The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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argument vs discussion
Shiv Khera'What is the Difference between an Argument and a Discussion?
An argument throws heat; a discussion throws light.
One stems from ego and a closed mind whereas the other comes from an open mind.
An argument is an exchange of ignorance whereas a discussion is an exchange of knowledge.
An argument is an expression of temper whereas a discussion is an expression of logic.
An argument tries to prove who is right whereas a discussion tries to prove what is right.'
♥ gavinimurthy on 2006-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Maybe this also should be considered : (let me know of what you think on this, for discussion sake. ... Obviously the others, depending on their limitations, could start an argument over it.)
(that's like Homeopathically - the causative factor). The cause of Argument is an Discussion.
In Context, Also reckon this : ' The only cause of divorce is marriage'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Maybe this also should be considered : (let me know of what you think on this, for discussion sake. ... Obviously the others, depending on their limitations, could start an argument over it.)
(that's like Homeopathically - the causative factor). The cause of Argument is an Discussion.
In Context, Also reckon this : ' The only cause of divorce is marriage'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
I visit ALL the threads.
I react where ever necessary.
I react more on your threads,because you lie quite often,and have no credibility, and people should stop listening to you.
You are a danger to the patients here, with your q u a c k e r y in the name of homeopathy.
Joe is much better than you.
He doesn't pose as if he knew all about homeopathy,like you do.
You don't know even the basics, never read Organon or philosophy,and have been fooling people around here,since long.
Those days are over.
Think twice before you type.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From kuldeep on 2006-11-09
Gavini you are married to our threads. You visit there, you are attracted.
Like a housewife.
You come to my posts for physical and mental satisfaction. To do some nag nag nag also.
You are drawn by the aroma. You make significant efforts to be with us, to please us.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
You need to be in a mental hospital.
You should not be allowed to roam freely.It is dangerous for the society.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From kuldeep on 2006-11-09
Gavini the best quality in you is that you make lot of noise too.
You just can't live without us.
I visit ALL the threads.
I react where ever necessary.
I react more on your threads,because you lie quite often,and have no credibility, and people should stop listening to you.
You are a danger to the patients here, with your q u a c k e r y in the name of homeopathy.
Joe is much better than you.
He doesn't pose as if he knew all about homeopathy,like you do.
You don't know even the basics, never read Organon or philosophy,and have been fooling people around here,since long.
Those days are over.
Think twice before you type.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From kuldeep on 2006-11-09
Gavini you are married to our threads. You visit there, you are attracted.
Like a housewife.
You come to my posts for physical and mental satisfaction. To do some nag nag nag also.
You are drawn by the aroma. You make significant efforts to be with us, to please us.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
You need to be in a mental hospital.
You should not be allowed to roam freely.It is dangerous for the society.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From kuldeep on 2006-11-09
Gavini the best quality in you is that you make lot of noise too.
You just can't live without us.
kuldeep last decade
Virus Attacked Soon Die Abchomeopathy From deoshlok on 2006-10-26
39 replies 636 views
Dear sufferer,
some virus i.e. silent killers are entered in this forum without any medical qualification these are not medical professional man. They are very jealous about my work. They never cure the person in life. They have no any documentation proof of cure. Be care full. Moderator does not want to take any action because he is fearing to take the action of these virus effected people or some body wants to create the problem in this forum to ruin this forum and good medical professional person will leave this forum very soon and they will shift any other forum . We are 3-4 no. of person is going shift to another forum very soon if moderator unable to take this action within a day.
Dr. deosholok Sharma
Re: Virus Attacked Soon Die Abchomeopathy From gavinimurthy on 2006-10-26
GM's will be there too. : )
I think there is already one GM there.
ABC is popular not because of its prescribers,but the prescribers are getting popularity through ABC.
See, the number of posts Dated 25 th October. They crossed the sixty mark,despite many of the regular prescribers being silent.
There are many good prescribers available, who are willing to do self less service.
A forum will never get succumbed to these blackmail tactics.
Prescribers may come and go, but, the forum remains, and will be as popular as it has been.
All the best fo your new forum.
Re: Virus Attacked Soon Die Abchomeopathy From gavinimurthy on 2006-10-26
You may have to work on improving your English to be understood better. Good communication skills are important for the doctor,particularly on internet forums,for a patient to understand what the doctor is telling and vice versa.
Otherwise, you may tell one thing, the patient understands it differently, and there will be chaos.
39 replies 636 views
Dear sufferer,
some virus i.e. silent killers are entered in this forum without any medical qualification these are not medical professional man. They are very jealous about my work. They never cure the person in life. They have no any documentation proof of cure. Be care full. Moderator does not want to take any action because he is fearing to take the action of these virus effected people or some body wants to create the problem in this forum to ruin this forum and good medical professional person will leave this forum very soon and they will shift any other forum . We are 3-4 no. of person is going shift to another forum very soon if moderator unable to take this action within a day.
