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Boiron Arnicare ® Arthritis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Advice for Arthritis

Attn: Dr Murthy,

My wife is a 64 years old woman, has been living in North America since 1993
and before that she lived in Africa, from 1977-1993
weight is 240 pounds
Height is 5.0 feet

She has been suffering from arthritis in her both knees (left knee is worse) for about 30 years, but for the last 10 years it has been worsening. She does not feel any pain while sitting on a chair or while lying in bed, but it is very severe while standing and walking. She takes about a minute to stand from the chair and two minutes to start walking. She cannot stand for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Then she has to sit for 10 minutes to get up again. She cannot go for shopping or anywhere else, she cannot climb even 6' high stairs without any help. Higher than those stairs are out of question

She cannot use even walker to walk as her knees do not support her. If she uses walker she has to lay her whole weight on the walker, which makes her shoulders tired.

For reducing the pain she used to take Ibuprofen (400 mg in the morning, and 400 mg in the evening) but at her Doctor's advice now she is taking Mobicox 15 mg once a day for about 3 years. It does not give her much relief. But if she does not take it, she feels more pain that is why she regularly takes it. It eases her walking in house at least. Here in Canada, allopathic doctors adviced her for knee replacement.

she has mild diabetes which is controlled by Metformin (500 mg twice a day) for the last 4 years.

In short, she has no other problem except ARTHRITIS, DIABETES, and OBESITY.

I shall be grateful for your kind advice to cure my wife's ailments. Hope to hear you soon.
With regards
  davendrak on 2007-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Case Taking Sheet Part 1

GENERAL SYMPTOMS (Related to you in person)

Age: Sex: Built: Occupation:

1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought?
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:

- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions.
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc )
- Your fears and recurring dreams.
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.)
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act)

3. Your response to changes in environment

- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night.
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates.
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather.
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather.
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position.
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc.

4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?

- Cravings:
- Aversions:

5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any )

- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive

6. Write down the diseases running in your family.
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements.
8. What are the various diseases / surgery which you have overcome from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time.

Case Taking Sheet Part - 2

PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)

9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts?
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations.
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night)
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments.
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc.

12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body?
rishimba last decade
Rishimba has already taken up your case. He is a good prescriber. Go along with him.

gavinimurthy last decade
To Dr Rishimba
Thanks for responding to my husband's posting on ABC forum. I also thank Dr Murthy for responding as required I am sending the details for your kind information and hope to get back reply soon
With regards

1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought?
[No peculiar symptom. Feeling of pain gives me insecured feeling.]
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:

- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions. [NO]
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc ) [AGREEABLE]
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.) [A LITTLE BIT LOSS IN GENERAL]
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act) {NO]
3. Your response to changes in environment

- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night. [NORMAL]
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates. [NORMAL]
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather. [NORMAL]
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather. {NORMAL]
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position. [WORSE IN MOTION, TOUCH AND IN BENDING]
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc. [NORMAL]
4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?

- Aversions: [NONE - I EAT EVERYTHING]

5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any ) [NOT APPLICABLE]

- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive

6. Write down the diseases running in your family. [FATHER HAD ASTHAMA, MOTHER HAD PROBLEM OF GERD AND DIED OF CANCER]
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements. [I HAVE SLEEP APNEA, USE MACHINE TO SLEEP]
8. What are the various diseases / surgery which you have overcome from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time.

Case Taking Sheet Part - 2

PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)

9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts? [IT IS NOT RECURRING IT IS CONTINUOUS, BUT MORE WHILE STANDING AND WALKING. PAIN IS IN BOTH KNEES]
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations. [KNEES AND SOMETIMES IN LOWER BACK]
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night) {NONE]
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments. {NONE]
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc. [ALL]
12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body? [NO]
davendrak last decade
please take RHUS TOX 200C every four hours for some 4 to 5 days.

come back after 7 days days to report the changes.
rishimba last decade
'it is not recurring it is continuous, but more while standing and walking. pain is in both knees]
10. describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations. [knees and sometimes in lower back] '

1. pain on movement.

2. pain in the lower back as well.

dr. rishimba,

kindly consider the following:-

causticum 200 lequid (2 drops in sugar of milk powder twice a week - 1st and 4th day of the week-preferably at bed time).

other days of the week - brynio 30 (4pills three times a day)
Rajendra last decade
i agree, dr. rajendra's prescription is also good.

please go for it if rhus tox fails.
rishimba last decade
THANKS , Dr. Rishimba and Rajendraji;
I am not aware of the Sugar of Milk powder? Kindly let me know about it,
I shall start the medication as soon as possible and will be back with the results.
with regards,
davendrak last decade
This is a typical case of what are called as 'one sided' diseases, with no other symptoms, except the chief complaints.

All the symptoms are common to the disease' osteo arthiritis' and there are no peculiar symptoms that point out to a unique remedy.

In such cases, there is no other way, except to choose a medicine based on the concomitants aspect.

The following is from Murphy.Medicines that have a weightage of 2 and 3 are only chosen.

Arthritis: Acon(3),ang(2),Apis(3),arn(2),aur(2),Bell(3),Bry(3),Calc(2),caust(2),ferr.p(2),Guai(2),Iod(2),Kali.c(3),(2),Kalm(2),Kreos(2),lac.c(2),Led(3),Lyc(2),Mang(2),Merc(2),Nat.m(2),Nat.s(2),Phyt(2),psor(2),Puls(2),Rhod(2),Rhus.t(3),Ruta(2),Sars(2),sep(2),sil(3),sulph(2)

Arthritis + Diabetes: aur(2+2),Bry(3+2),Kreos(2+2),Lyc(2+3),Nat.s(2+2),sil(3+2),sulph(2+2)



Out of the above three, only aur is there in the obesity of elder people.

