The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tinnitus Ear Drops
I found some otc homeopathic ear drops for tinnitus with the following active ingredients:Silicea 8x, Arnica 6x,30x, Thiosinaminum 6x,Hepar sulph calc 6x, Hypericum 6x,30x,Merc solub 8x, and Salicylicum ac 6x.This is the first commercial tinnitus therapy in eardrop form that I've seen. Most therapies that I've seen are taken orally or sub-lingual. I also have Petroleum 200c which I ordered online. Five months ago I was exposed to a burst of loud noise. Male, 54 yrs, Tympanogram, Audiogram both normal, no Hx of ear problems, vital signs normal, no medications taken, no dizzyness, vertigo, infections, discharges, diabetes. Symptoms are mild ringing, humming bilaterally with crackling upon yawning. Some intermittent low grade pain. Can you help me? Thank you so much for this forum.
MSphar on 2007-02-09
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