The ABC Homeopathy Forum
argument vs discussion Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Murthy,
If I were in your place..I would not have accepted the position of a Moderator at H'pathy Forum.
Where so many practicing doctors are visiting a Forum...with that type of be a Moderator my opinion is not correct. One must take up only that responsibility for which one is fully equipped.
I have no desire to hurt you...however I am expressing an honest opinion of mine.
One cannot be a learner and a Moderator ..both together.
While you might think that you have learnt everything that one has to learn in homeopathy, I would say:
Persons like you and me have still to learn from senior homeopaths who have a long experience in this line of activity.
Experience teaches its own lessons in every walk of life....which books alone cannot teach.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
If I were in your place..I would not have accepted the position of a Moderator at H'pathy Forum.
Where so many practicing doctors are visiting a Forum...with that type of be a Moderator my opinion is not correct. One must take up only that responsibility for which one is fully equipped.
I have no desire to hurt you...however I am expressing an honest opinion of mine.
One cannot be a learner and a Moderator ..both together.
While you might think that you have learnt everything that one has to learn in homeopathy, I would say:
Persons like you and me have still to learn from senior homeopaths who have a long experience in this line of activity.
Experience teaches its own lessons in every walk of life....which books alone cannot teach.
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj
A moderator's role is to implement the policy guidelines of the forum.
He need not be a homeopah himself.
I will not be surprised, if Simon is not a homeopath himself.
Any way, the people who visit Hpathy are happy with me. The administration is happy with me.
I can continue to learn, while being a moderator.
I never said I learnt everything. I keep on saying, a life time is not enough to study homeopathy.
It is a continuous process.
A moderator's role is to implement the policy guidelines of the forum.
He need not be a homeopah himself.
I will not be surprised, if Simon is not a homeopath himself.
Any way, the people who visit Hpathy are happy with me. The administration is happy with me.
I can continue to learn, while being a moderator.
I never said I learnt everything. I keep on saying, a life time is not enough to study homeopathy.
It is a continuous process.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I hope you will pardon me for posting the reply that I drafted in response to Ripas on another thread which I feel would fit in equally well on this thread.
To Ripas
I note that you have made an analogy of Murthy's pronouncements on his version of classical homeopathy with pickpockets robbing customers in my chain of showrooms. To me your analogy seems far fetched as on the one hand pickpockets will operate wherever there is a crowd and they do not have to only operate within the walls of our organization. No amount of notices will reduce their incidence nor will the general public be any more impressed with them.
In Murthy's case we resent the constant irritation that he projects with his inane posts which compel me and others to waste our time away from the main purpose of our being present on the forums which is to help those who post their ailments. You may have noticed that Murthy has not deigned to help patients other than just a handful and the patients who have shown obvious signs of cure like in the case of the Fistula, Eczema, Asthma and so many others whom I and the others are treating which he butts in and warns patients of the dire consequences that according to him, follow if they do not stop their therapy forthwith. He expects me and my patients to await his official sanction and confirmation that the therapy that has already worked is OK and that they can continue to use these remedies. It surprises me to note that he is still permitted on this forum as although I suspected that he was kicked out of his Hpathy forum he does not post on it in the manner that he used to do in the past since he joind it a few years ago.
Remember that we have only read Murthy's rantings about how any remedy when used daily will cause aggravation but this theory I have disproved with my daily use of Arnica 30c in the wet dose. Murthy can treat his own patients and I wish his patients well but the chances of his outdoing me on this forum are remote as I have a certain aura of love and dedication that I project to patients who reciprocate by often addressing their post to me personally, all of which is anathema to Murthy who seems to be badly in need of help for his own mental state as evidenced by his posts on this forum a few days ago which were more in the nature of a raving lunatic and had to be deleted by the moderator.
