The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Potency query
Dear All,I have used phosphorus 6c (liquid form) mixed in 2lt bottle with 20 strokes each day for 3 months which gave amazing results and by the end of july 2006 i was almost normal but unfortunately someone consumed the water and then i have experimented with LM (instead of 12c,30c etc.) and backwards to 200c with no positive effects rather aggravation in my problem. i am now in a deep crisis and request for kind guidance for suggesting the possible right potency which would work. I am very much impressed with results of 6c in the past and have experienced a great transformation of mind and body while using and have not experienced any benefits mind/body with 200c or LM in the 3 months. i would appreciate if anyone replying to my post can let me interact with them via email etc.
thanking in advance
krishnamohan on 2006-12-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sir, i have used phosphorus for 8 years of suffering from soft tissue inflammation, constipation, abdomen congestion, piles etc. i am 100% phosphorus person there is no doubt about it and it worked wonders in 6c which changed my way of thinking ,physical health but now i am unable to derive the benefits from other potencies. i wish to know if i can anti dote this and go back to 6c again .
thanks in advance for your kind help
with regards
thanks in advance for your kind help
with regards
krishnamohan last decade
What are your present symptoms? Do they still indicate Phosphorous?
If you are not sure post all your present symptoms.
Don't worry. You can be helped.
If you are not sure post all your present symptoms.
Don't worry. You can be helped.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you Mr.Murthy and Mr.Sajjad.
My present symptoms are same as detailed above protruding piles, weakening of rectum line, occasional blood stains on the rectum lining, constipation, wind and restless and irritable mind.
i had 2 doses of aloe.s 200c which is showing slow improvement in the condition. but i want to know one thng for sure. can i go back to 6c and derive the same benefits. i am advised not to do so as i have jumped to higher potencies and 6c hence wud have no impact.
pleae guide
thanks in advance
with regards
My present symptoms are same as detailed above protruding piles, weakening of rectum line, occasional blood stains on the rectum lining, constipation, wind and restless and irritable mind.
i had 2 doses of aloe.s 200c which is showing slow improvement in the condition. but i want to know one thng for sure. can i go back to 6c and derive the same benefits. i am advised not to do so as i have jumped to higher potencies and 6c hence wud have no impact.
pleae guide
thanks in advance
with regards
krishnamohan last decade
I agree with Sajjadakram. Go back to 6c potency, and try for a week, as you have been doing earlier.
Report progress after a week.
Report progress after a week.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
thank you Mr.Murthy and Mr.Sajjad,
I will follow your advise and get back to you after a week. Your help on this forum is highy appreciated and remembered.
with regards
I will follow your advise and get back to you after a week. Your help on this forum is highy appreciated and remembered.
with regards
krishnamohan last decade
Hi Mr.murthy,Mr.sajjad and Mr.varma,
let me thank you all once again for your kind help.
i wud like to antidote what i have done until now from the day i lost phos and start afresh with 6c again.cud u please guide me on this.
secondly, Mr.varma, you are right in your assumption that maybe phosphorus is not the correct remedy rather close to the right one. but if you were to go by my feedback, i can vouch that it has done wonders for me. i can list hundreds of errors i had in my constitution which were corrected by phosphorus 6c. but i cant resist mentioning the calmness and clarity of mind i gained thru phos. i was very restless and pessimistic, irritable and had fears phobias and sense of insecurity thru out in my life which disappeared and i and others around noticed the difference to an extent that it became a hot topic amongst the circles i know. what i became is what i craved to become thru out my life. i felt like leading a different life with a different mind within the same body (a healthy body though). while it may be true that phos may be close but not the right one, i am somehow so pleased with the results that it makes me feel that looking for other remedy wud mean being unfaithful to phos.
from years i stick to homeo because of its overall healing, but i realised what it can do only after i experienced it. i felt like i had just started living life once it started working but unfortunately, that was halted by the loss of it. its loss was caused not by mistake but deliberately by those whom i share my property with, as they cud not digest the change in me.
but let me tell you i highly welcome your suggestions and prepared to follow the same as required. my feedback was what i thought is imp to be conveyed to you so that it can help you figure out the situation.
thanks once again
with regards
let me thank you all once again for your kind help.
i wud like to antidote what i have done until now from the day i lost phos and start afresh with 6c again.cud u please guide me on this.
secondly, Mr.varma, you are right in your assumption that maybe phosphorus is not the correct remedy rather close to the right one. but if you were to go by my feedback, i can vouch that it has done wonders for me. i can list hundreds of errors i had in my constitution which were corrected by phosphorus 6c. but i cant resist mentioning the calmness and clarity of mind i gained thru phos. i was very restless and pessimistic, irritable and had fears phobias and sense of insecurity thru out in my life which disappeared and i and others around noticed the difference to an extent that it became a hot topic amongst the circles i know. what i became is what i craved to become thru out my life. i felt like leading a different life with a different mind within the same body (a healthy body though). while it may be true that phos may be close but not the right one, i am somehow so pleased with the results that it makes me feel that looking for other remedy wud mean being unfaithful to phos.
from years i stick to homeo because of its overall healing, but i realised what it can do only after i experienced it. i felt like i had just started living life once it started working but unfortunately, that was halted by the loss of it. its loss was caused not by mistake but deliberately by those whom i share my property with, as they cud not digest the change in me.
but let me tell you i highly welcome your suggestions and prepared to follow the same as required. my feedback was what i thought is imp to be conveyed to you so that it can help you figure out the situation.
thanks once again
with regards
krishnamohan last decade
If you do want to antidote the bad efects of Phosphorous, you try by olfacting Nux.V 6c ,liquid potency, twice a day, for two three days.
Olfaction means smelling the medicine.
Olfaction means smelling the medicine.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Mr.murthy,
thanks for your kind reply. i have done it a week ago. i will start phos 6c and let you all know the results within a week.
with regards
thanks for your kind reply. i have done it a week ago. i will start phos 6c and let you all know the results within a week.
with regards
krishnamohan last decade
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