Dr. deosholok Sharma
Re: Virus Attacked Soon Die Abchomeopathy From gavinimurthy on 2006-10-26
GM's will be there too. : )
I think there is already one GM there.
ABC is popular not because of its prescribers,but the prescribers are getting popularity through ABC.
See, the number of posts Dated 25 th October. They crossed the sixty mark,despite many of the regular prescribers being silent.
There are many good prescribers available, who are willing to do self less service.
A forum will never get succumbed to these blackmail tactics.
Prescribers may come and go, but, the forum remains, and will be as popular as it has been.
All the best fo your new forum.
Re: Virus Attacked Soon Die Abchomeopathy From gavinimurthy on 2006-10-26
You may have to work on improving your English to be understood better. Good communication skills are important for the doctor,particularly on internet forums,for a patient to understand what the doctor is telling and vice versa.
Otherwise, you may tell one thing, the patient understands it differently, and there will be chaos.
kuldeep last decade
Re: The theory of suppression From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
I am joining this thread with a copy and paste of
a part of which I shall copy below as it is relevant to the debate.
Re: any remedy for digestion From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
Thank you Sajjad for your confirmation that even you do use Nat Phos 6x for indgestion, as I do myself when necessary which today is very rarely.
You will no doubt realize that we risk an attack from the homeopathic constable who is infesting this forum but I have decided after many posts in rebuttal to show him that there is more to Homeopathy than only his hyper-classical stance but unfortunately he seems beyond redemption and just refuses to even consider that my direct method does in fact help patients as evidenced on this and other forums that both you and I visit.
It seems to me possible that he has been hired by some interested members of the classical school who resented my onslaughts into their private domain which I have done for some time on many forums whenever these classical types went out of their way to criticize me sometimes in the lowest terms. I mentioned my suspicion as his
One member even went to the level of coining a new word 'Joepathy' to describe my prescribing a remedy for the ailment on what he thought was a 'this for that' basis. To their chagrin however this term Joepathy which was first used in a derisive manner seems to have stuck and is now often used by many members insluding Murthy and has even been picked up by the Search Engines, thereby negating the original purpose for which it was coined.
I would like to confirm that I too use the classical approach with my Radar software which I feel is the sine qua non for a classical diagnosis and prescription. I use it whenever I am confronted with a case which I am not familiar with and it has helped me many times to arrive at a diagnosis.
Re: any remedy for digestion From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: any remedy for digestion From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
I notice that you often resort to
' sigh '
whenever you are cornered.
Have you no sense of SHAME ?
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
Back to Top View gavinimurthy's Profile Search for other posts by gavinimurthy
Re: any remedy for digestion From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: The theory of suppression From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
I failed to copy the link to the thread above which is:
I am joining this thread with a copy and paste of
a part of which I shall copy below as it is relevant to the debate.
Re: any remedy for digestion From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
Thank you Sajjad for your confirmation that even you do use Nat Phos 6x for indgestion, as I do myself when necessary which today is very rarely.
You will no doubt realize that we risk an attack from the homeopathic constable who is infesting this forum but I have decided after many posts in rebuttal to show him that there is more to Homeopathy than only his hyper-classical stance but unfortunately he seems beyond redemption and just refuses to even consider that my direct method does in fact help patients as evidenced on this and other forums that both you and I visit.
It seems to me possible that he has been hired by some interested members of the classical school who resented my onslaughts into their private domain which I have done for some time on many forums whenever these classical types went out of their way to criticize me sometimes in the lowest terms. I mentioned my suspicion as his
One member even went to the level of coining a new word 'Joepathy' to describe my prescribing a remedy for the ailment on what he thought was a 'this for that' basis. To their chagrin however this term Joepathy which was first used in a derisive manner seems to have stuck and is now often used by many members insluding Murthy and has even been picked up by the Search Engines, thereby negating the original purpose for which it was coined.
I would like to confirm that I too use the classical approach with my Radar software which I feel is the sine qua non for a classical diagnosis and prescription. I use it whenever I am confronted with a case which I am not familiar with and it has helped me many times to arrive at a diagnosis.
Re: any remedy for digestion From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: any remedy for digestion From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
I notice that you often resort to
' sigh '
whenever you are cornered.
Have you no sense of SHAME ?
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
Back to Top View gavinimurthy's Profile Search for other posts by gavinimurthy
Re: any remedy for digestion From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: The theory of suppression From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-10
I failed to copy the link to the thread above which is:
kuldeep last decade
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From dr mehmood on 2006-11-10
What I see is very sad events took place on this series. Also what Mr. Murthy said about Pharmacopeias is baseless. No book contains the exact and strict procedure to make any homeopathy medicines or any one medicine in the world. Homeopathy Pharmacopeias and PDR's contain a list of medicines and are merely the suggestions by authorities to use a certain minimum dilution to protect general public. Manufacturers use their own discretion to manufacture the medicines. Mr. Murthy has dragged this issue on baseless childish way to thwart the efforts of kuldeep to share some knowledge with public. His intentions are clear that if he does not like a person, he would not let that person do anything constructive on this website.
