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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

CAUSTICUM symptoms - please, help

My constant symptoms are aggrevatad after using any antibacterial antibiotica (for streptoccocus problems), but once the bacterial infection is gone the symptoms stay and don't go.
I have them since 5 years, but not all at the same time.

What I am suffering from is:

- muscular movement (especially arms and back muscle)

-ezcessive thirst (drink over one gallon a day)

- oversensitive bladder (rush to urinate, day and night, sometimes I pee a little into the underpants when sleeping)

- many stiches i the anus

- burning of throat and vagina (at the same time)

- vagina itches and burns awfully after every meal containg sugar or carbs

- dizziness when going ( no balance, falling down from stairs,going like a drunken person )

- chronic black spots in front of eyes when changing position

- my legs go to sleep, when I sit , I had few times totall numbness of my legs, which I had to drag after me, because they were not working)

- loss of sight (dim misty sight when going outside)

- very acute teeth-pain and tearing in the roots of teeth

-right-sided wisdom -tooth is still surrounded by pus formation + inflamation of the gums (chronic)

-chronic cough with runny nose, which turns green later

-chronic rattling of the mucus of the lung + wheezing of the lungs because of the mucus in the lungs

- painful ear stiches turning into the ear pain.

- mental problems with memory : still checkig and re-checking , comming back home right after leaving to check the oven , if everything is turned down and if there is no any danger.Even leaving house I am checking my list of nessery things to take with:
- keys
- cell-phone
- wallet
- etc

- calling every day family-members if they are ok. Kind of worry about ll people around.

-too sensitive

- nausea + viomioting of food

- re- echo of my own voice in the ears, roaring in the ears

- sleepiness, drawsiness after 5:00 pm (many times fall asleep)

- I can't gather thought, words to say what I want to say.Stammering when stressed.

- painful menstruation

- palpitations after wine + burning in the intestine

- many time in the night I have to urinate (urge to urinate day and night)

- after urinating I am falling asleep again on the bathroom- floor or just don't know where is my bedroom and fall asleep on the sofa pf living-room.

I found out that it might be CAUSTICUM .
I took 2 doses of it so far.

Just after first dose of it I got aggrevation of my night waking and falling asleep somewhere else than bedroom, because I was again so drawsy in the noght, that was not able to find my bedroom.

Also my right tonsil got some pus formation, which I had many times before and treated it with antibioticum.
The right tonsil was aggrevated for few days and then was ok again.

I had very good mental feeling after, but right now I don't know if I ,may take more doses of causticum.
I took 2 doses so far.
  fbeye on 2007-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also my vagina got aggrevation, burning and irritation.

And I got ear pain of right side....

I tried to take some mercurius but it only aggrevated all the sympoms getting me palpitations,teeth pain, vagina birning like fire, tonsil in pain.

So I lerned that I should not disturb causticum when it is working.
fbeye last decade
has anyone, please , any idea how to use causticum?
fbeye last decade

I react very BAD TO COFFEINE:

VERY itchy nose after cofea, itchy vagina after coffea
fbeye last decade

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