Strychninum Arsenicum
Strychninum Arsenicosum, Strychn. Ars, Strychn, Strychnia, Strych-a.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Strychninum Arsenicum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Strychninum Arsenicum
Helod > general
The result of the bite is a benumbing paralysis like paralysis agitans or locomotor ataxia. There is no tetanic phase - a condition almost reverse in objective symptoms to Hydrocy. Acid or Strychnia. The most unusual action of the drug is noted upon the eyes of the mouse. The eyeball becomes more prominent and the cornea shows opacities. The exophthalmus is due to the pressure of the blood behind the eyeball (Boyd). Homeopathically, it is indicated in many forms of disease characterized by Great coldness - “;arctic” coldness. Cold waves from occiput to feet or ascending.
Stry > general
STRYCHNINUM. Strychnia. Strychnine. An alkaloid obtained from several species of Strychnos. C21H22N2O2. Trituration. Solution. STRYCHNINUM NITRICUM. Nitrate of Strychnine. C21H22N2O2HNO3. Solution. Trituration. STRYCHNINUM PHOSPHORICUM. Acid Phosphate of Strychnine. C21H22N2O2H3PO42H2O. Solution. Trituration. STRYCHNINUM SULPHURICUM. Normal Sulphate of Strychnine. (C21H22N2O2)2H2SO47H2O. Solution. Trituration. STRYCH. VALERIANIC. Valerianate of Strychnine. C21H22N2O2C5H10O2. Solution. Trituration.
Hyos > general
As H. N. Guernsey says "Every muscle in the body twitches, from the eyes to the toes." This is one of his chief indications for its use in convulsions, whether epileptic or not. The spasms are generally of the clonic, not the tonic order, as in Nux vomica or Strychnia. Nor are they so violent as those under Cicuta virosa; but the general twitching is characteristic in convulsions, as is the subsultus tendinum in typhoids.
Ign > general
This remedy is also very unique in its fever symptoms. There is no disease in which we are better able to show the power of the potentized remedy to cure, than intermittent fever. Chronic cases that have resisted the Quinine treatment for years are often quickly and permanently cured by the 200th and upwards. The following symptoms indicate Ignatia 1st. Thirst during chill and in no other stage. 2d. Chill, relieved by external heat. 3d. Heat aggravated by external covering. 4th. Red face during the chill. Here are four legs to the stool, and we may sit upon it in perfect confidence. No other remedy has thirst during chill and in no other stage. In Nux vomica, you will remember, the chill is not relieved by the heat of the stove, or the bed, and during the heat Nux vomica must be covered, as the least uncovering brings back the chill. So we see that notwithstanding the alkaloid of both drugs is strychnia they differ widely when we come to apply them to the cure of the sick. The red face during chill led me to the cure of an obstinate case, and after I noticed the red face I also noticed that the boy was behind the stove in the warmest place he could find. The 200th promptly cured. Two other cases in the same family, at the same time, and from the same malarious district, were cured, one by Capsicum, 200th. the other by Eupatorium perfoliatum, same potency. The former had chill beginning between shoulders, in the latter the chill in the A. M., great pain in bones before, and vomiting of bile at the end of chill. I do not know but I have mentioned these three cases before; but it will bear repeating, for it illustrates the efficacy of potencies in obedience to our great law of cure. can any reasonable man doubt such evidence?.
Aml-n > relationships
Antidotes: Cactus, Strychn.; Ergot.
Cic > relationships
Compare: Cicuta Virosa Maculata - Cicuta Virosa - (Effects very similar; the most prominent symptoms being: Falls unconscious, tetanic or clonic convulsions. Body covered with sweat. Consider in epilepsy and tetanus. Tincture and lower potencies.) Hydrocy. Acid; Con.; Oenanthe.; Strychnia; Bellad.
Dig > relationships
Compare: Nerium Odorum (resembles in heart effects Digitalis Purpurea, but also has an action like Strychnia on spinal cord. Spasms appear more in upper part of body. Palpitation; weak heart will be strengthened by it. Lock-jaw). Adonia; Crataegus (a true heart tonic); Kalmia; Spigel; Liatris;
Nux-v > relationships
Compare: Strychnia
Stry > relationships
Compare: Eucalyptus (neutralizes ill effects of Strychnine). Strychn. Ars ( Paresis in the aged, relaxed musculature. Prostration. Psoriasis; chronic diarrhoea with paralytic symptoms; compensatory hypertrophy of heart with beginning fatty degeneration; marked dyspnoea when lying down; oedema of lower extremities, urine scanty, high specific gravity, heavily loaded with glucose. Diabetes. 6X trit.). Strychn. et. Ferr. CIT ( chlorotic and paralytic conditions; dyspepsia, with vomiting of ingesta; 2x and 3X trit.); Strychnine Nit ( 2x and 3X. Said to remove craving for Alcohol. Use for two weeks); Strychnine. SulphSulph ( Gastric atony); Strychn. valerin ( exhaustion of brain-power; women of high nervous erethism; 2x trit.).