It is apparent that a premeditated, deliberate and malicious attempt is made by Mr. Murthy to fill two very informative threads with his brand of hate propaganda. His intention to solicit in these thread is to devalue and degrade its contents and to make a name for himself.
Murthy, shame on you. If this is a way to gain fame here, you are in a wrong direction.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
Lies ,lies and more lies.
This is his first statement.
'No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.'
Now, he says this.
'I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription.'
He has a copy of this book, and doesn't know that it contains detailed procedure about making remedies.
Another big Lie..
' loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.'
Loree was not looking to make mother tinctures. She wanted a book on mother tinctures,which I have provided.
The biggest lie of all..
' By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.'
Do these guys think that people reading this thread can't make out, what is what?
If he has told Loree about pharmacopia, how come he gave the first statement referred above?
When did he give the reference?
Dear Kuldeep
You are crucified.
Any body who googles 'HUPS' will know that it is a standard book, which deals exclusively with the method of making homeopathic medicines.
The article above referred clearly says that, if the method is not clear, it is not included in the pharmacopia.
You stoop down to any level,for no reason at all.
There is no harm in accepting that you don't know about HPUS.
There is no need to utter so many lies to cover it up.
When will you grow up to be a man?
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
The HPUS is a cookbook. It tells the pharmacies how to make stuff. If they can't figure out how to make it, then it's not a part of the HPUS. That does not mean that you can't get it (if a pharmacy has it in stock) it just means that it is not an official product. The magnets were dropped simply because the instructions were not clear: Take an amount of milk sugar (how much?) and expose it to a strong magnet (what gauss?) for a period of time (how long?).?
If someone wants to do it the right way by measuring it all, make a new preparation of Magnet, and then do a do a proving, we could get it back in the HPUS. Since Fincke kept careful notes, we still have X-Ray in the book.
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
The name Pharmacopoeia originates from the two greek words: Pharmakon, means a drug ; and poieo, means to make.
Definition: It is a standard book containing a list of drugs and medicines, with information about the sources, habitats,descriptions,collections and identificattions of the drugs ;
and also provides directions for their preparations ,
combining.,compounding and standardisation.It is officially published by authority i.e by the government in charge of medical and welfare department ,any Medical or pharmaceutical Society ,either constituted or authorised by the government; and revised at times.A pharmacopoeia published by such an authority is termed as 'official'.
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Access to the HPUS Online Database
The HPCUS currently provides three subscription options:
(Prices are in U.S. Dollars)
1 Day (24 Hours) $29.00 (1 user)
30 Days $99.00 (1 user)
1 Year $500.00 (1 user)
1 Year Corporate $15,000.00 (unlimited number of users)
Click here to register and choose your subscriber level.
I have to spend just $29 to nail this fellow on his head.
But, I will spend that money for better purposes.
If he persists,I will do it,at my liesure.
Let him keep ****** in his pants.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-10
So Murthy, are saying medicines can only be made the way HUPS cook book suggests.
Doctors have been making medicines even before this book arrived. And these books collected all their information from those doctors....who were making their own homeopathic medicines.
If you just make your point without bashing others, you will gain more respect gavinimurhty.
Besides, many medicines can be made at home too.
In India ..each city has many homeopathic pharmacies. Not so in USA and Canada....where people have to spend days searching for a place to buy the right medicine.....I have been through it so I know it well.
Kuldeep's advice is so valuable there. You don't know its importance or pretend not to know.
You may write anything against it, there are many who are reading his posts very carefully for future use.
Pankaj Varma
What I see is very sad events took place on this series. Also what Mr. Murthy said about Pharmacopeias is baseless. No book contains the exact and strict procedure to make any homeopathy medicines or any one medicine in the world. Homeopathy Pharmacopeias and PDR's contain a list of medicines and are merely the suggestions by authorities to use a certain minimum dilution to protect general public. Manufacturers use their own discretion to manufacture the medicines. Mr. Murthy has dragged this issue on baseless childish way to thwart the efforts of kuldeep to share some knowledge with public. His intentions are clear that if he does not like a person, he would not let that person do anything constructive on this website.
It is apparent that a premeditated, deliberate and malicious attempt is made by Mr. Murthy to fill two very informative threads with his brand of hate propaganda. His intention to solicit in these thread is to devalue and degrade its contents and to make a name for himself.
Murthy, shame on you. If this is a way to gain fame here, you are in a wrong direction.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
Lies ,lies and more lies.
This is his first statement.
'No standard pharmacopia is available in the world. If it is please name the publisher.'
Now, he says this.
'I have a copy of this book. This does not say how to make a medicine. This only says about the toxicity and minimum potency to be sold to public without MD's prescription.'