I prefer to try Aurum Metallicum.

The dosage instructions will be given if the patient decides to follow my advice.

The remedies suggested by Rishimba and Rajendra too might be helpful for arthiritis alone to some extant, but the totality as told by the patient is not covered by them.

I am willing to discuss further.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you Dr. Murthy for your kind and elaborative advice;
1. should I not take now Rhus Tox or Causticum as prescribed by Dr.Rishimba and Dr Rahendra?
2. And should start with AUR?
Then kindly advise on the prescription more elaborately as about the dosage and duration etc.
with regards,

davendrak last decade
Have you started taking any of the above medicines?

gavinimurthy last decade
Not yet. I haven't taken any medicine yet.

davendrak last decade

Procur aurum metallicum 200c liquid potency.

Mix two drops in about 30ml. of water, stir vigorously, and take a tablespoonful out of it, by keeping it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Throw away the rest of the water.

You have to succuss the medicine every time before you take it. Watch this video on how to do succussion.


you have to take two doses per day, once in the morning and again in the night.

Continue for one week, and report. In case you get any new problems, discontinue the medicine and report.

Make sure that there are no odors on you(perfumes etc), around you (in the room,sprays etc), and in your mouth.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,
Thank you very much for your very prompt replies.
I will start the medication soon and will get back to you as and when it will be required.
with regards,

davendrak last decade
Mr. Murthy,

Congratulations for your vedio.

I have studied - aur.

It is very good for bone pains specially knees.

I will try your method also on one of my patients suffering from this disease that is very common these days.

As I could understand the main cause of this is Entestinal infection, Amebiosis and Worms.

I agree to your views and recommend that the patient should follow your advice.

Simultaneously I go for the root cause of this Bone pain. It follows the following trend :-

Rheumatism; then Arthraitis and then Osto-Arth.

The root cause is also to be taken into account and I am sure the other remedies will be required. May be given later which I feel symptons will demand.

It is a choice which is to be given first and which one later.
Rajendra last decade
here i would differ with dr. rajendra because,

- patient looks to be sycotic whereas aurum met is essentially an anti syphilitic remedy and is not anti sycotic.

- the disease picture of aurum met does not seem to match the patient. aurum is suitable for people who have strong mental symptoms close to aurum.

-modalities of aurum is night aggravation which is not told by the patient.

rishimba last decade
i think dr. rishimba advice regarding Rhustox is appropriate. Ist patient is advised to take it and then come back with necessary changes for further presription.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Yes Doctors,

For treating Arthritis, normally it is advised to be given a Miasm medicine, and then a high potency dose of MEDORRHINUM . Thereafter the existing symptoms are treated.

is a powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhœa.

It, thus looks,that there is some relation of this disease with the above virus-may be from previous generations.

I have come across cases where the entestinal problems aggravate this virus and then the Arthraitis.
Rajendra last decade
The patient got so many advices. Let him decide what to do.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,
Respectfully, I would like to say that do you think that patient is competent enough to decide by herself as what to do?

davendrak last decade
Forum such as this which is quite free and frank, provides every one to express his/her opinion as per their own expertise and experiences but poor patient to whom every body is trying to help, gets confused.

davendrak last decade
I understand.

One way is to look at the past record of the prescribers, and choose the one whose prescriptions seem to help a majority of the patients.

For that purpose, you have to look at the profile of the prescriber,( by clicking the name on the green bar, that appears above every post), and read the threads.

gavinimurthy last decade
Symptoms for both the miasms are as under :-


B.- Sycotic Miasm

rheumatic pains are < cold, damp > motion, stitching, pulsating, wandering

C.- Syphlitic Miasm

Bone Pains, tearing, bursting, burning .

If the Patient is having bone pains then 'Syphlitic Miasm' related medicine will suit better.

Let us review on this basis.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Dr Murthy

With great faith and regards for homeopathy and your advice, I started AURUM MET 200 C (20% alcohol). It is now a week, that I took the medicine twice daily, prepared as per your advice.

I stopped all other medications which I was taking, Metformin 500mg twice daily and Mobicox 15mg once daily for Arthritis pain.

Perhaps it did nor work for me as I did not get any relief in my pain, though my sugar levels are normal even without taking medications.

Pain remained, rather increased, maybe because I was not taking Mobicox.

Noticeable change is that urination increased in the night from nill to 3 times, and 2 times in the day.

Your kind advice is requested for future alternative and further medication.

With regards
davendrak last decade
Hi Sushma

I never asked you to stop your allopathic medication abruptly.

Are you sure your sugar levels remained normal over a period of a week, without Metformin?

If that is true, it is very good news. However, I prefer that you get tested properly for your sugar levels and report.

You continue the same medication the same way for another week. The increase in pain in the initial days is expected due to withdrawal of the pain killer. However, monitor your blood glucose closely.

Perhaps you can take metformin once in a day.Better to stop the pain killer and bear with the slight increase in pain.

Report again after a week.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,
Thank you very much for your very prompt reply.
Yes, taking the leads from your discussions in the forum, I stopped all other medications to watch the best results of AM;
Yes, I checked sugar levels in mornings/evenings to be sure about it at various times, and to my surprise also, the sugar levels were normal;
however, I will continue the medicines as advised; check sugar levels again with proper testing. will report you again after a week.
with kindest regards,
davendrak last decade

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