Has it ever occurred to you that Murthy may be just another hypocrite masquerading under the guise of 'PROTECTING' homeopathy from the onslaughts from persons like me and a few others who have spent many hours of our free time in trying to help those who post on this forum in the hope of a cure ? We have yet to see his prowess in healing which he has admitted today only dates back 4 years. In comparison you may be interested to know that my record dates back from 1968 when I was healed of an ailment by homeopathy and I was at that time a confirmed skeptic who did not believe in Homeopathy as it seemed to me so very illogical. This is what prompted me to study it and the more I studied it the greater was my amazement that this science, although it did not follow the standard logical process of thought, had the uncanny ability to heal in a manner that was almost miraculous. It was a few years later, about 1975 that I first decided to experiment as Murthy himself has done only 4 years ago with using standard remedies which I had obtained from Mumbai to treat myself and my immediate family and when my staff numbering over 500 at that time became aware of the fact that I seemed to have what they felt was a 'magic tough' they all decided to come to me for help. I then continued with my studies and was first introduced into the Classical mode of treatment which I finally debunked as being a mere figment of the imagination of interested parties to keep Homeopathy strictly within the fold of their classical fraternity which I felt then and am convinced today is purely a ruse to generate more and more revenue. I had by this time decided that I would used my own initiative in treating patients whom up to today I have always done on a purely voluntary basis free of all monetary compensation as I felt that the gift that many thought that I had of healing which I seem to have inherited from my forefathers who were historically recorded as being famous Ayurvedic physicians one of whom cured the last King of Kandy of some unknown ailment.
Even today I feel that it is that inherited love of healing that impels me forward in spite of Murthy's vituperative posts directed against me which he has admitted only yesterday that he is doing without any shame at how his whole character has changed for the worse in the past 6 months since he was the normal homeopath who would help patients as I proved with his own posts on the Hpathy forum only yesterday. I felt that my Homeopathy was a gift that I could not use for any gain as I counted on the good God to reward me in His own time. He has done so in a manner that even surprises me as at my age when my close friends of my age group are no more, I still seem to have the zest of a person many years my junior which I have dedicated to healing in my own way which I have proved to be eminently effective.
The presence of my 2 sons in the business which they joined after returning from their post graduate studies one in Music and the other in Economics a few years ago gave me more free time to use to help patients. I added to my stock of remedies and right now I have over 550 remedies in varying potencies which I use in my own way which is the direct 'this for that' way also now known as 'Joepathy' which was first used as a derisive description of my healing methods about which Murthy sometimes dissolves into paroxysms of rage in his efforts to warn patients who have been treated by me successfully as he can see for himself on the threads that he infests. It is pathetic to see how he rages through his post scattering warnings about and doing his utmost to warn my patients. It is ironic that some have just told him rudely to get lost. He still persists in bugging almost every one of my posts and it is interesting that the other homeopaths wait upon his pronouncements with baited breath irrespective of the fact that all his ravings about his own brand of hyper classical homeopathy may be all classifiable as 'bull s**t'. The point that I wish to make here is that none has so far dared to confront Murthy on his pronouncements which so far have been based merely on warnings to the unsuspecting patient when it may be discovered if and when he suggests the classical in his own time, that it may be one that is far removed from the remedy that others like me may have used. We shall have to await his pleasure till such time as he commences to prescribe when it is quite possible that we may be able to pay him back with his own coin and bug his post as he has bugged ours. It is more than possible that his own patients whom he seeks to cure with his classical remedies may turn upon him in disgust when they discover that his prescriptions do not work.