He has a copy of this book, and doesn't know that it contains detailed procedure about making remedies.
Another big Lie..
' loree was looking for a way to make mother tinctures, can't Dr. Luc's associate procure pharmacopia.'
Loree was not looking to make mother tinctures. She wanted a book on mother tinctures,which I have provided.
The biggest lie of all..
' By the way I told her about this websie and pharmacopia and you stole it from me. You never mentioned this site when she asked here.'
Do these guys think that people reading this thread can't make out, what is what?
If he has told Loree about pharmacopia, how come he gave the first statement referred above?
When did he give the reference?
Dear Kuldeep
You are crucified.
Any body who googles 'HUPS' will know that it is a standard book, which deals exclusively with the method of making homeopathic medicines.
The article above referred clearly says that, if the method is not clear, it is not included in the pharmacopia.
You stoop down to any level,for no reason at all.
There is no harm in accepting that you don't know about HPUS.
There is no need to utter so many lies to cover it up.
When will you grow up to be a man?
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
The HPUS is a cookbook. It tells the pharmacies how to make stuff. If they can't figure out how to make it, then it's not a part of the HPUS. That does not mean that you can't get it (if a pharmacy has it in stock) it just means that it is not an official product. The magnets were dropped simply because the instructions were not clear: Take an amount of milk sugar (how much?) and expose it to a strong magnet (what gauss?) for a period of time (how long?).?
If someone wants to do it the right way by measuring it all, make a new preparation of Magnet, and then do a do a proving, we could get it back in the HPUS. Since Fincke kept careful notes, we still have X-Ray in the book.
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
The name Pharmacopoeia originates from the two greek words: Pharmakon, means a drug ; and poieo, means to make.
Definition: It is a standard book containing a list of drugs and medicines, with information about the sources, habitats,descriptions,collections and identificattions of the drugs ;
and also provides directions for their preparations ,
combining.,compounding and standardisation.It is officially published by authority i.e by the government in charge of medical and welfare department ,any Medical or pharmaceutical Society ,either constituted or authorised by the government; and revised at times.A pharmacopoeia published by such an authority is termed as 'official'.
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-10
Access to the HPUS Online Database
The HPCUS currently provides three subscription options:
(Prices are in U.S. Dollars)
1 Day (24 Hours) $29.00 (1 user)
30 Days $99.00 (1 user)
1 Year $500.00 (1 user)
1 Year Corporate $15,000.00 (unlimited number of users)
Click here to register and choose your subscriber level.
I have to spend just $29 to nail this fellow on his head.
But, I will spend that money for better purposes.
If he persists,I will do it,at my liesure.
Let him keep ****** in his pants.
Re: My personal experiences in treating alcoholics. From PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-10
So Murthy, are saying medicines can only be made the way HUPS cook book suggests.
Doctors have been making medicines even before this book arrived. And these books collected all their information from those doctors....who were making their own homeopathic medicines.
If you just make your point without bashing others, you will gain more respect gavinimurhty.
Besides, many medicines can be made at home too.
In India ..each city has many homeopathic pharmacies. Not so in USA and Canada....where people have to spend days searching for a place to buy the right medicine.....I have been through it so I know it well.
Kuldeep's advice is so valuable there. You don't know its importance or pretend not to know.
You may write anything against it, there are many who are reading his posts very carefully for future use.
Pankaj Varma
kuldeep last decade
Hey Gavini, I am going to India, can you suggest where to find The Official Homeopathy Pharmacopia?
My friend is a manufacturer of homeopathy medicines, he asked me if I know any able person who know it all.
Seems you know everything about homeopathy.
My friend is a manufacturer of homeopathy medicines, he asked me if I know any able person who know it all.
Seems you know everything about homeopathy.
kuldeep last decade
Kuldeep, bhayya,
There you go arguing again. You are such a nice baby.
Have you read the lastest joke on the Laughter thread.
'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other'.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
There you go arguing again. You are such a nice baby.
Have you read the lastest joke on the Laughter thread.
'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other'.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Nesha
I know why you are very upset?
Because Gavini called me Gay...
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
Time to go to office.
We will meet again shortly.
I know you are gay too.
I know why you are very upset?
Because Gavini called me Gay...
Re: A study of Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09
Time to go to office.
We will meet again shortly.
I know you are gay too.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Nesha, more about Gavini's statement to other people:
Re: breast cyst From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-03
Don't depend on this Pradipde's prescriptions.
Most of the time he copies from the posts of other's by reading the archives.
He himself used medicines recklessly, and has become impotent on his own admission.
See his profile, by clicking his name on the green bar.
he also prescribes multiple medicines, and doesn't know a thing about 'proper' homeopathy.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-04
I understand your point.
I will take your advice and caution the prescriber first,if he has a valid email address in his profile.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From kuldeep on 2006-11-04
Dear Murthy
Please inform these things privately to other parties or to the moderators. Moderators here do not want hate threads.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-04
Hi Kuldeep
Had it been so, how the spat between you and Nesha is allowed to continue?
