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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression, seizures, nightmares, mercury poisoning- any help, please?

I am writing on behalf my good friend who is suffering from these disorders and I would like to help her.
Woman, 25 years of age, tall and fair, lately rather pale with dark circles around her eyes (especially inner corners).

About a year ago had her first seizure which are similar to epileptic seizures- they accur during sleep, cramps and trembling. Does not remember anything after waken up but has sore muscles and headache like after epilepsy. Talks and cries in her sleep.
The doctors found 8X higher levels of mercury in her blood, has taken Chlorella for 6 months but the seizures have not stopped. They appear after strong feelings, either happy or sad.

Has had a bipolar disorder since teenager, right now it is more maniac period. Sleeps very little, does not sleep at night (stays awake until 6 a.m and then sleeps until noon). But in the same time cries often and the mood varies from happy to deeply sad.
She has lost a friend lately, so the grief is also a big factor right now. Wakes up crying and has dreams about her dead friend.

Likes warm drinks and company. Has fear of going somewhere totally alone and fears to be left alone. Needs to talk somebody.

The mental disorder and seizures could be very well be caused by mercury, but can you suggest any remedy for her? I feel deeply sorry for her and hope to help her in some way...
Thank you!
  Canella on 2008-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some more details:

She has done CAT-scan, but no change in brain structures was found to suggest epilepsy.

She has the seizures in the state of exhaustion and during sleep, almost always in the early morning hours (5-6-7 a.m).

After the seizure she can fall back into sleep, even when waken up. The mood after the seizure is very depressed and the overall state is not that good either- muscle aches and she bit her tongue.

The frequency of seizures is about 1-2 times a month.
Canella last decade
Could Stramonium do her any good? The seizures during sleep, mania-like state, awakening sad-frightened, and longing for company and ligts indicate that... She has always had a fear of darkness, too.

Or artemisia vulgaris, used for epileptic conditions, that the seizures occur after emotional distress or exhaustion...
Canella last decade

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