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HyperactiveHomeopathy ForumForum archive - H

Homeopathy Forum Archive: hyperactive

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Hyperactive - user entered condition

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase hyperactive. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

21 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for hyperactive:
Agaricus Emeticus2
Histaminum muriaticum2
Tarentula Hispanica2

2 Year Child Hyperactive 2

My Son is 2 years old and when he was 1 year old he had "Febrile Seizure" 2 times within a day. The reason was due to Vitamin D Deficiency. Value of Vitamin D was just 8....
Remedies: Kali Phosphoricum, Nux Vomica
Started by Atho. Last post: 2021-01-29

Hyperactive 34

1. Age-9 sex-male weight-32kg, height-138 country-slovenia, 2. Main complaints and other related problems. Hello, my son Mate has a diagnosed hiperactive ADHD. We have serious pr...
Remedies: Aethusa Cynapium, Tarentula Hispanica, Agaricus Emeticus, Cola, Abrotanum, Calcarea Carbonica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Graphites
Started by Ljiljana. Last post: 2018-11-25

7 year old autistic very hyperactive kid 2

Wanted to seek opinion 1. Doesn't go to school, no speech, repeat words not clearly. 2. Constant urination during day time, on diapers. No such incident at night. 3. Const...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum, Heracleum Sphondylium
Started by jaghom. Last post: 2016-10-19

Autism,delayed speech, hyperactive and sensory integrating process 1

Myson who is 6 diagnosed autism when he was 2, he has sensory issues always wanted to fiddle with some strings or sock.stimmg most of his time,sometimes says few random words.he is...
Remedies: Gaster galli
Started by Abdullah4. Last post: 2016-10-02

Premature ejaculation due to hyperactive dorsal penile nerve 3

My husband is suffering from ED (not all the time) and Premature ejaculation possibly due to hyperactive dorsal penile nerve. (this is not an official diagnosis, just my educated ...
Remedies: Conium Maculatum, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by Katherine2016. Last post: 2016-05-31

Rishimba....Help For HyperActive Boy 36

Hi Rishimba, I have filled out your form below regarding a 6 year old boy with tics, hyperactivity, behavior, and attention problems. Thank you SO much in advance for your help (l...
Remedies: Tuberculinum, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Agaricus Emeticus, Hyoscyamus Niger, Tarentula Hispanica
Started by aprilm. Last post: 2015-05-14

Hyperactive Kid 56

My Child is 4 years old, and is very hyperactive. Because of this he has trouble in his school while teacher teaches him. The trouble is that when teacher teaches him he never sit ...
Remedies: Solanum Tuberosum, Argentum Nitricum, Arsenicum Album
Started by fakhruddin.mota. Last post: 2015-02-13

Hyperactive vagus nerve irritation in stomach 9

Can you help me to get the homoepathic remedy for hyperactive vagus nerve in stomach don't want medicines for acidity need medicine to solve hyperactive vagus nerve in sto...
Remedies: Sulphur, Coffea Tosta
Started by mukesh_mca. Last post: 2015-01-24

Excessive drooling and hyperactive baby 5

my baby is 7 months old. He has been drooling excessively since he was 3 months old and his lower two teeth are already out. He has been still drooling like crazy. He has been exce...
Remedies: Chamomilla
Started by arm_dhil. Last post: 2012-07-08

Hyperactive and Impulsive 1

Hello, I have a 5 year old son who must always be moving--can't sit still for even a meal. He is very impulsive. He hits others when he sees them in distress. He has delaye...
Started by bennett07. Last post: 2012-07-07

Height Increase & Hyperactive 0

Dear Doctor My son is 4 years old but his height and weight does not increase as per his his age compare with other kids he is very small & he is healthy and active & Hyperactive.p...
Started by Sinou. Last post: 2012-02-26

Hyperactive Airway Disease with Acute Exacerbation 2

My son who is 3.2 years old is diagnosed of Actue Exacerbation of HRAD on 21/11/11. He was in hospital for a day and was being administered Steriods through IV. Very were very unco...
Started by mayushank. Last post: 2011-12-05

BoooBooo : Natural Remedies For Hyperactive Children 2

The treatments are safe, natural and may offer a positive change for a hyperactive child. If one alternative remedy is tried and doesn't seem to have any effect, another may w...
Started by booobooo. Last post: 2010-09-09

Atoptic dermatits on hands, hyperactive thyroid 0

Hello, I am a thirty year old woman, I am suffering from dermatits on my hands, it starts as clear blisters and itches intensely when I scratch it ends up as either red irritated ...
Started by Bethrose. Last post: 2009-09-28

Seeking advice for very hyperactive 2 year old 18

Hi, I am new here, but have some background in homeopathics, not on a professional level. I use them on my family and have had great exeperiences with them. I have a 2 year old da...
Remedies: Sulphur, Sanicula Aqua, Belladonna, Symphoricarpus Racemosus
Started by muggle4. Last post: 2009-08-11

Hyperactive child 2

Dear all and Dr. mehfooz My son who is now mashaAllah 2 years and 9 months old has become very hyperactive. Whenever we take him out in a market or any where else, he just wants...
Started by inneed. Last post: 2009-03-06

Hyperactive autistic son 1

I have posted in the past and someone gave me some information on giving my son 3 doses of Sulphur, starting with a 10M dose, then 50M then 100M. I can't remember how much tim...
Started by sherryb. Last post: 2008-10-25

Hyperactive thyroid, stress, fever 1

Hi,So I’ve been diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid. I still haven’t gotten my medication to fix it, and ive been notising an increased amount of stress. Im not sure if its due to...
Remedies: Thea Sinensis
Started by smashy. Last post: 2006-02-08

Hyperactive Thyroid 7

I live near St Louis, Missouri and like to find an homeopath. I have an hyperactivity of my thyroid and like to have an homeopath treatment before or at the same time than traditio...
Started by monique lanz. Last post: 2005-12-26

Hyperactive thyroid? 2

does anyone know the symptoms of a hyperactive thyroid and any treatment suggestions?...
Remedies: Iodium
Started by chrissy. Last post: 2005-01-16

Hyperactive thyroid 2

I need to talj to someone about my thyroid problem if there is anyone out there who will help me? Im 28 and cant get pg the second time around. I thought hypothyroid cause infertil...
Started by hope. Last post: 2003-07-18

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.