There can't be one yardstick for you, and another for me.
Any way, your advice is good, and I will follow it.
Re: breast cyst From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-03
Don't depend on this Pradipde's prescriptions.
Most of the time he copies from the posts of other's by reading the archives.
He himself used medicines recklessly, and has become impotent on his own admission.
See his profile, by clicking his name on the green bar.
he also prescribes multiple medicines, and doesn't know a thing about 'proper' homeopathy.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-04
I understand your point.
I will take your advice and caution the prescriber first,if he has a valid email address in his profile.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From kuldeep on 2006-11-04
Dear Murthy
Please inform these things privately to other parties or to the moderators. Moderators here do not want hate threads.
Re: be cautious with Pradipde's prescriptions. From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-04
Hi Kuldeep
Had it been so, how the spat between you and Nesha is allowed to continue?
There can't be one yardstick for you, and another for me.
Any way, your advice is good, and I will follow it.
kuldeep last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
To Kuldeep
I happy to observe that you have forced Murthy to open his eyes and accept the obvious.
I have been replying some of his posts on the ABC addressed to me and have been reading some others in recent weeks and noticed that those he makes in the evening are boiling over with anger which he builds up till he virtually bursts open when he considers himself the homeopathic god whose pronouncements do not bear questioning. At that time he is very patronizing and even goes to the extent of 'commending' me for my posts. This occurred just last night when I felt that I had to reply a post where a patient had asked me a number of questions last morning which I passed over to Murthy as he seemed to have a lot of time hanging on his hands. He misinterpreted my request as an indication that I was unable to answer the post which I did when I had the time and he then 'commended' me in a very patronizing way.
What does one do with a person who is only rational at certain times of the day and heaps invective on the resident prescribers on the ABC who have tried to help patients in the evening hours ? There is obviously some very deep seated reason for his 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality and I suspected Schizophrenia which is an ailment that can be treated successfully by Homeopathy. All Murthy seems to be able to adept at fanning tension and arousing hatred on the ABC which was once a place where, except for just one female self confessed witch who pretends to be a homeopath and lacks any hands on experience by her own admission, all were able to exist in an atmosphere of love and sharing.
I would like to have your thoughts on how we can deal with this monster whose philosophy of life which was epitomized by his quotation of the Mahabaratha after every post on the Hpathy forum in the recent past, has changed so very dramatically. It was only a few months ago that he subscribed to the philosophy of love as per his quotation of the Mahabarat which I shall copy below, and freely admits in a post on this forum yeaterday that he is not ashamed of his present attitude of promoting hatred which he continues to propagate in the name of classical homeopathy. He is himself aware that this classical stream is being abandoned by the majority of qualified practicing homeopaths who have in emails to me have admitted freely that they prefer to use the same approach in diagnosis and cure as I do in the direct 'this for that'manner also known today as 'Joepathy'.
It is remarkable that Murthy hardly ever tries to help any patient who posts seeking a cure. His main function today on the ABC is to act as you describe it succinctly as the 'homeopathic constable who is married to the ABC'. I presume that he is compelled to infest the ABC as it is possible that he has been kicked out of his Hpathy, where he may have tried the same tactics that he uses on the ABC and run afoul of its owners.
It would be interesting to observe how long he will last on the ABC, as I am not alone in exposing him and protesting against his double standards and his lack of rational thought, as evidenced in his many posts on this forum.
For the purpose of record I shall copy below his own signature that he used on the Hpathy forum which he now confirms he has abandoned without any shame.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
I happy to observe that you have forced Murthy to open his eyes and accept the obvious.
I have been replying some of his posts on the ABC addressed to me and have been reading some others in recent weeks and noticed that those he makes in the evening are boiling over with anger which he builds up till he virtually bursts open when he considers himself the homeopathic god whose pronouncements do not bear questioning. At that time he is very patronizing and even goes to the extent of 'commending' me for my posts. This occurred just last night when I felt that I had to reply a post where a patient had asked me a number of questions last morning which I passed over to Murthy as he seemed to have a lot of time hanging on his hands. He misinterpreted my request as an indication that I was unable to answer the post which I did when I had the time and he then 'commended' me in a very patronizing way.
What does one do with a person who is only rational at certain times of the day and heaps invective on the resident prescribers on the ABC who have tried to help patients in the evening hours ? There is obviously some very deep seated reason for his 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality and I suspected Schizophrenia which is an ailment that can be treated successfully by Homeopathy. All Murthy seems to be able to adept at fanning tension and arousing hatred on the ABC which was once a place where, except for just one female self confessed witch who pretends to be a homeopath and lacks any hands on experience by her own admission, all were able to exist in an atmosphere of love and sharing.
