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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema treatment - to Dr Deoshlok Sharma - Pls help

Dear Dr Sharma

I've just done some reading on homeopathic remedies for eczema (from my local library's book). I see that my dd has different types of eczema at different locations:

- Moist eczema in her head (face, scalp and earlobes) area: red with smelly, honey-like discharged lesions, easily get infected. This is the worst area.
- Her trunk’s e are flat pinkish patches, sometimes hard to see, more visible when she’s tired or after bath.
- The eczema in her arms and legs are clusters of spotty pink dots, raised above the skin surface.
- Her palms and soles are blister-like (dishydrotic eczema), very itchy.

This is a new change from her previous dry eczema condition (dry, rough, red raised eczema patches) after she took Carcinosin at first and later on Tuberculinum. She’s been using Tub for several weeks without much improvement. I think Graphites is her constitutional type. I also want to clear the e in her head as this is where the infection spreads to other areas and makes her e worse. I plan to stop Tub and change to Graphites. My questions are:

- What is the dose for her (She's 10, abt 25kg)? I'd like to start with the lowest dose as she's very sensitive, prone to aggravations when on homeopathic remedies. How to use it?
In the book, it says 6c/each time - 4x a day for 14 days.

- How long after stopping Tub LM1 can she start on Graphites? She's been taking Tub LM1 3 glass dilution twice a day.

- What should she abstain from when on this remedy?

Thank you
  CAKmum on 2007-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try Graphitis LM4 put 2-3 pills in 100ml of distilled water and take 1 spoon of medicine and mixed in 1/2 cup of water and give 2 spoon daily to the sufferer.

dr.deoshlok shrma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr Sharma

Thank you so much for your reply. I'd like to report some change on my dd's e before we start the medicine:

Her e has been getting worse in the last 2 days. Now she's red/pink rashes everywhere (trunk, arms, legs). Her palms and soles are covered with dishydrotic eczema, very very itchy at night. She could not sleep at all at night and usually sleeps in in the morning to 12pm.

Her head has improved a bit after I washed her hair daily with bath oil with some diluted antiseptic solution mixed in the water. Also I applied pure coconut oil in her scalp after wash. Now her scalp is not as red and smelly as before (30-50% improved at least) although still oozing some honey-like discharge here and there.

Her face improved a bit too. I gave her some moistured (water-dampened cotton pad) face mask for 20 minutes and right after that, put lots of paraffin on. Now it's still red but the yellow crusts gone by 60% and the oozing is a bit less than before.

Her ears are still bad.

Could you please confirm that it's still the same dose of Graphites to take. Also how long does she has to take it / report the result back to you or how long we can expect to see some improvement?

Once again, thank you so much for your help.

CAKmum last decade
Dr Sharma

Could you pls advise '2 spoons daily...'

- Can I just stop Tub and take Graphites right on the next day?
- what size of the spoon pls?
- take 2 spoons in one go everyday or 1 spoon twice a day?
- take it in the morning or at bedtime?
- we're still using a bit of topical Steroids to control her e. Is it alright?

Thank you
CAKmum last decade
Dear Dr Sharma

Could you please confirm so I can go and buy the remedy?

Thank you
CAKmum last decade

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