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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Advice for Arthritis Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Murthy,
Thank you very much for your very prompt reply.
Yes, taking the leads from your discussions in the forum, I stopped all other medications to watch the best results of AM;
Yes, I checked sugar levels in mornings/evenings to be sure about it at various times, and to my surprise also, the sugar levels were normal;
however, I will continue the medicines as advised; check sugar levels again with proper testing. will report you again after a week.
with kindest regards,
davendrak last decade
Dear Sushma

Let me make it clear to you that I am not a qualified doctor, but know enough of homeopathy to try to help.

See my profile for details.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,
I know from the forum that you have mentioned it several times that you are not a qualified Doctor. It hardly matters, that one is Doctor by QUALIFICATION but if he is good at professional ethics and heals patients with care and his best of ability , he is more than a qualified Doctor. There are professional and qualified Doctors in all pathies who do not follow the ethics but only the greed.
From the discussions of the forum, I have developed very high regard for you. Please keep it on and convert your SOCIAL CAPITAL into SPIRITUAL CAPITAL by extending your knowledge and experience for the good cause of healings of suferers.
with regards,
davendrak last decade
For Sushma,

If your pain is continueing, please try the following :-

Gultheria Q (15 drops three times a day)

Since this is in mother tincture form, it can be taken alongwith your Auram Met.

It will definitely give you releif in your pains.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Dr Rajendra
aaaThank you for your kind advice. It will take a few days to get me this mremedy by mail, and by then I will be completing another week course of Aur Met as advised by Murthy.

With regards
davendrak last decade
Dear Dr Rajendra

Kindly let me know as where to find Gultheria Q, I am unable to get it locally in the US homeopathy medicines stores. Is it homeopathic remedy?

davendrak last decade
Click this.

Gaul " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Gaul

gavinimurthy last decade
It is spelled as

Gaultheria too.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you Dr. Murthy , in fact I was looking for the medicine ' Gultheria Q 'as expelled by Dr Rajendra . Sorry for the incovenience.
with regards,
davendrak last decade
Dear Dr Murthy

Since it is now more than 2 weeks that I have taken Aur Met. It looks that perhaps it has gone ineffective in my case.

I have not yet stared Gaultheria Q as advised by Dr Rajendra, as I am still expecting my supply.

Kindly advise for future medications.
With regards
davendrak last decade
Stop taking Aurum.met.

Wait for your supply of Gaultheria as advised by Rajendra.

gavinimurthy last decade
How are the stools?

Is the tongue coated white or dirty white or otherwise?


Pain on movement - Brynio

Rhus Tox is given when pain is first reduced on movement and then may increase.

Causticum is also a good remedy.

After getting the above details I would advise.
Rajendra last decade
1.Stools are normal
2.Tongue not coated white or otherwise dirty; NORMAL
3.PAIN on movement is always there; It is certainly a very kind of ARTHIRITIS;
As advised by you, I have ordered Gaultheria which is likely to be here within a few days.
Thanks for your kind concern.
with regards,
davendrak last decade
I would suggest

1st Sulphur 200 (2 drops in one spoon of water on the 1st day after taking bath and no odours in the mouth).

After 48 hours Medorrhinum - 1M (2 drops in one spoon of water on the 3rd day and no odours in the mouth).

From 5th day -

Brynio 1M (2 drops in one spoon of water three times a day and no odours in the mouth) for three days only.
Rajendra last decade
so, what to do with Gaultheria?
with regards,
davendrak last decade
To be taken after Brynio?
Rajendra last decade
There is no medicine called Brynio. :-)

Do you mean Bryonia?

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Sushma

Let me know if you want me to think further in your case.

We can explore some other SAFE alternatives together.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,
Thanks for your kind consideration. I certainly need relief if not cure.We get medicines locally but by mail from virginia or Philadelphia and shipping and handling is unnecessarily expensive and takes time.
Kindly do advise.
Thanks and with regards,
davendrak last decade
WINTERGREEN (GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS) has long been used to combat muscle pain, arthritis, and rheumatism as this herb consists predominately of methyl salicylate, a close relative of aspirin. In contrast to aspirin, however, small amounts relieve stomach indigestion instead of causing it.


Since you have already ordered it, let us try this out first.

I agree that palliation is our first aim.

Let me know after you receive this.

gavinimurthy last decade
Agree to Dr. Murty. In the meantime you may order Bryonia as it takes lot of time for you.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Dr Rajendra
I have got Gaultheria Q - 2 oz bottle. I will take it as you have advised me - 15 drops 3 times a day, naturally mixed with some water. Now tell me, as for how many days I should take it?

As you have suggested, after Gaultheria Q, I should take Bryonia 1M, 2 drops in 1 tbsp of water, 3 times a day. Is that right?

I have to order for Bryonia 1M, so let me know if there is any other remedy I will need?
With kind regards
davendrak last decade
Dear Murthy,
Please, I refer to your message of September 11, where you mentioned that you will consider my case further. I hope by now you would have got some time to think about it. I am still awaiting your replay and kind advice.

In the meantime I am starting with Gauktheria Q, as advised earlier and waiting for the reply of Dr rajendra about Bryonia 1M.

Thank you, wirg tregards,
davendrak last decade
Let us see with Gaultheria first. Take it daily twice for a week and report.

Mix 5 drops in about 30 ml. of water, and take as a dose.

gavinimurthy last decade

I thought you ordered for Brynio 1M. Better do it.

About Gaultheria Q 15 drops 3 times a day, naturally mixed with some water.

Take for a week and then report.
Rajendra last decade
Do as Rajendra says.

What he means is Bryonia 1M.
You will not get response if you ask for Brynio, and hence this correction.

gavinimurthy last decade

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