I would like to have your thoughts on how we can deal with this monster whose philosophy of life which was epitomized by his quotation of the Mahabaratha after every post on the Hpathy forum in the recent past, has changed so very dramatically. It was only a few months ago that he subscribed to the philosophy of love as per his quotation of the Mahabarat which I shall copy below, and freely admits in a post on this forum yeaterday that he is not ashamed of his present attitude of promoting hatred which he continues to propagate in the name of classical homeopathy. He is himself aware that this classical stream is being abandoned by the majority of qualified practicing homeopaths who have in emails to me have admitted freely that they prefer to use the same approach in diagnosis and cure as I do in the direct 'this for that'manner also known today as 'Joepathy'.
It is remarkable that Murthy hardly ever tries to help any patient who posts seeking a cure. His main function today on the ABC is to act as you describe it succinctly as the 'homeopathic constable who is married to the ABC'. I presume that he is compelled to infest the ABC as it is possible that he has been kicked out of his Hpathy, where he may have tried the same tactics that he uses on the ABC and run afoul of its owners.
It would be interesting to observe how long he will last on the ABC, as I am not alone in exposing him and protesting against his double standards and his lack of rational thought, as evidenced in his many posts on this forum.
For the purpose of record I shall copy below his own signature that he used on the Hpathy forum which he now confirms he has abandoned without any shame.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I decided to ignore posts of this type. It doesn't mean I accept the allegations.
it only means,I don't want to start an argument.
Whatever, I have to say, if need be, I will say, in a seperate post.
it only means,I don't want to start an argument.
Whatever, I have to say, if need be, I will say, in a seperate post.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
A discussion takes place between two persons...who are 'playing on the same side of the tennis court' , while an argument takes place between two persons on the 'opposite sides of the tennis court'.
A discussion is to improve the performance of your 'partner' argument is to kill the performance of your 'opponent'.
The objective makes all the difference !! The objective also decides the tone !!
Pankaj Varma
A discussion is to improve the performance of your 'partner' argument is to kill the performance of your 'opponent'.
The objective makes all the difference !! The objective also decides the tone !!
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you Pankaj for your words of wisdom.
It is good to know that I am not alone in my quest to understand this enigma who has constantly berated us under the guise of 'protecting' his own version of hyper classical homeopathy which his former colleagues on the Hpathy forum have gotten sick and tired of and which lead to his being booted out.
This unfortunately was the beginning of our misfortune as Murthy descended upon our forum and from that very date he has constantly been the source of much hot wind which unfortunately wastes our collective time which we could use to help patients who post here looking for help.
It is unfortunate however that your statement may be far beyond the ken of Murthy who seems to have cocooned himself in his own mirage as witnessed especially in his evening posts for which there must surely be a reason.
It is good to know that I am not alone in my quest to understand this enigma who has constantly berated us under the guise of 'protecting' his own version of hyper classical homeopathy which his former colleagues on the Hpathy forum have gotten sick and tired of and which lead to his being booted out.
This unfortunately was the beginning of our misfortune as Murthy descended upon our forum and from that very date he has constantly been the source of much hot wind which unfortunately wastes our collective time which we could use to help patients who post here looking for help.
It is unfortunate however that your statement may be far beyond the ken of Murthy who seems to have cocooned himself in his own mirage as witnessed especially in his evening posts for which there must surely be a reason.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
It will be good for you to tell everyone here truthfully about your current status with H'pthy Forum.
People would themselves like to check up with the owners of H'pthy site.
Pankaj Varma
It will be good for you to tell everyone here truthfully about your current status with H'pthy Forum.
People would themselves like to check up with the owners of H'pthy site.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 12:06 |
This is always a matter of debate.
Succussion alone will not increase the potency. Both dilution and succussion are required to increase the potency even by one.
It is also true that aggravations are avoided, by shaking the liquid bottle a few times, before taking the medicine.
To fit the observed phenomenon into the theory, a word 'dynamisation' is used.
Dynamisation will not increase the potency,but,will enhance the energy of the medicine very marginally. Well you can always say,increase of energy means upping the potency. Yes, for all practical purposes, but the rise will be say from 30 to 30.0001.
Unless you take a drop of 30c, dilute it with 99 drops of alcohol, and succuss it say, 10 times (The succussion numbers vary from pharmacy to pharmacy,unfortunately), it won't become 31, no matter how many times, you may succuss it alone, without diluting.
However, since it is known that aggravations can be avoided by the water dose taken after succussing it a few times, before taking, it can be assumed that the energy increases very slightly, which is enough not to disturb the patient.
If you want me to provide references, I can't provide, but I think GV mentions about this, not exactly like this, but some thing on similar lines.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
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Posts: 118 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 17:06 |
It is not a matter of debate.It is truth.
Edited by sajjad.
Edited by sajjadakram - 11 Nov. 06 at 17:21
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 18:23 |
Hi Sajjadakram
thank you for the confirmation. Many people have this nagging question, and I thought it is better for all of us, to settle it once for all.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
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Posts: 118 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 18:28 |
Dear murthy,
It is settled.There is no doubt in it.