Ign > general
he administered "minute doses" of it to patients affected with plague with the best success. Later on he himself caught the disease in India, and cured himself with the same remedy (H. W., xxxiii. 51). In intermittent fever it is the only remedy that will cure certain cases. In the early part of my homoeopathic career I astonished myself once by curing rapidly with Ign. (prescribed at first as an intercurrent remedy) a severe case of rheumatic fever, which had been making no progress under Bryonia, &c. The mental symptoms called for Ign., and along with these the inflammation of the joints, as well as the fever, disappeared under its action. The seeds of Ign. contain a larger proportion of Strychnia than those of Nux vomica, and the great differences in the characteristic features of the two medicines prove the wisdom of considering medicines apart from their so-called "active" principles. There are many activities in plants besides the alkaloids they may contain, and these are often the determining factors of the drug's specific action. It is in the mental sphere that the majority of the keynote symptoms of Ign. are developed. "Although its positive effects," says Hahnemann (M. M. P.), "have a great resemblance to those of Nux v. (which indeed might be inferred from the botanical relationship of these two plants) yet there is a great difference in their therapeutic employment. The emotional disposition of patients for whom Ign. is serviceable differs widely from that of those for whom Nux v. is of use. Ign. is not suitable for persons or patients in whom anger, eagerness, or violence is predominant.
Nux-v > general
Strychnos nux vomica is a moderate-sized tree native of the Coromandel Coast and Cochin China. The fruit is very like an orange in appearance and contains numerous seeds of flattened circular outline, about the size of a halfpenny, ash-grey in colour, covered with fine silky hairs. The seeds are intensely bitter, owing to the presence of Strychnia and Brucia which exist in the seeds together with certain peculiar acids.
Nux-v > general
the seeds actually contain a larger proportion of Strychnia than those of Nux vomica. The difference in the character of the two remedies proves the wisdom of Hahnemann's method of studying medicines. If there was nothing more than the chemistry of the drugs to go by Ignatia and Nux vomica might be used indifferently.
Stry > general
cries, terror, hippocratic countenance, and frothing at the mouth are common occurrences. The Liquor strychniae is responsible for many of the poisonings, the powdered crystals, either pure or mixed in pills or rat-poison, for others. Strychnia itself is very sparingly soluble in cold water (1 in 5760). I have not attempted to distinguish between the different salts of Strych. An extensive proving of the Liquor Strych. was made under the supervision of Henry Robinson on two provers, a man and a woman (M. H. R., xii. 252). The man took 900 drops in twenty-three days.
Bruci > general
Lepelletier has recorded the following effects of 0.02 to 0.90 of a gramme of Brucinum. Sudden jerking, especially of lower extremities, spreading generally but not accompanied by trismus and tetanus, and not extending to Oesophagus and pharynx as with Strychnia. Twitching in the paralysed as well as healthy muscles. A fever of short duration ends the attacks.
Hoan > general
Hoang-nan is a plant indigenous to Tonquin, where it has a great reputation as a remedy for leprosy, hydrophobia, snake-bites, and diseases of the skin. In an article by Sir Sherston Baker (Brit. Med. Journ., March 30, 1889-H. W., xxiv. 371), it is stated that the medicine called Hoang-nan is a powder, and contains l.5 parts Alum, l.5 parts Realgar, 2.5 Hoang-nan. But it is added that the last is the most important, and can be employed alone. The plant belong to the Strychnos family, and contains both Strychnia and Brucea, the latter in preponderating quantity. The red dust of the bark contains the most active properties. The native method of preparing the medicine is by moistening the mixture of the three powders with a little vinegar, and forming the paste into pills of about a centimetre in diameter. When taken by a healthy person these pills produce Fatigue, general indisposition, vertigo, tingling of the hands and feet, involuntary movements of jaw. When a person is bitten by a poisonous animal a dose of three or four grammes is administered in vinegar, and if none of these symptoms appear it is understood that the medicine is antagonised, and the dose is increased until some of the symptoms manifest themselves, when the poison is considered to be destroyed. The use of alcohol is forbidden whilst a patient is taking this medicine. Vinegar appears to modify its virulence. In animals poisoned with it tetanic convulsions always begin in the hind legs and spread all over the body. Brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs were found congested post mortem. In 1883 a proving of the drug was made by seven persons (N. A. J. H., March, 1886), and a few symptoms were produced. According to Hansen, prurigo, pustular eczema in parts well supplied with sebaceous glands (face, neck, genitals), boils, carbuncles, constitutional syphilis, cancer of the glands, and general malnutrition were also met by the remedy, the dose of which is 5 to 30 drops of the tincture three times a day.