It is interesting to note that his hyper classical knowledge of homeopathy dates back on his own admission to only 4 years back and it is interesting to compare the experience that Pankaj and I have had in this science which in my case I first started to help others in 1975 up to today. Only time will prove whether his scant knowledge of homeopathy which he pretends to know virtually backwards may turn to be another figment of his imagination from which we may ourselves have to save the patients on this forum
My antipathy against classical homeopathy is due to the simple fact that I discovered that no two homeopaths will prescribe the same remedy for an ailment which each will evaluate based on his own studies in the classical stream which I have been spared as I have done my own studies and also have the experience of thousands of cases that I have treated with success. I do not have any hesitation in prescribing the same remedy for another patient who presents with the same ailment as I have invariably discovered that it is by no means essential to find the similimum as the Joepathy method invariably works more positively and quickly. I respect your views but not those of Murthy who has crossed the fine line of decency of what one expects from a fellow human being which does not only encompass Homeopathy. It is just the fact that he is completely without SHAME as he himself admits but he infests this and other forums like the proverbial bull in the china shop, causing so much unnecessary consternation and ill feeling which is the hallmark of those demented.
I do realize that I and a few others who post on this and other forums are marked men but this will not make any difference to me today after over 25 years of actively helping patients with my Joepathy which I am glad to note is slowly catching up in the Indian subcontinent, without any help from me as reported by a qualified homeopath who posted today who confirmed that he and his boss used my direct system.
I am convinced that the image of classical homeopathy will wane slowly but surely as the world wakes up to the subterfuge that has been perpetrated by qualified classical homeopaths who unlike Murthy are still prepared to use the direct system because they have discovered that it works although they do not openly admit the fact as they fear that they will run afoul of their homeopathic license. It is my hope that I will live to see the day that more homeopaths will make bold to admit as Monachand, the homeopath from Ludhiana has done today on this forum, that he and his boss did not discover any negative impact in their use of the homeopathic method on a this for that basis, that I use in common with the large majority of Homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent.
I hope you will pardon me for posting the reply that I drafted in response to Ripas on another thread which I feel would fit in equally well on this thread.
To Ripas
I note that you have made an analogy of Murthy's pronouncements on his version of classical homeopathy with pickpockets robbing customers in my chain of showrooms. To me your analogy seems far fetched as on the one hand pickpockets will operate wherever there is a crowd and they do not have to only operate within the walls of our organization. No amount of notices will reduce their incidence nor will the general public be any more impressed with them.
In Murthy's case we resent the constant irritation that he projects with his inane posts which compel me and others to waste our time away from the main purpose of our being present on the forums which is to help those who post their ailments. You may have noticed that Murthy has not deigned to help patients other than just a handful and the patients who have shown obvious signs of cure like in the case of the Fistula, Eczema, Asthma and so many others whom I and the others are treating which he butts in and warns patients of the dire consequences that according to him, follow if they do not stop their therapy forthwith. He expects me and my patients to await his official sanction and confirmation that the therapy that has already worked is OK and that they can continue to use these remedies. It surprises me to note that he is still permitted on this forum as although I suspected that he was kicked out of his Hpathy forum he does not post on it in the manner that he used to do in the past since he joind it a few years ago.
Remember that we have only read Murthy's rantings about how any remedy when used daily will cause aggravation but this theory I have disproved with my daily use of Arnica 30c in the wet dose. Murthy can treat his own patients and I wish his patients well but the chances of his outdoing me on this forum are remote as I have a certain aura of love and dedication that I project to patients who reciprocate by often addressing their post to me personally, all of which is anathema to Murthy who seems to be badly in need of help for his own mental state as evidenced by his posts on this forum a few days ago which were more in the nature of a raving lunatic and had to be deleted by the moderator.
