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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


(1)I am a 28 year old guy suffering from two different Eczemas, one on legs, just touching scrotum for last 16 years and one on the chin for last 6 months

Ecz on the legs is 75% gone and going after the homeopathic doctor gave medicines in the following combinations:
(1) Sep 30 twice a day initially along with Rhus tox 30 thrice a day. This continued for several months

(2) I got Chicken Pox last year which gave me deep scars on the face. I saw a Dermatologist who gave creams. These creams filled up scars to a 90% extent but the usage of these creams had some kind of allergic reaction on the skin and I got a rash near near each scar.

(3) I stopped creams when an eczema emerged on the chin. The dermatoligist this time gave me some cream to control eczema. And Exzema flared up.I have stopped his treatment after that

(4) The homeopath gave me
R23 along with Rhus Tox 30 and Sepia 30. This cleared all the rashes but could not cure eczema

(5) The Homeopath continued to give me all these medicines but nothing worked on the chin. Since I have known homeopathy and read some books on it, I would like to share some observations:

(a) The eczema on the chin came when i was taking eczema medicines. It should not have come. Has it got anything to do with the main eczema that is receeding?

(b) For the first time in my life I got acne on forehead. Got rid of it soon as the dermatoligist gave some lotions but it seems there are small small things ready to sprout out of my forehead .

(c) With all this worsening of symptoms, homeopath showed lack of confidence in treating me, did not change medicines to take care of the new symptoms and continued giving some old stuff, 3 medicines all at a time because this had worked well in the past

(c) Rhus Tox (30C, 200) works very well on both the eczemas, controls the spread but is never able to finish the job (I am talking about chin).

(d) I visited an Ayurvedic Doctor who gave some stuff. It controlled the eczema initially but then it flared up and spread around on the chin. Bad Experience.

(e) Now I am back to Homeopathy and have taken the job in my hand. My concern is: Curing recent eczema first and older one we will see later

(f) Initially on my own i took Rhus Tox 30 four times along with Sepia 200 once daily. Same old story. Rhus contains it, limits it, cures it to a certain extent but doesn't finish the job.

(g) The itching increased significantly along with the spread, albeit a slow one.

(h) NOw I have dropped Rhus Tox and Sepia and took Sulphur 30C 3 times a day. The very first two doses that I took gave me such a big relief. Itching was gone, one or two newest points vanished, the older ones slowly started subsiding -- all in a few doses over three days. Today again I noticed much increase in itching and early signs of a flare-up (May be b'coz I ate spicy food only once). So after 4 days of taking Sulphur 30C 3 times daily, today I have increased the dose to 4 times.

Now I will describe myself and the problem:
(1) Very Forgetful.
(2) 75% Hair Loss
(3) Perspire easily
(4) Fat. Tendency to put on weight
(5) Irritable yet cheerful disposition
(6)Eczema on the chin is red and spreads with red points or slightly brownish spread
(7) The excema on the chin sits absolutley confortably in Air Condition and cold but gets out of control pretty quicly in heat or perspiration

What I want from the forum is sincere advise from highly experienced homeopaths only. My next course of action is going to be:

Option 1: If Sulphur 30C continues to contain and cure eczema on the chin. I will take it for 6 weeks more and then go for Sulphur 200 three times a day to finish the job

Option 2: If Sulphur 30C fails and flare-ups continue, I will go back to my most trusted medicine - Rhus Tox 30C three times a day and alongside take Sulphur 200 once every third day to push for a cure(bcoz I think Sulphur is working).

Option 3: The other option is to use Rhus Tox 200 3 times a day and Sulphur 200 once on the third day. But this will deprive me of using Sulphur 30C again for sometime.

Option 4: If nothing works then I will move to Calcarea Carb along with Rhus Tox OR keep Rhus Tox as a back up. (But I won't be able to come back to Sulphur for some time)

Option 5: You guide me

I want advise from Pankaj Verma and other qualified homeopaths to help me get out of this problem.

You are requested not to criticize me for my visits to Dermatoligist and Ayurvedic Doctor. Only a Doctor with a certain empathy for the patient can treat him. If you are not a homeopath then please don't recommend medicines although you are most welcome to share your experiences.
  firoz76 on 2007-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
can you place the photogrphs of the skind disease
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr. Deoshlok,

I am listing all my symptoms. It would be very kind of you if you give 2 minutes of your time to read my mail and advise me.

The Eczema on the chin is 6-7 months old and is so mild that it can not be captured by a camera. But its so tenacious that it refuses to go.
However there has been some progress of late after taking Sulphur:

(1) I started taking Sulphur 30C three times in a day from 9th Aug and in a single day I felt so better. Within 2 days, one or two very new eczema points simply dissappeared. I could shave easily and itching was completely in control. Then on the fifth day, on 13th August, there was a flare-up, an aggravation that has lasted 4 days now and now things seems to be settling again. The itching is reduced and there are very early signs of exzema going away (although its difficult to say at this moment).

(2) Why I choose Sulphur as a remedy because:
(a) I am very forgetful
(b) My eczema gets worse in warmth and sweat
(c)Of late I have noticed some difficulty in respiration (sometimes)
(d)I get angry soon and then the anger dissappears within no time.
(e) For the first time in life and at the age of 29, I got acne
(f) My skin is very sensitive to all kinds of skin diseases
(g) The affected portion of the skin is slightly red and has a burning sensation (only sometimes)

Expect your early reply.

firoz76 last decade
try this sulpher im LM4 potency i.e. daily one dose early in the morning empty stomach. pls do not take sulpher 30 to 4 times but LM$ potency you can take 3 to 4 times it is not harmful

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
To be faithful to the Organon, the LM potencies should be sold only in globule form. The administration of the dosage is a second issue.

Hahnemann suggested that the dose is one globule. He also suggests (#272) that the dosage be administered in water. He outlines the dosage process in a footnote to #248. Dr. Robert Schore has translated this paragraph into the following dosage guide:

Dissolve one globule in 110cc distilled water. Succuss 12 times. This becomes the �stock� bottle given to the patient.

One tablespoon of this stock solution is placed in 4 oz. of pure water. The dose is one-half teaspoon. Hahnemann suggested that in the case of very sensitive people, the half teaspoon should be put into another glass of water, stirred, and then a dose is taken from the second glass. This mixture is good for 24 hours. If more is needed, a fresh glass should be made.


gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr Deoshlok,

We don't have LM potencies available here in Dubai. We only have Sulphur 6X, 30C, 200 and 1M. Thats all.

Although I have read the write-up on how to prepare it but it looks quite difficult to prepare it all by oneself. Furthermore, I don't know whether a lower potency will be effective after taking a higher potency in 30C.

Please guide.

firoz76 last decade
Dear Dr Deoshlok,

After 10 days of treatment with Sulphur 30 (thrice daily), I can see tangible signs of improvement. The eczema on the chin is drying up. However a big red rash has appeared on my neck. It is red, stinging and itching. I am taking it to be positive sign. If it doesn't go away in 2-3 days and spreads then I will bring Rhus Tox 200 into the picture. Will keep you posted. Please do reply sometimes.

firoz76 last decade

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