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Arnica Q Mother Tincture where do I get this? Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since I last posted here I've learned what the story is in the USA. The FDA no longer allows unregulated sale of Arnica tincture, saying the 'For External Use Only' warning was not sufficient. Now, one must find an MD who would order it, and the homepathic supplier ship it to the MD, and the patient get it with his MDs okay.

But you can make your own. Arnica flowers are available in the US, so with the herb and vodka (or some other form of ethanol), you can make it. I made some and used it, but it is a little harhser than what I once got from Washington Homeopathics. A person would just have to experiment and come up with a satisfactory homemade tincture.
Will88 last decade
Hi Will

If my memory is correct, I believe that I had helped you to QUIT SMOKING with Arnica 6c many years ago. Can you please confirm that you do not smoke anymore?

I would also like to know if you do still take a dose of Arnica today as I too have done since 1996.

Joe (84 years old)
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Joe,

Yes, that was late 2005 when I quit smoking using Arnica 30C and I haven't smoked since. And I have continued to use it in the liquid dose the same as always.

You probably know that Arnica Tincture can no longer be purchased in the US except through an MD. As I said above I've made, actually, two small batches using arnica flowers and 80 proof vodka, but it is a little harsher on the scalp than what I once could get from Washington Homeopathics.

I filled a small jar about 1/3 with flowers (not packed) and then filled with vodka and let stay for 14 days.

Do you know if there might be a better way, or a better alcohol/ethanol to use. Or how much of the flowers I should use. What I make looks and smells the same as the Washington product, but is a little harsher on the scalp.
Will88 last decade
Hi Will,

I amaze myself even today as my long term memory is crystal clear while my short term memory is not quite so sharp. This is an interesting phenomenon and could bear some investigation from the medical fraternity as to the layman both the long and short term memories should roughly be the same.

You have not indicated if you use Arnica as I had instructed you to do in 2005 as this would be of interest in terms of the reaction of the aging body to provide some living evidence of the Lipid profile of the person using Arnica 30c which I have done since 1996.

My Cholesterol, Triglycerides and BP are at normal levels but I do exercise for about 45 minutes daily to lift my BP to 115 at which level I feel quite comfortable although I am breathing faster than normal.

I shall reply to your post about Arnica Q shortly as I have discovered that Arnica 1x or 3x in the Wet dose but mixed in a bottle of water with about 50-100 drops of Arnica is equally effective as witnessed by my own hair which although I have lost about half of which I was born with, I do still have a good head of hair today.
Joe De Livera last decade

I have continued taking Arnica 30C in the wet dose, primarily because that plus Boiron's Arnica gel give good conrol of the left shoulder bursitis I've had since 2004.

My BP and lipid profile is good, but I also take other things that help such as krill oil (and eat salmon often), CoQ10, Astaxanathin and a few other supplements.

I believe that 4X pills or 5X liquid is the least diluted Arnica I can get now, at least that's what Washington offers. I've always used 30C pills and they've given some good results for several things, so the 4X pills might work.

You could click on the link in a post of mine several posts back and see what Washington has now.
Will88 last decade

Correction: I can get Arica 3X pills and 4X liquid from Washington.
Will88 last decade
i read your history if u r well so good.if u r no,so used this combination.good result for hairloss.

sepia..200.. 17 drops 1st day
acid,phos.200 17 drops 2, da
natrum,mur.200 17 ,,,,3, day
syphylenium.200 17,,,,4, day
and 5 th day rapetd, ciscule. 9 day report me.
hair oil used simpley,ok.
dr, badar baig
doctorbadar9 last decade
Can someone please post a link to where this can be purchased in another country as said in previous posts? I am in USA and when I search I get nothing. Thank you.
cmac3 last decade

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