Has it ever occurred to you that Murthy may be just another hypocrite masquerading under the guise of 'PROTECTING' homeopathy from the onslaughts from persons like me and a few others who have spent many hours of our free time in trying to help those who post on this forum in the hope of a cure ? We have yet to see his prowess in healing which he has admitted today only dates back 4 years. In comparison you may be interested to know that my record dates back from 1968 when I was healed of an ailment by homeopathy and I was at that time a confirmed skeptic who did not believe in Homeopathy as it seemed to me so very illogical. This is what prompted me to study it and the more I studied it the greater was my amazement that this science, although it did not follow the standard logical process of thought, had the uncanny ability to heal in a manner that was almost miraculous. It was a few years later, about 1975 that I first decided to experiment as Murthy himself has done only 4 years ago with using standard remedies which I had obtained from Mumbai to treat myself and my immediate family and when my staff numbering over 500 at that time became aware of the fact that I seemed to have what they felt was a 'magic tough' they all decided to come to me for help. I then continued with my studies and was first introduced into the Classical mode of treatment which I finally debunked as being a mere figment of the imagination of interested parties to keep Homeopathy strictly within the fold of their classical fraternity which I felt then and am convinced today is purely a ruse to generate more and more revenue. I had by this time decided that I would used my own initiative in treating patients whom up to today I have always done on a purely voluntary basis free of all monetary compensation as I felt that the gift that many thought that I had of healing which I seem to have inherited from my forefathers who were historically recorded as being famous Ayurvedic physicians one of whom cured the last King of Kandy of some unknown ailment.
Even today I feel that it is that inherited love of healing that impels me forward in spite of Murthy's vituperative posts directed against me which he has admitted only yesterday that he is doing without any shame at how his whole character has changed for the worse in the past 6 months since he was the normal homeopath who would help patients as I proved with his own posts on the Hpathy forum only yesterday. I felt that my Homeopathy was a gift that I could not use for any gain as I counted on the good God to reward me in His own time. He has done so in a manner that even surprises me as at my age when my close friends of my age group are no more, I still seem to have the zest of a person many years my junior which I have dedicated to healing in my own way which I have proved to be eminently effective.
The presence of my 2 sons in the business which they joined after returning from their post graduate studies one in Music and the other in Economics a few years ago gave me more free time to use to help patients. I added to my stock of remedies and right now I have over 550 remedies in varying potencies which I use in my own way which is the direct 'this for that' way also now known as 'Joepathy' which was first used as a derisive description of my healing methods about which Murthy sometimes dissolves into paroxysms of rage in his efforts to warn patients who have been treated by me successfully as he can see for himself on the threads that he infests. It is pathetic to see how he rages through his post scattering warnings about and doing his utmost to warn my patients. It is ironic that some have just told him rudely to get lost. He still persists in bugging almost every one of my posts and it is interesting that the other homeopaths wait upon his pronouncements with baited breath irrespective of the fact that all his ravings about his own brand of hyper classical homeopathy may be all classifiable as 'bull s**t'. The point that I wish to make here is that none has so far dared to confront Murthy on his pronouncements which so far have been based merely on warnings to the unsuspecting patient when it may be discovered if and when he suggests the classical in his own time, that it may be one that is far removed from the remedy that others like me may have used. We shall have to await his pleasure till such time as he commences to prescribe when it is quite possible that we may be able to pay him back with his own coin and bug his post as he has bugged ours. It is more than possible that his own patients whom he seeks to cure with his classical remedies may turn upon him in disgust when they discover that his prescriptions do not work.
It is interesting to note that his hyper classical knowledge of homeopathy dates back on his own admission to only 4 years back and it is interesting to compare the experience that Pankaj and I have had in this science which in my case I first started to help others in 1975 up to today. Only time will prove whether his scant knowledge of homeopathy which he pretends to know virtually backwards may turn to be another figment of his imagination from which we may ourselves have to save the patients on this forum
My antipathy against classical homeopathy is due to the simple fact that I discovered that no two homeopaths will prescribe the same remedy for an ailment which each will evaluate based on his own studies in the classical stream which I have been spared as I have done my own studies and also have the experience of thousands of cases that I have treated with success. I do not have any hesitation in prescribing the same remedy for another patient who presents with the same ailment as I have invariably discovered that it is by no means essential to find the similimum as the Joepathy method invariably works more positively and quickly. I respect your views but not those of Murthy who has crossed the fine line of decency of what one expects from a fellow human being which does not only encompass Homeopathy. It is just the fact that he is completely without SHAME as he himself admits but he infests this and other forums like the proverbial bull in the china shop, causing so much unnecessary consternation and ill feeling which is the hallmark of those demented.
