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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Remedies for a dog?

not sure if you can help as this is a request relating to a dog!

my dog has a partially ruptured cruciate ligament. This happens to humans too - especially footballers where they are tackled from behind and the cruciate ligament in the kneww is ruptured.

I need to give my dog complete rest to see if the situaion will improve. If it doesn't and the ligmanet completely ruptures then he will have to have a surgical operation.

He will now have arthritic joints in the knee and I was wondering if I could give him a low dosage of ruta at the moment and perhpas ongoing? Can anyone advise if this will be safe to prescribe for a dog?
  Tidalfire on 2006-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Its safe to administer homeo medicines to all living creatures. You can add arnica 200 with ruta 200.
maheeru last decade
thank you for the advice.
Tidalfire last decade

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