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over 9 years of fight with hairloss-help me! 2



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Over 9 years of fight with hair loss-help me! Page 6 of 9

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yes bagatelka what is that you want to tell me. Accidently I have lost your email ID kindly revert with the same .
freeconsult last decade
Hi freeconsult,

I am so happy to finally hear from you. I just wanna to tell you that I'm doing great (my hair) and still continue to take Cal Carb. on average every 15 days or so.How long do you thing I should be taking this ?? and how about the Lycopodium Clavatum????is there any need for that?.I am not pushing or anything I was afraid that I lost contact with you and didn't know if my treatment is finished .
I have another question but don't wanna mention on forum.Can you email me .Thank you.
Bagatelka last decade
I have lost your email ID .

Please quote your email ID again.
freeconsult last decade
This website won't let me to write email
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:28:32 CST]
Bagatelka last decade
i tried to send a note several times but it came back and says error in your address.do you have different email ID.
Bagatelka last decade
When you dont feel cold any more in your feet then you should understand that you have to stop Calc. carb. . Moreover , please note that at the end when you have stopped calc . carb you have to take Lycopodium thrice daily for three days only, and then stop.

Any thing I can help you more please feel free to inform.
freeconsult last decade
Hi Freeconsult glad to hear from you again.

I couldn't get to the computer lately (very busy)anyway,I have ordered lycopodium Clav 200C as you suggested earlier but I don't know what will be the dosage 4 pills for 3 days and break for 15 days and repeat ????is morning still ok .

my other question is ( since I can't send you an email always comes back undeliverable )so I'm gonna ask on this forum.It's nothing bad just uncomfortable for me .

I saw that there is a naturale remedy for breast enlargement I've read a few postings on this forum ,but I don't wanna mess with that and put my hormones off balance again...so I was thinking you know me for now and you perhaps could help me with choosing the right thing.And I just wanna clarify that size of my breast wasn't a struggle for me before !!! I lost full cup (size) after breast feeding my 2 kids and just wanna get it back. My size before was 34B now 34A. Is there a hope for me?

I wait for your response.
Bagatelka last decade
I think yes there is still a hope. Please check your email in a couple of days I have created a new ID for you.
freeconsult last decade
since you have not ordered lycopodium yet its better to wait and not to proceed with the order for a while. I will instruct you in detail what to do to continue your treatment.
freeconsult last decade
i have ordered lycopodium Clav already but it is not the big deal i can get different one if recommended.
I'll check my email now.
Bagatelka last decade
no problem if you get Lycopodium. When you get your lyco. just inform me I will guide you thru the dosage process.
freeconsult last decade
i have lycopodium at home I ordered together with the other treatment to avoid S&H fees.and that was back in Nov 06 when i took Cal Carb .but my old symptoms are not definitely gone yet: like minor cold (occasionally) or cold feet.one thing i got rid of is UTI- GONE .do you still want me to go with cal carb for a while?or switch to lyco.I'm ok either way just wanna know.and did you look into my other problem yet?
Bagatelka last decade
Yes you have to continue Calc.carb till Cold damp feet is eradicated. One thing more I want to mention that Calc.Carb was selected for you because it covered all your ailments hence its not a surprise if your UTI is cured, because Calc.Carb was also meant for UTI ailment and your response regarding UTI confirmed my selection.

Unless and untill you develop a complete immunity to Cold you have to continue taking Calc. Carb. AFter completion of Calc. Carb Lycopodium is to be taken for 3days continuously and then stopped.

But in case you want your breast enlargement remedy urgently then we can temporarily suspend Calc.Carb intake, and complete with 3days course of lycopodium and then switch to your Breast enlargement remedy.

So you decide and inform me accordingly.
freeconsult last decade
Hi freeconsult,

I just took another dose of Cal Carb. this morning .Like I mentioned I still continue taking it until you recommended otherwise.But I got my cold symptoms again(do you think it all means that I'm still not cured ).My cold feet are not so bad today actually they bother me only in extremly cold winter conditons.So I don't know what I should do .I do wanna start the other treatment I can't wait to see the results .If is absolutely safe to put cal carb on hold I 'd like to move forward with new case.And come back to this one later.It's that al right with you?
Bagatelka last decade

This time my cold is pain in the neck.I got really sick,no fever just sore throat,cough runny nose....so I'm not sure what you'll say now.

