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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

upper arm pain


I am 41 year old female now residing in USA. I am experiencing pain in my shoulder and left upper arm for nearly 30 days now. I am not able to lift my left arm up. I did not fall down or suffer any other injury.
I do not remember exactly when the pain started, but I guess it may have started when i tried to open a heavy door or when i slept on my left arm.
My left arm feels weak and sometimes i feel that it is little shaky near the elbow.
The pain is more intense when the temperature drops. The temperature is nearly
-19C in the place i live, at this time of the year.
When it is very cold, i also feel that the left side of my face is sort of numb and i am scared that i may be paralysed in the left part. The left eye waters too.
The situation improves as soon as i take a hot drink.
I feel the pain, when i try to relax my arm while lying down. But this does not keep me awake for the night.
I have taken homeopathy treatment before for ovarian cyst and it has helped me.
Is it OK to take hypericum for this situation?
Thanks in advance for the help in this regard.
  Kousi on 2007-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Kousi.

This is probably not the case for you, especially given the climatic aggravations, but anyone over the age of 40 who experiences pain which travels along the left arm should get this checked, as it can signify an underlying heart condition. As I said, this is probably not the case for you, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
JCS2006 last decade
Get yourself checked up. Till then take Rhus Tox 30 every three hours.
robina last decade
Ms. Rubina has selected a good remedy. I think this has happened due to stress of muscles and as per your statement the pain reduce with hot fermentation or hot drinks.
I suggest you to take
Mag. Phos 6x in a hot milk or tea 4 time a day.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Um, what the hell? Remedies are destroyed by heat...you cannot take them in hot fluids.

[moderated. Offensive comment removed.]
JCS2006 last decade
Dear Jacob

I am not commenting on the appropriateness of the prescription, but, let me say that Mag.phos in 6X potency works best when dissolved in slightly warm water; ofcourse not in hot water.

I am also of the view that atleast those 12 Susshler salts also known as biochemic salts in 6X potency, have a mode of action different from that of higher potencies of homeopathic medicines.

Ofcourse, I can't say what is the difference, but I feel they act on a different plane altogether.

One of the reasons could be that still some molecules of the medicine are present in 6X, and may be they act more physiologically than the pure energy medicines, which are beyond 12X.

Incidentally are you aware that Pakistan is another country different from India?

The Indian subcontinent consists of many countries, India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal and some add Srilanka too though it is an island away from the main lad of India.

gavinimurthy last decade

Your post is likely to offend a few people. Once again, it's not what you say, but the way you say it. If you can not tone down your posts, you know what happens next.

moderator last decade
I'm sorry but I saw nothing offensive in the original post I made, I merely used this kind of thing to exemplify the point being made elsewhere, so I do not see I need to 'tone down my posts'.

And..ONCE again, I would like to point out that your obviously dear friend 'Mr' Varma, has been making personal and derogatory posts about my motivations on certain issues, and ONCE again, you have done N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

As for the threat of being banned, this really isn't much of a threat at all, is it Simon, and we both know this. So wouldn't it be better to use your 'powers' of moderation in a more fair and nom threatening manner? I find this prevents people becoming annoyed at being spoken to as if they were children.

JCS2006 last decade
Dear Murthy.

A few points:

'let me say that Mag.phos in 6X potency works best when dissolved in slightly warm water; ofcourse not in hot water.'
This is simply illogical, and not the case. A 6x potency of ANY remedy will behave in the exact manner of the substance from which it is prepared up to the point a 6x can, and there is therefore absolutely no difference in how they should be applied to achieve maximum efficacy, and this is PRECISELY the kind of thing I am talking about.

Of course decimals act in a different manner to Centesimals, or even LM's, as it is a completely different scale of potency. These so called 'tissue salts' though are still Homoeopathic remedies, and will provoke exactly the same symptoms as say a 200c, or LM1, it is just a question of at what level, and how strongly this occurs.

Heh, yes, I am aware of the Geographics of India, so when I use the term 'Indian Homoeopathy' I am referring to the continent as a whole, as it cannot be denied India itself is primarily responsible for influencing it's sub continental countries when it comes to such a distinct subject as Homoeopathy.

JCS2006 last decade
Dear Kousi, Please get your mamogram done as soon as you can.

sunny31 last decade
Thanks for all the dr. and their comments.
Let us compromise at findings of Dr. Susshler, who prescribed MP to use in a warm water. Inadvertently I wrote 'Hot' instead of warm (slightly). Sorry for inconveinence to all.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
This is one of the clinical cases.

Mrs. B., aged 58, anaemic, and of nervous temperament has been suffering for over ten years with severe attacks of neuralgia of the stomach. The attacks would last from four to ten hours, and would consist of a series of paroxysms, each of which would last five or ten minutes, with a corresponding interval of rest between.
Her suffering was simply terrible. Up to the time I saw her nothing had been given her but palliative treatment, principally hypodermics of morphine.
When I saw her first she had been suffering for an hour. I at once gave five grains of Mag. phos. 3x, in hot water, and repeated the dose every fifteen minutes. After the third dose the pain abated That attack was conquered. I then prescribed the same remedy in ten-grain doses, after each meal, and after three mild attacks she has had no further trouble for over three years. (B. A. Sonders, M. D., Winterset, O.)

There are many on the net.

My personal experience too is that mag.phos works best and fast when dissolved in warm water.

I don't know why it works best that way, but it is an acknowledged fact from many many practitioners.

gavinimurthy last decade
I would try massaging the upper arm with a ball. A tennis ball or a baseball softball works nicely. Put the ball in between A Wall and your upper arm. then Massage/Roll up and down the arm by bending your knees... That works to untwist the Myofacial muscles which in all likelihood is what causes most upper arm pain... This process can Hurt, But in my Opinion Its Not working if its not hurting. It hurts because those deep muscles are tangled and twisted. You have to Untwist them... and that process Hurts! For a while anyway... You should feel relief within minutes of doing these techniques...At Least thats what I do for upper arm problems when I play to much tennis. Myofacial muscles have a lot to do with Hip & Lower back pain as well... Deep Acupressure can alleviate most if not all of those problems... You can see those techniques in Videos I will be producing in the near future... Right Now I'm Concentrating on how to Kill Bunions Naturally.If this advise helps you, please go to my website at BunionBusters Org... and Email Me or you can just put it in my testimonial blog... I intend to show people all kinds of techniques to Alleviate Pain using Acupressure...
BunionBuster last decade

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