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See the date, my status(hpathy team),and the subject matter,and the replies.
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 12:06 |
This is always a matter of debate.
Succussion alone will not increase the potency. Both dilution and succussion are required to increase the potency even by one.
It is also true that aggravations are avoided, by shaking the liquid bottle a few times, before taking the medicine.
To fit the observed phenomenon into the theory, a word 'dynamisation' is used.
Dynamisation will not increase the potency,but,will enhance the energy of the medicine very marginally. Well you can always say,increase of energy means upping the potency. Yes, for all practical purposes, but the rise will be say from 30 to 30.0001.
Unless you take a drop of 30c, dilute it with 99 drops of alcohol, and succuss it say, 10 times (The succussion numbers vary from pharmacy to pharmacy,unfortunately), it won't become 31, no matter how many times, you may succuss it alone, without diluting.
However, since it is known that aggravations can be avoided by the water dose taken after succussing it a few times, before taking, it can be assumed that the energy increases very slightly, which is enough not to disturb the patient.
If you want me to provide references, I can't provide, but I think GV mentions about this, not exactly like this, but some thing on similar lines.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
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Posts: 118 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 17:06 |
It is not a matter of debate.It is truth.
Edited by sajjad.
Edited by sajjadakram - 11 Nov. 06 at 17:21
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 18:23 |
Hi Sajjadakram
thank you for the confirmation. Many people have this nagging question, and I thought it is better for all of us, to settle it once for all.
Avoid doing things to others which will make you red when others do it to you.
Mahabharat-Hindu Epic
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Posts: 118 Posted: 11 Nov. 06 at 18:28 |
Dear murthy,
It is settled.There is no doubt in it.
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See the date, my status(hpathy team),and the subject matter,and the replies.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Wonderful drugs for joints pain Try it
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 29 Oct. 06 at 12:12 | IP
Yes. My Dear Drsharma
We are not denying it.
What we are trying to tell you is that it is Kent who told about it,150 years back.There is nothing new in it. All of us who have some basic understanding of homeopathy knew it.
What we are telling you is that it will not cure all cases of Necrosis of cartilage. It can cure only those cases where the totality fits.
There are many many single medicine rubrics in repertories. It doesn't mean it is the only medicine that can cure the condition. It means that in some cases,this medicine cured that condition (clinical confirmation), or that it produced some symptoms similar to it in provings.
The grade of that single medicine rubric is very important. If it is 3 don't ignore it.See if other symptoms fit. if it is one, study about it, but don't be overenthustiastic about it.
In any case, the totality is important, and the remedy choice, arraived with the help of the repertory is to be cross checked ,with materia medica.
Incidentally, it is a single medicine in Ruby too ( complete repertory 2005), but the frequency 1. Had it been as useful as you claim for this condition, the frequency should have been higher.
Incidentally Ruby cross references this rubric and medicine to Kent. Not to drsharma, unfortunately.
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The Engineer
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Posts: 1644 Posted: 29 Oct. 06 at 12:12 | IP
Yes. My Dear Drsharma
We are not denying it.
What we are trying to tell you is that it is Kent who told about it,150 years back.There is nothing new in it. All of us who have some basic understanding of homeopathy knew it.
What we are telling you is that it will not cure all cases of Necrosis of cartilage. It can cure only those cases where the totality fits.
There are many many single medicine rubrics in repertories. It doesn't mean it is the only medicine that can cure the condition. It means that in some cases,this medicine cured that condition (clinical confirmation), or that it produced some symptoms similar to it in provings.
The grade of that single medicine rubric is very important. If it is 3 don't ignore it.See if other symptoms fit. if it is one, study about it, but don't be overenthustiastic about it.
In any case, the totality is important, and the remedy choice, arraived with the help of the repertory is to be cross checked ,with materia medica.
Incidentally, it is a single medicine in Ruby too ( complete repertory 2005), but the frequency 1. Had it been as useful as you claim for this condition, the frequency should have been higher.
Incidentally Ruby cross references this rubric and medicine to Kent. Not to drsharma, unfortunately.
for a full story
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
The above Dr.Sharma is no other than our Dr.Deoshlok.
You can always check with him,about my status at hpathy.
That will be more authentic,is it not?
Or, perhaps Sajjadakram? He is a very frequent visitor there.
I am one of the most respected senior members of the 4 starred Hpathy team.
That status didn't come in a day, and it will remain, as long as I don't abdicate it voluntarily.
I have no intention of doing so.
You can always check with him,about my status at hpathy.
That will be more authentic,is it not?
Or, perhaps Sajjadakram? He is a very frequent visitor there.
I am one of the most respected senior members of the 4 starred Hpathy team.
That status didn't come in a day, and it will remain, as long as I don't abdicate it voluntarily.