I do realize that I and a few others who post on this and other forums are marked men but this will not make any difference to me today after over 25 years of actively helping patients with my Joepathy which I am glad to note is slowly catching up in the Indian subcontinent, without any help from me as reported by a qualified homeopath who posted today who confirmed that he and his boss used my direct system.
I am convinced that the image of classical homeopathy will wane slowly but surely as the world wakes up to the subterfuge that has been perpetrated by qualified classical homeopaths who unlike Murthy are still prepared to use the direct system because they have discovered that it works although they do not openly admit the fact as they fear that they will run afoul of their homeopathic license. It is my hope that I will live to see the day that more homeopaths will make bold to admit as Monachand, the homeopath from Ludhiana has done today on this forum, that he and his boss did not discover any negative impact in their use of the homeopathic method on a this for that basis, that I use in common with the large majority of Homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Let others comment on your and my point of view on being a Moderator.
To be an Administrator of a site is one thing and to be a Moderator is an entirely different thing.
Pankaj Varma
Let others comment on your and my point of view on being a Moderator.
To be an Administrator of a site is one thing and to be a Moderator is an entirely different thing.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
All prescriptions on this forum will be scrutinised by me, and the patient will be warned, if I feel the prescription is dangerous.
The presribers are welcome to defend their prescriptions, and make the patients to follow them.
All are welcome to question my presriptions. I will defend them, or accept the alternative of a better prescription, if one is given.
I will not be dogamtic.
The patient's interest is paramount to me.
The presribers are welcome to defend their prescriptions, and make the patients to follow them.
All are welcome to question my presriptions. I will defend them, or accept the alternative of a better prescription, if one is given.
I will not be dogamtic.
The patient's interest is paramount to me.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Pankaj
Your/other's view doesn't really matter as far as my moderatorship at Hpathy is concerned.
It is purely a private matter between me and the directors of Hpathy.
I was forced to bring in the issue of Hpathy, in reply to a specific query.
My relation with Hpathy has nothing to do with my presence at ABC.
However, the Hpathy team is aware of my activities here, as a matter of routine, as some of them visit here too.
Your/other's view doesn't really matter as far as my moderatorship at Hpathy is concerned.
It is purely a private matter between me and the directors of Hpathy.
I was forced to bring in the issue of Hpathy, in reply to a specific query.
My relation with Hpathy has nothing to do with my presence at ABC.
However, the Hpathy team is aware of my activities here, as a matter of routine, as some of them visit here too.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Reading the posts above I cannot help but remark that the end of the Homeopathic Constable seems nigh as it is obvious to me that he is just another imposter who seems to be fulfilling the statement:
'The Blind leading the Blind.'
'The Blind leading the Blind.'
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Joe,
We all know by now that in the guise of a 'homeopathy constable' he has come here to kill our ABC site.
So his outburst are not strange any more.
Pankaj Varma
We all know by now that in the guise of a 'homeopathy constable' he has come here to kill our ABC site.
So his outburst are not strange any more.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
-Shakes head-
Still all at it I see, and I thought the purpose of a Homoeopath was to heal the sick...after of course they've dealt with their own issues first. Just shows you how wrong you can be huh?
Glad I stopped by. Enjoy your um...'debates'
Still all at it I see, and I thought the purpose of a Homoeopath was to heal the sick...after of course they've dealt with their own issues first. Just shows you how wrong you can be huh?
Glad I stopped by. Enjoy your um...'debates'
Hahnemania last decade
hi Jacob
it will be a matter of few days more only. everything will be o.k.
Once these guys know,they can't wish me away, they will settle down. : )
it will be a matter of few days more only. everything will be o.k.
Once these guys know,they can't wish me away, they will settle down. : )
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Gavini
Many people in the world realize that the disease they carry has no cure. What can't be cured, must be endured.