Bagatelka last decade
Yes you better do not continue with Calc-Carb since your feet has considerably improved , and its trouble some only in the winters.

Inform when you receive your lycopodium so that I can inform you your dosage and further course for treatment for your new problems.
freeconsult last decade
yes I'm ready for lycopodium Clav.
Bagatelka last decade
take 5 globules thrice daily for two days.

That means 5 globules in morning, 5 globules in Afternoon, & 5 globules in the evening . Next day again take the medicines in this sequence and then stop.
freeconsult last decade
I took lyco clav for 2 day as suggested.
what's next.
back to you
Bagatelka last decade
Wait for a week . After a week gap you have to take a new remedy for you Breast enlargement. Please say all existing complaints and other complaints that persists from head to foot in detail.

AWaiting reply.
Free consult.
freeconsult last decade
Hi freeconsult,

sorry it took me a while to reply to you.

I have some concerns and also minor skin problems that perhaps could be solve by changing diet or getting a better lotion or just expose myself to sun...
like my dry cuticles are peeling and skin on my face getting rosier with some spots(which are not breakouts).
Then I have odor of breath and it's not because I have cavities on the teeth (just had full dental cleaning my exam was fine ).
The other problem I have are consistent that I had before :
my sore throat with itchiness at night I mentioned before that sometimes while I sleep my tears come from my eyes and I cough a lot .This condition improved a while ago but came back after my laryngitis.
I have craving for sweet ,that's been also on going thing that I don't know how to change it .I can't help it myself and I don't like eating green leafy vegetables.

And this probably lead us to my last problem which is my stool.I have some strange pain in my rectum (occasionally) the pain is sharp and short .I never had hemorrhoids so I don't know how to relate/compare .My stool is often skinny and thin like a pencil .Once (recently) unknowingly some stool got on my underwear to the point to I need to change and take a bath.Embarasing experience.

other that that ,I'm ok ....my hair got even better after this last remedy ,I still have cold hands and cold feet but only when is very cold and I'm all cold .I consider this normal.
Bagatelka last decade

In addition to new treatment plan that you looking up for me I'm thinking about detox programm like Okuma's WU-LONG TEA (slimming tea) that I found on this webstite.Any thoughts on that???
Bagatelka last decade
I m a bit busy now will reply u in a couple of days.

freeconsult last decade
hi freeconsult,

could you write to me back at your earliest convenience.
Bagatelka last decade
yes Bagatelka ,

I had posted a questionaire in the beginning of this thread. Please answer those questions again .

freeconsult last decade
ok this is my list of things I added/changed

34 yrs old female

slow mode of living but could be busy and stresful sometimes

so far feel good no major problems
light olive skin
dark brown/black hair
hair loss /headache in the past
homeo ramedies

I want to enlarge my breast from cup 34a / 34b to 34c just the full cup will make me happy
my breast lost fullness after breastfeeding 2 kids
my husband things it's ok but i wanna back what i lost or just look better anyway.
i also wanna loose 5 pounds I been taking some pills( hoodia )and drinking green tea .I wanna cleanz my body from toxines .

my body is pretty tense
bad breath
love sleeping
on the sides
strock in family history

thirsty sometimes
no eye problem i cry when windy
no nose problem
no respiratory problem

ocasionally (when have a cold) some cough especially at night and then tears com from my eyes while sleeping

very easy to bruise with spider vains on my legs

sensitive stomach to mushrooms and undone/uncooked foods
love chesse ice cream and soups
no heart problems
no constipation
no urinary problem UTI
no gyn problems
no sexual problems
no allergy
sometimes cold hands and feet

more or less stressed out by work and little kids
always loosing sentences,memory,patience,getting angry almost instantly

hair -very good condition shiny,no grey hair yet.
while vision sharp but sometims i see green and
black (e.g. when getting up)

I have IUD as a birth control

I am looking forward to start my treatment soon.
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:52:09 CST]
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:31:06 CST]
Bagatelka last decade

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