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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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Social Phobia



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Low self confidence and social phobia22Tissue salts for social phobia4Seeking constitutional remedy for social phobia497Extreme social phobia3Social Phobia1Help My 14 year old son suffers from Social Phobia9Social Phobia15Social Phobia3Please help for chronic depression and social phobia116Anxiety and social phobia2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium Clavatum for the treatment of social phobia

will Lycopodium Clavatum work to cure socil phobia. how much to take and of which potentcy will be effective.
  teetotaller on 2006-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Aversion to Strangers...Baryta Carb.

Also try to match other symptoms.

Best / Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hello pankaj verma. i am 28 years of age. would you the answer in more detail as i could follow what you say. i am new to homeopathy and to this forum and do not know much about it. My symptoms are as follow. I have intense fear of going in public places and performing in public. i dreaded public appearance even if my profession demands it. I have intense fear of bot being able to perform well and fear of negative evaluation by others. anticipatory anxity is marked and there is total loss of self confidence. i have constant apprehension and fear of breaking down under stress.My physical symptoms of anxiety is marked such as trembling of hands and feet, palpitation in the chest, shortness of breath , dizziness and fainting, dryness of mouth stammering and excessive sweating. I am very nevous and impulsive by nature, extremely hurried in whatever i do. i dread situations that may cause anxiety and tries to avoid getting into such situations.I cannot concentrate much and have many fixed ideas from my childhood past and find it hard to get rid of them.
Please suggest suitable treatment in the light of these symptoms.Sould i take lycopodium. if yes then which potency and how much to take.
teetotaller last decade
i have given my detail account of symptoms in my second post. please recommened something in the light of this
teetotaller last decade

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