But my purpose is the make a demonstration of the disease.
People will realize that they have to live with the disease.
Many people in the world realize that the disease they carry has no cure. What can't be cured, must be endured.
But my purpose is the make a demonstration of the disease.
People will realize that they have to live with the disease.
kuldeep last decade
So far they lived with these diseases,thinking the same, but now they are happy that these are silenced to a great extant, and cure is only a few days away.
They are happy that, atlast, a good doctor,has started treating them, and they are happy with the results.
They also know that those few symptoms, they are being bothered with,will get extinguished sooner than later.
The doctor is committed,the patient is willing, and cure will result.
They are happy that, atlast, a good doctor,has started treating them, and they are happy with the results.
They also know that those few symptoms, they are being bothered with,will get extinguished sooner than later.
The doctor is committed,the patient is willing, and cure will result.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
It seems strange to me that the self proclaimed good doctor who stated 'They are happy that, atlast, a good doctor,has started treating them, and they are happy with the results ', has not tried to help patients who post an ailment in the hope of being helped. The 'good doctor' seems to be reacting to our posts more in the nature of a monkey praising his own tail by pontificating his own theories about how patients will soon be able to enjoy his prescriptions in preference to the dangerous remedies that we prescribe because he is convinced that they will all do untold harm to the patients. He does not however succeed in proving his point in terms of these dire consequences but merely continues with his tirades which are only based on his own analysis of the diagnosis for the ailments.
This I believe, is because this 'good doctor' has no hands on experience in the treatment of disease as the other prescribers on this forum have. They have selflessly given of their time and their experience to help those who ask for assistance and it seems such a shame that we all have to contend with this infernal nuisance that he creates by invariably criticizing our posts when strangely enough the patients themselves have confirmed that they ailments were helped and in some cases even resolved in a miraculous manner. His attempts to inveigle our patients to new threads that he threatened to make on their behalf did not unfortunately meet with the success he expected and a few of these patients told him in no uncertain terms where exactly he should get off.
By his own admission he has confirmed that he has only studied the science of Homeopathy for only the last 4 years and his knowledge is limited to the theoretical knowledge that he has gleaned from the classical texts which he has studied for 4 hours daily over the last 4 years on a daily basis. It is no small wonder that this very fact seems to have addled his brain and this of course can account for his harsh responses to the remedies that I and the other non classical homeopaths post to help patients.
It will give me great pleasure personally to give the 'good doctor' a taste of his own medicine if and when he does decide to post his own 'classical' remedies in response to patients who post their ailments and I hope that the other 'non classical' homeopaths will join me in exposing this imposter who pretends to uphold classical homeopathy without having the experience and knowledge to qualify him to do so and fails miserably in the process.
It seems such a shame that I have to spend so much time in answering this imposter's posts but I just cannot resist doing so especially now that we know the shallow one track mind that he is blessed with. I have not up to now visited the many threads of patients who have posted their ailments on the forum today and this seems a pity as my time could have been utilized in a more gainful manner than in responding to this imposter's posts which seems to be occurring on a daily basis.
It is no small wonder that he has fallen afoul of his old hunting ground the Hpathy forum on which I noticed he is still is permitted to post but on a very low key basis.
This I believe, is because this 'good doctor' has no hands on experience in the treatment of disease as the other prescribers on this forum have. They have selflessly given of their time and their experience to help those who ask for assistance and it seems such a shame that we all have to contend with this infernal nuisance that he creates by invariably criticizing our posts when strangely enough the patients themselves have confirmed that they ailments were helped and in some cases even resolved in a miraculous manner. His attempts to inveigle our patients to new threads that he threatened to make on their behalf did not unfortunately meet with the success he expected and a few of these patients told him in no uncertain terms where exactly he should get off.
