forceful..bring tears to my eyes and URINE leakage.in a way its better too but its very very bothersome!
mominisb 3 months ago
In addition Hepar Sulph 6x two times two tabs.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Son 8 years is sneezing and complaining of sore throat on and off especially in the morning after waking up..where we live weather is smoggy and cold morning and night..
mominisb 3 months ago
Silicea 6x and Ferrum Phos 6x five tabs three times a day.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Last night we had pizza from outside for dinner..My 8 years had it with us...from morning he is complaining of stomach ache low and high..he passed stool yesterday which was fine...I gave him green onion egg and toast in the lunch...now he just vomited ...Mostly his egg and toast...but his throat is scratched ..complaining of weakness etc..from the last two days has having bad dreams as well...
mominisb 3 months ago
Nux Vom 30 three times a day.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Hello Sir, I hope you are in good health...Sir my 8 yrs old son starts sneezing early morning even while sleeping...but after waking up and after 2-3hrs he is all fine.no sneezing but blocked nose...no sneezing..but his eyes remain little bit watery...when he sleeps his mouth is slightly open and he mostly do mouth breathing instead of nasal breathing..he has slightly deviated nasal septum...
Secondly he doesnt pass stool everyday..he usually passes it after one day..but sometimes his underwear has a slight potty line...he says I pass it with gas.once a month his anus becomes itchy...have to put rash cream..
[Edited by mominisb on 2025-02-10 13:53:15]
mominisb 3 weeks ago
Sulphur 30 one dose early morning empty stomach on alternate days-3 pellets/drops-one dose.

Silicea 6X and Nat Mur 6x three tabs of each three times a day every day.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 3 weeks ago
Sir, like as always I am very grateful for your prompt replying...I will update you..
mominisb 3 weeks ago
I mistakenly gave him Kali mur 6x instead of Nat mur 6x...what should I do now?
mominisb 2 weeks ago
Sir, his morning and sleep sneezing is gone..but his nose mostly blocked during sleep
and he breathes through mouth ...now since Thursday he is complaining of nauseous feeling..hungry but feels nauseous as well..
From the last two time no staining of underwear..
mominisb 2 weeks ago
In addition Lycopodium 30 three times a day.

I mistakenly gave him instead of ...what should I---NO ISSSUE

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Thanks sir....Should I cont the previous med in the same pattern?
mominisb 2 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago

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