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Pilocarpinum Muriaticum

, Pilo-m.

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Common symptom: Lightheadedness..

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Pilocarpinum Muriaticum

Jab > general
obstinate constipation. Pilo., a tablet containing gr. 1/6 was dissolved in half a glass of water to take a teaspoonful every two hours. Next day Wood found his patient sitting up, cheerful, and free from nausea and salivation. The improvement, with some fluctuations, continued. Merc., Ipec., Nit. ac., K. bi., Hydrast., Act. r. had all previously failed. Lambert (H. W., xxxii. 460) had under treatment a severe case of rheumatic iritis of left eye, for which Atropine (gr. iv. to the ounce) was being instilled several times in the day. There developed profuse night perspiration of the right half of the body, and during the day the right side was much moister than the left. Pilo. mur. 4x gr. iv. at bedtime reduced the excessive secretion of sweat. Lambert queries whether the Atropine instillations into the left eye were accountable for the absence of sweat on the left side of the body.

Jab > fever and chill
The hair as well as the skin is affected by Pilo., which is an ingredient in many "hair restorers." Schmitz, of Cologne (H. W., xiv. 180) treated two bald men with injections of Pilo. mur. to produce absorption of inflammatory residue within the eye. In both a secondary effect occurred

Jab > fever and chill
A woman who had had Pilo. injections complained to Cooper that thereafter she had been constantly taking cold and in fear of bronchitis. Her skin, too, became irritable. Pilo. mur. 3x is Burnett's chief remedy in mumps. He regards it (and Jaborandi) as an organ remedy of the sweat glands, parotid, and pancreas. Frohling (H. R., xii. 320) relates a case showing the power of Pilo. (he used Pilo. mur. 4th trituration) over debilitating sweats left after acute diseases. With Merc. sol. 12 he had cured a case of rheumatic fever so far as the articular affection was concerned, but the sweats persisted and strength declined in spite of remedies until Pilo. was given, when the sweating stopped after the first dose. sleep

Pilocarpinum Muriaticum is not available to buy over the counter.

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