By his own admission he has confirmed that he has only studied the science of Homeopathy for only the last 4 years and his knowledge is limited to the theoretical knowledge that he has gleaned from the classical texts which he has studied for 4 hours daily over the last 4 years on a daily basis. It is no small wonder that this very fact seems to have addled his brain and this of course can account for his harsh responses to the remedies that I and the other non classical homeopaths post to help patients.
It will give me great pleasure personally to give the 'good doctor' a taste of his own medicine if and when he does decide to post his own 'classical' remedies in response to patients who post their ailments and I hope that the other 'non classical' homeopaths will join me in exposing this imposter who pretends to uphold classical homeopathy without having the experience and knowledge to qualify him to do so and fails miserably in the process.
It seems such a shame that I have to spend so much time in answering this imposter's posts but I just cannot resist doing so especially now that we know the shallow one track mind that he is blessed with. I have not up to now visited the many threads of patients who have posted their ailments on the forum today and this seems a pity as my time could have been utilized in a more gainful manner than in responding to this imposter's posts which seems to be occurring on a daily basis.
It is no small wonder that he has fallen afoul of his old hunting ground the Hpathy forum on which I noticed he is still is permitted to post but on a very low key basis.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
'Thanks for your reassurance Murthy. You are very kind. I am totally new with homeopathic medicine and do feel lost when there is an information overload. All I want is to ease the poor girl's sufferings.'
'Stop Hepar Sulph.
Give three doses of Ars.alb 200, at 4 hourly intervals.
No more than three doses.
Post response tomorrow.'
'Try Nat.Mur 6X , 4 tablets three times a day, for a week and report. '
'try Nat.Mur 6x 4 tablets thrice a day, for two weeks and report progress'
'You try Psorinum 1M, one dose only (4 pellets), and wait for two weeks and post response.'
' In these cases itÂ’s well worth taking a homeopathic remedy and the remedy of choice in this situation is Magnetis polaris Australis. Take one pill in a 30c strength three times a day for three days. You may be surprised by the result. To prevent ingrown toenails.'
'I never heard of Ferrum Picricum for this purpose. The commonly used medicine for your condition is Arg. Nitricum.
Read about it, and see if it fits you.'
I am feeling sleepy. Search yourself for more.
'Thanks for your reassurance Murthy. You are very kind. I am totally new with homeopathic medicine and do feel lost when there is an information overload. All I want is to ease the poor girl's sufferings.'
'Stop Hepar Sulph.
Give three doses of Ars.alb 200, at 4 hourly intervals.
No more than three doses.
Post response tomorrow.'
'Try Nat.Mur 6X , 4 tablets three times a day, for a week and report. '
'try Nat.Mur 6x 4 tablets thrice a day, for two weeks and report progress'
'You try Psorinum 1M, one dose only (4 pellets), and wait for two weeks and post response.'
' In these cases itÂ’s well worth taking a homeopathic remedy and the remedy of choice in this situation is Magnetis polaris Australis. Take one pill in a 30c strength three times a day for three days. You may be surprised by the result. To prevent ingrown toenails.'
'I never heard of Ferrum Picricum for this purpose. The commonly used medicine for your condition is Arg. Nitricum.
Read about it, and see if it fits you.'
I am feeling sleepy. Search yourself for more.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Why bring in H'pathy every time?
There I will post whenever I want. I don't need anybody's permission.
My role there is to edit/delete/correct/prevent/ban the posts/people, who violate the policies of H'pathy.
You and atleast one of your friends had already tasted it.
Why rake it up again and again?
P.S. It is 11.14 P.M. in India, and as you yourself observed, my mood will be most ferocious now. : )
Don't risk taking trouble.
There I will post whenever I want. I don't need anybody's permission.
My role there is to edit/delete/correct/prevent/ban the posts/people, who violate the policies of H'pathy.
You and atleast one of your friends had already tasted it.
Why rake it up again and again?
P.S. It is 11.14 P.M. in India, and as you yourself observed, my mood will be most ferocious now. : )
Don't risk taking trouble.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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