The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stomach Pain
I have been having stomach pain for the last 2 weeks ranging from mild / dull pain in the stomach area to serious heartburn and pain in the left shoulder blade.When the stomach is in pain ars album 6 every 2 hrs seems to relieved it but only to be followed by a hearburn and I would use Nux 6 every 2 hrs. When the hearburn gets worse Nux 200 makes it better for a day . The pain comes back 30 mins to and hour after meal the following day.I noticed it gets worse if i did strenous execise the previous day.I am male 49 yrs 70 kg 170 cm ht. In 2004 I had similar problem which I overcome by diet change and homeopathy ( mainly Nux,Lyco and Ars ) 7 months ago I was 75 kg and I wanted to loose some weight to improve my BMI. I have been on a low carb starch diet, no sugar,very much less processed food , lots of vege fruits,oats, peanuts, fish and daily raw eggs, raw honey,raw goat's milk, cold pressed coconut oil for cooking,wild chicken , occasional buffalo meat, omega 3.My local homeopath also introduced gymnema selvester herb as a preventive measures for pancreas health which I take one capsule 3X daily. I feel a lot fitter higher energy level which led me doing more exercises including the strenous ones occasionally. No complaint about energy level.I sleep at 10pm and wakes faily early 5 am feeling hungry usually. sometimes 4 am. I also notice I feel a lot hungrier quicker in the last 2 weeks. I manage this by having heavier snacks in between. Regular stools once or twice per day .My blood test indicates everything normal except my Total cholesterol 233mg/dl and LDL 157 mg/dl.
Trygleceride 79mg/dl,Hdl 60mg/dl and ratio chol/HDL 3.9. Depending on what I eat and level of exercise my fasting glucose 88-108 mg/dl and random 90-115 mg/dl. I am not on any allopathy medicine .Please advise if I am doing something not right and should try different homeopathy medicine or make changes to what I eat or do ?
Thank You.
rsaad on 2006-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
thank you for presenting your complain. you are advise to tak the following medicine.
1. Pulsatilla 200 4 tab three times in a day
2. Nat Phos 6x 4 tab three times in a day
3. Mag. phos 3x 4 tab three times in ad ay
continue for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
1. Pulsatilla 200 4 tab three times in a day
2. Nat Phos 6x 4 tab three times in a day
3. Mag. phos 3x 4 tab three times in ad ay
continue for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Thanks Deoshlok,
Your recomendation would also mean stop all other homeopathy medicine like Nux and Ars Alb etc. Is my understand correct ?
Thank You.
Your recomendation would also mean stop all other homeopathy medicine like Nux and Ars Alb etc. Is my understand correct ?
Thank You.
rsaad last decade
Dr Deoshlok Sharma,
I have started taking the recomended medicine and will report back progress.
I have started taking the recomended medicine and will report back progress.
rsaad last decade
Dr Deoshlok Sharma,
The heartburn and the stomach pain have significantly reduced but there are a new symptoms which I need your advice ie there is now pain on the right abdomen area just under the ribs( exactly the opposite of the stomach )Dull pain intermitent.Both my cheeks are more reddish ( blushed ). I feel less hungrier this morning with the same level of exercise I did and food I eat ( an egg & cereal for breakfast ). Do I need to maintain or alter medication ? Thank You.
The heartburn and the stomach pain have significantly reduced but there are a new symptoms which I need your advice ie there is now pain on the right abdomen area just under the ribs( exactly the opposite of the stomach )Dull pain intermitent.Both my cheeks are more reddish ( blushed ). I feel less hungrier this morning with the same level of exercise I did and food I eat ( an egg & cereal for breakfast ). Do I need to maintain or alter medication ? Thank You.
rsaad last decade
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