I have no intention of doing so.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Wonderful drugs for joints pain Try it
Joined: 27 Aug. 06
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Posts: 11 Posted: 27 Oct. 06 at 08:08 | IP
Regeneration of cartilage/necrosis of cartilage/joints pain
Argentum Metalicum is capacity to generate the new cartilage for necrosis/damaged cartilage of your knee joints . You may try as pathological doses in lower potency for long period in intermittent doses. . You can use this medicine for curing the joints pain where pathological symptoms involved. ... One wonder thing I want to write ..There is single drugs in homoeopathy.. for necrosis or repair the cartilage i.e. Argentum Metalicum ..please refer page no. 1993 synthesis repertorium edition 9.1
-Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
skypeID 'deoshlok'
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Joined: 27 Aug. 06
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Posts: 11 Posted: 27 Oct. 06 at 08:08 | IP
Regeneration of cartilage/necrosis of cartilage/joints pain
Argentum Metalicum is capacity to generate the new cartilage for necrosis/damaged cartilage of your knee joints . You may try as pathological doses in lower potency for long period in intermittent doses. . You can use this medicine for curing the joints pain where pathological symptoms involved. ... One wonder thing I want to write ..There is single drugs in homoeopathy.. for necrosis or repair the cartilage i.e. Argentum Metalicum ..please refer page no. 1993 synthesis repertorium edition 9.1
-Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
skypeID 'deoshlok'
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♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I hope your doubt is cleared.
Incidentally, this post is after a few days of declaring a 'strike' here.
Incidentally, this post is after a few days of declaring a 'strike' here.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
That is fine Murthy.
Reg. your four star status....(no offence meant, only for your reflection)...
A good 'Professor of Management' does not necessarily make a good 'General Manager of a Business Corporation'.
Study of a subject and its application are two different things.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
Reg. your four star status....(no offence meant, only for your reflection)...
A good 'Professor of Management' does not necessarily make a good 'General Manager of a Business Corporation'.
Study of a subject and its application are two different things.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj
Some times, you have to pull out your rank, and show it to those,who have questioned you as to your 'present' status.
I am glad .you agree that I have studied the subject well enough.
I also agree that, study and application are two different things.
I believe you should have a sound understanding of the theory and principles, before attempting to prescribe.
I was concentrating on the first aspect, since the last four years, and practicing on the same lines, in a limited way; myself, my family and my neighbours, being the first patients.
I am happy with my success. I could 'cure' some chronic problems, a lot of acute problems so far.
Now, I have enough confidence to prescribe.
I am appalled the way, patients are being given prescriptions here.
so, I decided to come here, and help them out.
You will see more and more prescriptions from me,in the days to come.
I already started prescribing here, and would like to increase gradually. I don't want to take too much on my hands in a hurry.
But, my first prority will be to warn about what I feel are dangerous prescriptions, whoever may be the prescriber. I won't discriminate, unless I miss a post or two.
Some times, you have to pull out your rank, and show it to those,who have questioned you as to your 'present' status.
I am glad .you agree that I have studied the subject well enough.
I also agree that, study and application are two different things.
I believe you should have a sound understanding of the theory and principles, before attempting to prescribe.
I was concentrating on the first aspect, since the last four years, and practicing on the same lines, in a limited way; myself, my family and my neighbours, being the first patients.
I am happy with my success. I could 'cure' some chronic problems, a lot of acute problems so far.
Now, I have enough confidence to prescribe.
I am appalled the way, patients are being given prescriptions here.
so, I decided to come here, and help them out.
You will see more and more prescriptions from me,in the days to come.
I already started prescribing here, and would like to increase gradually. I don't want to take too much on my hands in a hurry.
But, my first prority will be to warn about what I feel are dangerous prescriptions, whoever may be the prescriber. I won't discriminate, unless I miss a post or two.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,
If I were in your place..I would not have accepted the position of a Moderator at H'pathy Forum.
Where so many practicing doctors are visiting a Forum...with that type of be a Moderator my opinion is not correct. One must take up only that responsibility for which one is fully equipped.
I have no desire to hurt you...however I am expressing an honest opinion of mine.
One cannot be a learner and a Moderator ..both together.
While you might think that you have learnt everything that one has to learn in homeopathy, I would say:
Persons like you and me have still to learn from senior homeopaths who have a long experience in this line of activity.
Experience teaches its own lessons in every walk of life....which books alone cannot teach.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
If I were in your place..I would not have accepted the position of a Moderator at H'pathy Forum.
Where so many practicing doctors are visiting a Forum...with that type of be a Moderator my opinion is not correct. One must take up only that responsibility for which one is fully equipped.
I have no desire to hurt you...however I am expressing an honest opinion of mine.
One cannot be a learner and a Moderator ..both together.
While you might think that you have learnt everything that one has to learn in homeopathy, I would say:
Persons like you and me have still to learn from senior homeopaths who have a long experience in this line of activity.
Experience teaches its own lessons in every walk of life....which books alone cannot teach.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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