Crat-o > general
Crataeg. gtt. v. every two hours was given on these indications Great pallor, irregular breathing, cold extremities, pulse 120, very weak and irregular. Strychnia, Digit. and Cact. had failed to give more than temporary relief.
Morph > relationships
Opium antidotes Bellad., Digit., Laches., Mercur., Nux vom., Strychnia, Plumbum, Stramon., Tart. emet.
Cann-s > relationships
lemon-juice, Strychnia, faradization of respiratory muscles to maintain respiration; of small doses
Cic > relationships
Compare Con., AEthus, OEnanth. croc.; Hyperic. (spinal concussion); Hyo. (twitchings); Helleb; Hydrocy. ac. (body thrown back, cramps in neck); Nux and Strychnia (tetanus; but with Nux there is not the utter prostration and great oppression of breathing of Cic., nor the loss of consciousness; Nux is less epileptiform and has more excitability).
Hydr > relationships
Compare Am. m., Ant. c., Kali. bi., and Puls. (mucous membranes); Alo., Collins., Sep., Sul. (lower bowel); Berb., Dig., Gels., Lyc., Pod., Merc. (gastro-duodenal catarrh, involving bile ducts); Nux v. (gastric catarrh of alcoholism); Merc. cor., Euphras. (nasal catarrh); Hepar (syphilitic ozaena, after abuse of mercury or iodide of potash); Ars., Bapt., Con., Condur., Kreas., Phytol. (cancer of breast); Chi. (intermittent); Strychn. (spinal cord); Chel. (cancer of breast; liver affections); Sang. (burnt sensation on tongue); Kali bi. (hair sensation); Ars., Aur. mur., Hydrocot., Ant. t., Bapt., Thuj.
Stry > abdomen
The chamber vessel contained about a pint of coffee-colored fluid, mixed with a more solid brown material, the whole supposed from its odor to have been vomited, and to contain most of the Strychnia (having drank coffee at supper),
Nux-v > genitals etc
Urine first passed by patient measured five fluid ounces; in this, chemical tests showed the presence of strychnia and brucia (after five hours),
Cori-r > generalities
Tetanic convulsions. From his appearance I should have certainly supposed that he had taken strychnia. The convulsions were very violent and the opisthotonos complete,
Stry > generalities
The effects produced by the action of Strychnia manifestly proceed from its action on the spinal column, and this is not generally of such a nature as to exhibit any visible alteration, even to the scrutinizing examination of the microscope. The muscular system is thrown into violent tetanic action, resulting in decided opisthotonos, and, notwithstanding this, the cerebrum seems but slightly affected, since the mind of the person, laboring under these violent convulsions, may be clear and undisturbed. His intellectual faculties will be unimpaired by the action of the Strychnia, and rational answers will be quickly given in reply to all questions propounded to him. The effect must be slight on the cerebrum, but the whole force of the poison is expended on the medulla oblongata and the medulla spinalis,
Bruci > generalities
Sudden jerkings, especially of the lower extremities (increasing in intensity with the dose), spreading generally, but not accompanied with trismus and tetanus, and not extending to the oesophagus and pharynx, as is the case with strychnia.
Stry > appendix
I found him in terrible tetanic convulsions. His legs and arms were extended, hands clenched, feet and toes incurvated, and his body was rigidly arched backward, and resting on his heels and back of his head. In short, all his muscles seemed to be in a state of rigidity. There were also the risus sardonicus, and a general cyanosed appearance of the skin. During the paroxysm the pulse was too frequent to be counted, and his pupils were slightly dilated. It was impossible on account of trismus and the violence of the general spasms, to administer an emetic by the mouth or to use the stomach-pump. The next morning I found him well, but still feeling some muscular soreness and fatigue, and fully resolved to let Strychnia alone in the future. He said no one could imagine the fearful agony it had caused him, and that he would rather be burnt to death than again suffer the pangs that he had endured from this horrible poison. He told me also that after taking the Strychnia he locked the door of his room, and lay down on his bed to die, as he supposed, in a rapid and easy manner. When the spasms commenced they soon put him in such fearful agony that he screamed for help,